Here are the astrological themes for the next 7 days:
The Moon with Pluto in Capricorn, in harmony with Virgo and Taurus planets, will bring progress and pleasing achievements for our efforts.
The Full Moon in Aquarius forms a T-Square with the Taurus and Leo energies, which could spark a few clashes; these 5 Fixed Signs indicate a tendency to dig in our heels.
The planet Mercury joining Mars in Virgo will add to the very productive grand trine through the Earth Signs: it will promote some vigorous debates in the coming weeks that test our communication skills; if these are handled thoughtfully though, they’ll achieve breakthroughs in understanding or agreement.
ARIES. Your drive and initiative will shine on the job, as you tackle problems and tasks resourcefully and achieve a string of pleasing results. The Full Moon in Aquarius indicates that a fun social plan will come to fruition but you may need to defuse a few niggling irritations with a friend to enjoy it to the hilt. Mercury with Mars in Virgo in the weeks ahead will bring stimulating discussions with colleagues and vigorous exchanges of ideas; there’ll be much you can learn from each other if you stay open to this.
TAURUS. Helpful information or advice will put a fresh slant on a project or plan on the drawing board; you’ll see it from an advantageous new angle. The Full Moon in Aquarius indicates you’ll need to step lightly with colleagues and family members to avoid clashes; there’ll be awkward differences to work through calmly. The planets Mercury and Mars in Virgo in the coming weeks will bring stimulating exchanges of ideas and experience with people who share a common interest, also fun times with your children will open new doors of communication and help you build new points of accord.
GEMINI. Budgeting carefully or researching the cost of an expensive purchase or undertaking will help you get ahead financially, there may also be a financial boost or some good news. The Full Moon in Aquarius suggests that going further afield, a sudden change of plans or an unusual activity may have challenging aspects; you’ll need to draw on your Gemini flexibility and go with the flow, to make the most of this. The planets Mercury and Mars in Virgo may bring some intensive family discussions in the coming weeks – you’ll sort out growing domestic plans, family get-togethers and family issues.
CANCER. You could spend extra on people dear to you or commitments with loved ones – to help out, please them or achieve a particular goal. Also the Full Moon in Aquarius could bring a large outlay or complex financial issue to sort out; a simmering emotional issue could come to the fore as well – see the big picture on all fronts, to make good decisions. The planets Mercury and Mars in Virgo will bring enlightening and motivating discussions with knowledgeable people in the coming weeks – exciting ideas, possibilities and new plans will unfold.
LEO. An achievement on the job will do you proud, a pat on the back from a colleague will add to your happiness. The Full Moon in Aquarius could bring a challenging family issue or difference with someone close; you’ll need to handle this tactfully, to soothe tensions. The planets Mercury and Mars in Virgo will bring informative financial discussions in the weeks ahead – you’ll explore new ideas, pick up some useful financial tips, work through some important financial tasks and sort out some important financial arrangements.
VIRGO. A reunion will be an opportunity to reconnect with someone you’ve had a long association with. The Full Moon in Aquarius could bring a challenging situation on the job or a frustrating issue with a client or associate; be patient, time will help you sort these out positively. The planets Mercury and Mars in your Zodiac Sign in the coming weeks will bring a feast of uplifting, informative communication, the chance to clear up some unresolved matters, and the chance to push forward with new ideas that take you down exciting new paths.
LIBRA. A family or domestic task may require a few practical compromises but you’ll be pleased with the results. The Full Moon in Aquarius points to fun outings and get-togethers – there’ll be a joyful reconnection with a family member and a special occasion will shift a relationship onto a new level; it may be a little on the expensive side but you’ll be inclined to ignore the cost. With Mercury and Mars here in the coming weeks: discussing the past, or discussions that are overdue, will be opportunities to say things that have been on your mind and build new understandings.
SCORPIO. A meaningful exchange will also hold a very subtle message; tuning in carefully will help you to receive it. The Full Moon in Aquarius will ask a lot of you – there’ll be a demanding family commitment or domestic undertaking, a sudden change of plans, and demanding conditions on the job, all to take in your stride! With the planets Mercury and Mars here in the coming weeks, uplifting advice or information from helpful contacts and friends will spark new ideas and fun new plans, it may also answer some unspoken questions.
SAGITTARIUS. Good news financially or a special purchase will put a smile on your face. The Full Moon in Aquarius will bring an important meeting or conversation that answers a big question, also exploring a new place will bring some interesting discoveries and encounters. The planets Mercury and Mars here indicate that discussions on the job or regarding an ambitious personal undertaking in the coming weeks should be fruitful and productive; they’ll bring opportunities to present your ideas and hear those of your colleagues, to go forward with your plans, build teamwork and network.
CAPRICORN. A social get-together may have practical benefits – it’ll enable you to build this connection or gain some helpful advice. The Full Moon in Aquarius indicates that a financial undertaking or large purchase will have some complex considerations; be prepared for some extra costs too. Here are the planets Mercury and Mars – travel arrangements, legal discussions or special plans with a distant relative or friend in the coming weeks will be opportunities to sort out issues you’re keen to resolve and point the way forward!
AQUARIUS. You’ll need to pace yourself carefully in the days ahead; there may be times when you feel tired or under the weather and need to rest and times when you’ll have to gather your inner resources to see a commitment through. The Full Moon in your Zodiac Sign will put a focus on relationships: you’ll be tempted to take a stand with a changing relationship, to clear the air, or you’ll support someone close through a special occasion or issue. Mercury and Mars are here – important financial deals in the coming weeks, or sorting out tax, super or insurance and a lot of paperwork will require close attention to details.
PISCES. An overdue get-together will take a very organised effort but it will enable you to build or rebuild a connection that’s important to you, and achieve a special purpose. With the Full Moon in Aquarius, an old difference with another could resurface; you’ll need to give a little, for this to move forward. Take a little extra care health-wise too. With Mercury and Mars together in Virgo in the coming weeks – productive discussions with loved ones will launch exciting new plans, you’ll talk about all kinds of things and understand each other better, while a shared project will be a full-on collaborative effort!