Let’s talk about the Full Moon.
The Full Moon this week is in Aquarius – the Full Moon always falls in the opposite Sign, to the Zodiac Sign of the month: this is Leo time, so the Full falls in the opposite Sign of Aquarius.
There’s usually only one Full Moon in each Zodiac Sign, each year!
So, you can see that how each Full Moon is different but significant – it is in a different Zodiac Sign so it will apply to a different area of your life.
However, Full Moon energy always brings brewing issues to a head or plans to fruition!
I spoke about which area of your life this Full Moon in Aquarius will apply to in Your Forecast last Friday and I would like to add as an overview, it will bring important realizations – the truth of a situation will hit home or you’ll discover or learn so much, as this week unfolds!
Wishing you joy,