A warm hello.
Jupiter, the giant of the solar system and the planet of opportunity is stationary this week, turning retrograde. This could bring a change of fortune – a 2nd chance to take up an opportunity or take action with a situation or matter, that you didn’t take in the past. Jupiter is in Aries, which means it will need a pro-active personal effort to capitalise on this – the opportunity will be there but the drive, initiative and follow through will have to come from you! Wishing you joy, Karen A warm hello.
In the next 7 days, Mercury the planet of communication forms a tense aspect with Mars, here in Taurus - some prickly conversations could arise; there’ll be different points of view and a few irritations to deal with calmly. Jupiter stationary could bring another chance with a missed opportunity. The Moon conjunct Venus will bring a loving or sentimental highlight. As we head towards the New Moon with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, a new idea, project or possibility will gather momentum. ARIES. An unexpected expense or the cost of a personal project could stress the budget, you’ll also need to build bridges with someone who looks at life very differently. A 2nd chance with a personal or financial opportunity will open an exciting new door. A family occasion or special visitor will be a joyful loving highlight. The New Moon with Mercury in Leo points to exciting action with a fun pursuit, sport or creative interest, and fun plans with your children. TAURUS. An awkward conversation with a family member will require insightful handling. Moving forward with a project or matter you’ve been working on for a long time will give be encouraging. Words you’ve been longing to hear will bring a better understanding or warmer connection with another. The New Moon with Mercury in Leo denotes an exciting domestic or family project will take shape; balancing the budget and the different desires of family members as this unfolds will take a masterful overview. GEMINI. An old argument or an issue you need to address will flare up; there’ll be challenging differences to sort out once and for all! A 2nd chance to go ahead with an expensive but fun outing will be exciting but you’ll need to evaluate the cost all over again. A gift or beautiful purchase will add to your happiness. The New Moon with Mercury for you will bring new information that guides your decisions with a grand personal project that’s unfolding. CANCER. Handling changes of arrangements, new options or a changeable associate with something you need or want to do will require calm flexibility. There’ll be another chance to pursue an ambitious career goal or personal endeavour. A compliment or emotional encounter will be a sweet joy. The New Moon with Mercury and the Sun in Leo denotes a large outlay or new financial enterprise that will stretch your resources. LEO. Your way of doing things and those of a colleague may clash; it will take thoughtful give-and-take to build co-operation. A legal matter may turn a new corner, also travel plans that have been on hold could take off. Reuniting with someone you’ve missing could reignite some sentimental memories. The New Moon with Mercury is in your Zodiac Sign - ideas and plans that break new ground for you will offer a world of interesting possibilities. VIRGO. You’ll be keen to clear up a difference with another or clarify information to deal with a problem; this may mean changing your game-plan. A clear overview with a contract or important financial paperwork will guide you with a complex matter or a decision you’ve been wrestling with. A fun get-together with a friend will be refreshing. The New Moon with Mercury for you indicates you’ll push on with a bold idea or plan for the future; also, a new way of tackling an upsetting issue or task that’s been stuck will give you fresh hope. LIBRA. There may be a stressful expense, financial issue, or challenging financial discussion; step back, to see the big picture and you’ll find the best way forward. Jupiter here for you indicates exciting plans with someone dear that have stalled, could suddenly go ahead. You’ll make a caring, thoughtful gesture, just to do something nice for another. The New Moon with Mercury in Leo here indicates it will be full steam ahead with fun or special personal plans - a wish is about to come true! SCORPIO. A personality clash or fundamentally different approach to another will be on your mind; if you lose your cool, you could fall out. Jupiter will bring a 2nd chance to foster new or important clients on the job or develop a tempting opportunity. A loving reconnection with a relative or friend too far away will enrich your relationship. The New Moon with Mercury in Leo falls here in the career and direction zone; it’ll bring opportunities to show more of what you can do and make your mark! SAGITTARIUS. Changes of plans could bring disruptive conditions and awkward challenges; define what’s involved for you, or you’ll be running around all over the place. With Jupiter accented, you could forge ahead with special plans with a child, loved one or something you really want to do; also splurging on a beautiful occasion, gift for another or special purchase will come from the heart. The New Moon with Mercury here could bring exciting travel plans or alternatively, exciting plans with a distant relative. CAPRICORN. An emotional situation with another will bring home to you, a home truth. An unusual undertaking may be unexpectedly expensive. Jupiter stationary indicates a domestic or family project could finally go ahead, but take care to double check the budget. A tender exchange or interlude with someone dear will be meaningful. The New Moon with Mercury here promises progress with big financial plans or an important new arrangement. AQUARIUS. A clash with someone close will need gentle defusing. Jupiter will bring a 2nd chance to embrace expensive plans. A supportive gesture from someone who cares will make a loving statement, a labour of love on your part will speak volumes too; a PR opportunity will be an opportunity to foster a special connection. The New Moon with Mercury here points to a shift in a close relationship - a change or event for a family member or your partner and commitments with a loved one that ask for a greater level of involvement; there may be a new chapter in a relationship as well. PISCES. In the next 7 days, there may be disagreements about how to tackle a problem or tough challenge; listening carefully and expressing yourself thoughtfully will help you bridge these. Jupiter Stationary will bring another chance to buy something you dearly want or to proceed with a financial undertaking. Happy times with someone dear and sentimental moments will leave a warm afterglow, a social invitation or encounter will be a joy too; Singles, this may have romantic undertones. The New Moon with Mercury here denotes a promising new work idea or undertaking, you could turn over a new leaf health-wise too. A warm hello.
The planet Venus moves into Cancer today; it will linger there until August 11th. This is a warm, sentimental, caring energy and it’ll bring a reminder of how much someone or a situation in our lives means to us. We’ll also treasure ‘something’ – an interest or pursuit we love, a meaningful gift or a special experience. Wishing you joy, Karen A warm hello.
In the next 7 days, the Sun will conjunct Mercury here in Cancer; the pressure will be on - to stand up for what you believe, to pursue a goal that is close to your heart, to negotiate where you can compromise and to be clear about where you can’t. Also, the Moon will align with all these planets, one after the other – Aligning with Saturn denotes a commitment or promise it’s important to you to keep. Aligning with Neptune signifies a special emotional highlight. When it joins Jupiter, it should bring something fortuitous. Finally, when the Moon joins Mars and Uranus in Taurus, there’ll be a sudden unusual turn of events. ARIES. Here is the Sun/Mercury conjunction for you; a family situation or undertaking or a domestic enterprise will have complex layers – you’ll need to work out what serves the overall good and follow through with a big personal contribution. A friendly exchange with an old friend or colleague will re-establish the connection between you. A spiritual or emotional insight will offer special comfort. A surprise turn of events will bring a fun opportunity. The chance for an unusual purchase or to take action with a pressing financial matter will require you to think on your feet. TAURUS. The Sun/Mercury conjunction falling here for you indicates you’ll be planning how a big idea or project will unfold; it will be exciting but many factors to take into account will call for a few reassessments. You’ll need to summon up the energy for extra tasks and responsibilities. Catching up with someone you can’t wait to see will be a joyful highlight. Discovering a piece of a puzzle with a personal situation or undertaking will help you make progress. A physical task or fitness pursuit will bring unusual challenges. GEMINI. This Sun conjunct Mercury here will fortify your drive and determination – you’ll forge ahead with a financial undertaking, costly project or purchase; be prepared, you may need to tweak your intentions, to keep plans affordable. The solution to a problem will reward a diligent effort. Inspiring new options on the job or with a special personal endeavour will boost your enthusiasm. A fun encounter or experience may have a fortuitous ripple effect. Finally, there’ll be a chance to address an old problem from a fresh new angle but it may still be challenging. CANCER. The Sun conjuncts Mercury in your Zodiac Sign – you will be the trigger, the instigator or decider with some major undertakings this week; this will test your conviction with an issue or situation you feel strongly about, but there’ll be practicalities that also need to be taken into account. A financial commitment or matter will need research or careful follow through. An appealing personal opportunity will fire your imagination. A colleague may have some helpful and timely advice. A fun get-together or outing will be full of surprises. LEO. The Sun conjunct Mercury here for you could bring action with a drawn out undertaking, the opportunity to lay an old problem to rest, and progress towards a long-term goal; on each front, complex factors will need thoughtful decisions. A commitment or ongoing duty to someone close will be a demanding task but you’ll rise to the occasion. A lucky financial deal or good news will be uplifting. A distant loved one or travel plans will take a fun turn. Be prepared for a sudden surge of action or surprise developments with a bold personal or work enterprise. VIRGO. The Sun conjunct Mercury for you pertains to your hopes and wishes; being clear about what you really want but also where you can compromise with special and expensive plans will guide you forward. A request may be inconvenient but you’ll feel a sense of obligation. A favour or thoughtful support from someone who cares will mean the world to you. Financially, keep the long view; it will help you plan for the future and it’ll make big decisions easier. Going further afield will bring some unusual encounters; an unusual turn of events with a distant colleague may take you by surprise. LIBRA. Here is the Sun conjunct Mercury for you, it falls in your 10th house – a major undertaking that shapes your career or personal direction will give you a strong sense of purpose; you’ll bite off a lot to chew but avoid promising more than you can handle! A task that’s a labour of love will come from the heart as well. A reunion will be a joy. A kindness, gift or generous gesture from another will be a big help. A surge of action with a financial venture or complex financial matter will be encouraging but also a stress. Working through an unusual financial issue will take patience. SCORPIO. Here is the Sun/Mercury conjunction – there could be a turning point with a legal or contract matter but also complex issues or arrangements to negotiate. There’ll be travel plans and long-distance arrangements to sort out too. A domestic task or family duty may weigh a little heavily. An inspiring encounter and fun times with your children will be meaningful. Overtime or a work opportunity could boost your earnings. An awkward request from someone close or an unusual challenging situation could push up the pressure gauge; watch out for spats too. SAGITTARIUS. The Sun/Mercury conjunction falls here – your course of action with an important financial enterprise or issue may not be smooth sailing; there’ll be changing or complex factors to investigate that also require flexibility. News you’ve been waiting on will guide you with a slow-moving endeavour. Something new for your home will add to your happiness. A fun encounter will also be providential. A health pursuit or physical task will require a surge of effort but be prepared the goal post could keep moving. CAPRICORN. The Sun conjunct Mercury falls here in the relationship zone; important plans with someone close or working through a sensitive relationship issue will be emotionally meaningful; handled positively, it will set the course for this relationship. A necessary expense will have practical benefits. An insightful moment or exchange with another will give you greater understanding. A domestic acquisition will make life easier. Throwing yourself into a sport or favourite pursuit will be a joy but it will twist and turn, testing your flexibility. AQUARIUS. With the Sun and Mercury here, keeping a promise to someone or yourself may be challenging but it will mean a lot to you. A commitment that’s hard going may seem like an endurance test but you’ll delight in the results. A health goal or physical task will ask a lot of you. A gift or new possession will have sentimental value. Tackling a problem could have a better outcome than you expect. On the home front, visitors or changing domestic conditions will keep you on your toes; step lightly with family relations too to keep the peace. PISCES. The Sun conjunct Mercury falls here in your 5th house – you’ll pour energy into a celebration, get-together or personal project you’re determined to go ahead with; challenging factors like the cost may require some tough decisions. A family duty or domestic task will call for a special effort and a personal sacrifice. A joyful outing or experience will be a memorable highlight. A fun purchase or good deal will give you a lift. Travelling extra distances will take you to unusual places and may tax your energies. A warm hello.
With many aspects to the planet Venus this week, the reality of a changing relationship will hit home – you’ll realise where you stand with this person, which direction the relationship is heading, what you need to work on, what you can’t influence or what you need to let go. Tuning into the subtle signals you’re receiving will make this a thought-provoking, insightful week with valuable flashes of understanding. Wishing you joy, Karen A warm hello.
The Moon makes a Grand Trine and a T-Square this weekend; this will bring a fortuitous or happy turn of events but also a few hassles or tensions. Also, in the next 7 days, an emphasis on three of the Cardinal Signs – Cancer, Aries and Capricorn, denotes a ‘doing’ time – it will be up to us to get on with things and make things happen. The Full Moon with Pluto in Capricorn will have an extra intensity – there’ll be an issue, situation or task we’re really focused on and feel very strong about. ARIES. A good financial deal will put a smile on your face this weekend but sudden unexpected expenses may be an awkward juggle. Next week, you’ll throw yourself into a family or domestic project and give of your best to bring it to fruition. The Full Moon falls here for you – you’ll forge ahead with a challenging project, deadline or ambitious personal undertaking that’s especially important to you; keep a clear overview or stress levels will go through the roof! TAURUS. A confidence from a loved one will invite a greater closeness this weekend; conversely, a clash with someone dear or a situation where you feel imposed upon will need gentle defusing. Next week, you’ll be highly motivated with a personal project that has have long-term benefits. The Full Moon for you could bring a meaningful change of scene – you could go to a special place, visit someone special at a distance, or a long distance relationship could turn an important corner. GEMINI. A work opportunity this weekend will be a chance to build positive relations with a colleague or earn extra. Health-wise, it will take disciplined efforts to work towards a goal or to handle a low patch in your energies positively. Next week, you’ll be keen to achieve a financial goal or push on with an expensive project. The Full Moon here in your 8th house means there’ll be a big decision with a financial undertaking or complex, there may also be a complex emotional issue with another to address thoughtfully. CANCER. A loving gesture from someone dear will mean the world to you. Extra expense on a fun outing or get-together will have to be factored into the budget. Next week, you’ll be on a mission with a financial or personal endeavour and your initiatives will get the ball rolling. The Full Moon falls here in your relationship zone – a family occasion or big plans with your mate or a family member will be an emotional focus, there may be a challenging issue with someone close to deal with thoughtfully too. LEO. A get-together too long coming will touch sentimental chords. Working through niggling differences with a relative will take insight and understanding. Next week, you’ll connect with the past – an event or experience will turn back time. Also with the Full Moon here in your 6th house, the pressure will be on with a demanding job situation or challenging task; you’ll need to think your way through it carefully. A health pursuit or challenge will test your resources too. VIRGO. A meaningful exchange with someone dear will bring words you’ve longed to hear. A difficult conversation with another will test your communication skills. Next week, you’ll pour energy into something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. With the Full Moon here in your 5th house, a special get-together will be an emotional celebration and a relationship could turn a new corner. LIBRA. A gift, purchase or stroke of good luck will put you on a happy high. Conversely, extra expenses this weekend could take funds out quickly. Next week, you’ll go the extra mile with an ambitious career or personal undertaking, and you’ll be up for the challenge! The Full Moon falls here in your 4th house - A family or domestic project may be quite intense; it’ll require big decisions, a huge energy push and extra funds! SCORPIO. A fun outing or new social scene will be an education this weekend but it will take a thoughtful effort to fit in or to relate to people from other walks of life. Next week, spreading your wings on the job will mean taking on more and more; you’ll be determined to explore new possibilities. The Full Moon will bring a valuable realisation; the truth of a situation, opportunity or relationship will be very clear and this will guide you forward. SAGITTARIUS. The answer to a financial question will give you a lift this weekend. A nagging personal issue may be on your mind but you’ll gradually work your way through it. Next week, you’ll pour energy into a new or changing relationship; Singles, this looks promising for a new romance. The Full Moon indicates a financial project or costly plans you have an emotional investment in will come to a crossroads; step back, see the big picture and you’ll make advantageous choices. CAPRICORN. Making someone happy will be a joy and a priority this weekend but it may entail some inconvenience or extra expense. Next week, you’ll forge ahead with special plans with your mate or a family member; you’ll be determined to bring them to fruition and honour your commitment. The Full Moon in your Zodiac Sign points to an emotional realisation; you’ll come to terms with how much you need to work at a relationship, what you need to accept and how best to proceed. AQUARIUS. You’ll achieve a special personal goal this weekend and it will be sweet! There’ll be awkward challenges to deal with as you go but you should come through shining! Next week, there’ll be a lot of work involved with a big task or undertaking and you’ll be the driving force. This Full Moon may be quite intense – you’ll be determined to bring plans you’ve been working on for a long time to fruition, an old problem will need fresh action and do take a little extra care health-wise. PISCES. There’ll be a refreshing change of scene this weekend and fun different activities and experiences. Conversely, there may be a few hassles with a travel arrangement or a few tensions with a distant relative to soothe. Next week, you’ll be keen to build new social connections and bring a creative or personal endeavour to fruition. The Full Moon here for you indicates you’ll throw yourself into something special you want to do or a special meeting. A warm hello.
The planet Mars moves into Taurus tomorrow where it will stay until August 20th – that’s just over 6 weeks! Mars energy and drive, flowing through the Earth Sign of Taurus will give a very practical focus and application for our efforts – we’ll push on determinedly with our plans. As Taurus is a fixed Sign, we’ll need to be aware if we’re being stubborn, inflexible and sticking to old habits and ways because we don’t want to change; embracing practical new ideas and trying new ways of doing things will help us make the most of this productive aspect. Wishing you joy, Karen A warm hello.
The Moon in Leo this weekend could bring a situation that tests who is boss or who will lead the way, it also denotes an emotional highlight. Next week, there’ll be a couple or planetary shuffles – Mercury will move into Cancer, bringing opportunities for sensitive personal exchanges. Mars will move into Taurus for 6 weeks, bringing a surge of action and progress in an important area of your life. ARIES. A social encounter this weekend will be an opportunity to develop a friendly new connection, but it will be up to you to make the first move. A caring gesture or exchange with another will speak volumes. Next week, a family discussion or planning a domestic project will raise issues you and other family members feel strongly about; it will be quite a task to sort this out. The planet Mars moving into your financial zone signifies higher earning potential in the next 6 weeks but also higher expenses, there may also be unexpected and spontaneous outlays. TAURUS. You’ll be pushing for a particular outcome or arrangement with a family situation but be prepared you may have to initiate some thoughtful give-and-take. A fun family activity or visitor will be a joy. Next week, reconnecting with a relative a little too far away will touch sentimental chords. The planet Mars moving into your Zodiac Sign for the next 6 weeks will bring strenuous physical tasks or a fitness goal that stretches your resources; you’ll also be keen to stand up for issues you believe in. GEMINI. You’ll instigate a conversation this weekend that may be challenging but you’ll be determined to clarify some of the facts. A get-together that’s a joy for the heart will bring news you’ve been waiting on. Next week, moving ahead with financial plans may raise a few differences with others involved; it will be helpful to do your research and sums carefully. The planet Mars for you in the next 6 weeks means you’ll pour energy into tackling and sorting out an old or ongoing problem and working towards a long-term goal. CANCER. You will be proactive financially this weekend; there may be something you want to buy, a big decision it’s time to make, or a large expense to handle. A gift or new possession will be meaningful. Next week, you’ll initiate a conversation you’ve been wanting for some time; it will be your chance to clarify matters that have caused misunderstandings. The planet Mars here for you indicates in the next 6 weeks, you’ll pour energy into going somewhere or doing something that fulfills a special personal wish. LEO. With the Moon in your Zodiac Sign this weekend, you will lead the way with issues you want to address, in particular a slow-moving project or situation that’s testing your patience. A reconnection with the past, a situation or experience that brings back memories, will be a sentimental highlight. Next week, you may not be able to say all that you want to say with a sensitive discussion; think twice before you speak, to strike a positive or productive chord. The planet Mars accenting your career and direction for the next 6 weeks will bring some exciting challenges and projects to get your teeth into; step lightly with colleagues though, there may be some testing PR moments. VIRGO. Getting onto some unfinished business will take decisive action; this will set an example for those who have been slow to get onto their business or promises with you. Contact with someone you love to see or hear from will be a joy. Next week, a personal discussion with a colleague or friend will be eye-opening. Mars in this sector of your horoscope for the next 6 weeks could bring travel plans, a surge of plans with a distant relative or colleague and progress with an important legal matter. LIBRA. A connection you’re keen to cultivate could start to blossom this weekend, with a little encouragement from you. There’ll be a fun outing or occasion but it may cost a pretty penny. Next week, a conversation that you’ve been building up to will clarify plans you’ve been working on for some time. The planet Mars here in the 8th house for you will bring action with an ambitious financial undertaking or important financial issue in the coming weeks; attention to details will serve you well, prepare for extra expenses too. SCORPIO. This week, you’ll take charge of a situation or task that needs a firm hand; the big decisions will be all up to you. An achievement that does you proud will be a special joy! Next week, a long distance exchange will be a timely catch up, it may also launch fun new plans. The planet Mars moving into your relationship zone will bring a surge of commitments and labours of love for your mate or family members; avoid over-committing yourself and step lightly with prickly issues. SAGITTARIUS. You’ll have to lead the way when exploring new ideas and possibilities with a financial or business endeavour; it will bring some valuable discoveries. A long distance connection could grow. Next week, a ‘deep and meaningful’ discussion with someone close will offer thought-provoking insights. The planet Mars for you points to a health, diet or fitness goal; it will be full steam ahead in the coming weeks. A special task or work project that stretches your talents will be an exciting challenging too. CAPRICORN. Sorting out the cost or details of a financial arrangement will take a proactive effort. A financial gain or news you’ve been waiting on will give you an emotional lift. Next week, a personal exchange will answer important questions. The planet Mars here for you should bring fun outings and experiences in the coming weeks, special plans with your children will forge ahead and you may become more passionate about a growing interest or pursuit. AQUARIUS. What you want and what someone close wants may be at odds this weekend; making thoughtful compromises will help you find a workable solution. A special commitment or engagement with another may be a lot of work but it will come from the heart. Next week, a work discussion will help you to understand where a colleague is coming from and what you need to do to be part of the team. Mars here for you promises action with a domestic or family project in the coming weeks, full on family involvement or a hectic home scene; alternatively, you’ll enjoy a home away from home. PISCES. Which jobs belong to who will be the question this weekend – you may find yourself doing your share as well as someone else’s. You’ll also give of your best with a task you have an emotional investment in. Next week, a heart-to-heart with a loved one will be an opportunity to express understanding, support and how much you care. The planet Mars here for you indicates a surge of action with an exciting personal project, new learning experiences, you may also go further afield or be on the move in the coming weeks. |
Celebrity Astrologer Karen Moregold's Astrology Blog reveals what's in the stars for you. You can read Your Forecast for the next 7 days every Friday here on her website, follow her on Facebook or YouTube. Archives
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