There’s so much happening in April, it will seem like two months in one!
Accentuating this, the first half of April will have a very different focus and energy to the 2nd half.
Here’s your early bird forecast…
Karen Moregold |
A warm hello. There’s so much happening in April, it will seem like two months in one! Accentuating this, the first half of April will have a very different focus and energy to the 2nd half. Here’s your early bird forecast…
A warm hello. We're heading towards a Full Moon in Libra. Will it bring emotional highs or emotional outbursts? Here's the link to your forecast.... A warm hello. There'll be a Mars surge of action this weekend... The Equinox will launch a new focus... Here's your forecast... A warm hello.
The planet Mercury moves into Pisces tomorrow where it will stay until April 4th, that’s Easter Sunday. Mercury represent communication and Mercury in Pisces will bring special opportunities to express compassion, to bridge differences with others through understanding or gentle acceptance and to offer healing supportive words. Kind, thoughtful, positive communication can be a wonderful force for good! A warm hello. The New Moon in Pisces, with Venus and Neptune, will bring a loving, sentimental or spiritual new beginning. Here's your forecast... A warm hello.
Do you want beautiful, strong, healthy hair? If you do, why not try cutting your hair by the Moon cycles? You know, all living things on the planet respond to the energy of the Sun and Moon and your so does your hair! All you have to do is trim your hair once a month on a fertile, waxing Moon. Just choose a date each month from this list I’m giving you. It’s so simple and so easy! You’ll see your hair grow and the condition improve before your eyes! Here are some fertile Moon dates for Autumn: March 17, 18, 22, 23 April 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 May 12, 16, 17, 24, 25 My Beautiful Hair App also gives you the dates to wax or shave to deter hair regrowth. Have a lovely week. A warm hello. Sparkles of optimism will lift out thinking and mood... A familiar situation or task will build on past experience... A warm hello. Strong accent on Aquarius - Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn. Growing emphasis on Pisces - Sun, Venus, Neptune, New Moon, Shift of energy on the Equinox. Full Moon in Libra leading into Easter These are the themes I explore in your March forecast... |
Celebrity Astrologer Karen Moregold's Astrology Blog reveals what's in the stars for you. You can read Your Forecast for the next 7 days every Friday here on her website, follow her on Facebook or YouTube. Archives
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