In the next 7 days:
The Moon starts off here with Mars in Virgo, which should make this a most productive weekend; there may be extra stresses but also extra determination and pleasing results.
The Sun moving into Leo will join the planets Mercury and Venus – the Sun represents light and vitality, Mercury communication and Venus love – a loving energy, efforts, loving experiences and exchanges will be high points of the coming weeks.
A big planetary link between Jupiter and Neptune indicates a tendency to think big or to have unrealistic intentions with a money issue or plan - we’ll need to be careful and keep it real.
ARIES. You’ll tackle a pressing job or physical task this weekend with gusto; it’ll be demanding, but your determination will see you through. With this strong Leo emphasis in the coming weeks, you’ll put a lot of thoughtful effort into saying and doing loving things for those you care about, you’ll enjoy a favourite interest or pastime, and fun encounters with friendly people; Singles, a flirty vibe will add an extra sparkle to a fun exchange. An expensive purchase will need research; being thorough will serve you.
TAURUS. Extra commitments with your children will ask a lot of you this weekend, keeping a promise made some time ago will take more of an effort than you thought, and a reunion will reconnect you with someone you shared a lot with in the past. Here is the strong Leo accent – you’ll pour loving energy into a family project in the coming weeks, family get-togethers, you’ll also gain beautiful domestic possessions and beautify your home. A personal undertaking may be laced with secret hopes and dreams - the more well-thought-out this is, the better its chance of success.
GEMINI. You’ll go the extra mile to welcome a visitor this weekend, or you’ll tackle a domestic or family undertaking with vigorous efforts. The strong Leo emphasis falls here: in the coming weeks, it’ll be a joy to catch up with a relative from afar or to go to a place that you love; thoughtful communication will also be an opportunity to put a personal message across and to receive one. Keep your expectations with a long-term goal realistic, it will help you plan effectively.
CANCER. Travelling extra distances this weekend will require a burst of organised effort. All this Leo accent, falling here, indicates special purchases or expensive plans in the coming weeks will require careful budgeting, generous gifts to others may also put dents in the savings; conversely, a gift or thoughtful gesture from another will be emotionally meaningful. Unspoken hopes and wishes will gather momentum -you’ll need to do some groundwork, to bring these to fruition.
LEO. You’ll earn extra money this weekend or put a lot of effort into sorting out some financial loose ends. The planets Mercury, Venus and the Sun in your Zodiac Sign indicates you’ll be a strong driving influence in the weeks ahead – you’ll get special personal plans off the ground, reach out to others, cultivate important new connections and reconnections, you’ll also explore new ideas and possibilities that fire your imagination. An ambitious personal or professional goal will take shape - blending vision with practicality will be the key, to bringing this to fruition.
VIRGO. A personal initiative will be required this weekend, with a matter you need to attend to, a matter you need to raise, or plans you want to move forward; taking the first step will set wheels in motion. Here is the strong Leo emphasis – it will take a strong, determined effort in the weeks ahead to work towards a long-term goal, handle extra family duties with love, and keep pushing on with old problems or issues; an overdue conversation will be an opportunity to set the record straight. Fun travel or holiday plans will unfold; there’ll be a lot of arrangements to set in place, to make these a reality.
LIBRA. A health matter or helping someone else with a health matter this weekend will require a diligent effort. This strong Leo emphasis indicates there’ll be less stress and more fun in the weeks ahead – it will be a joy to catch up with relatives and friends, and to throw yourself into fun things you’ve wanted to do for some time, you’ll also meet people who are on your wave-length as well as connect with someone you go way back with. Dotting every “I” with a complex financial matter and the paperwork will serve you well.
SCORPIO. A fun outing this weekend will take a special effort but it will bring stimulating, different encounters and experiences. This strong Leo accent indicates a huge personal or professional undertaking will call for a super effort in the coming weeks; the more love you put into this, the more inspired the results! Opportunities to network or PR opportunities will also feature. Special plans with a loved one may have vague details and costs; pinning these down will be beneficial and good for the relationship.
SAGITTARIUS. Urgent tasks this weekend will push the pace but it’ll feel good to sort these out. This strong Leo accent will bring a loving reconnection with someone interstate or overseas in the coming weeks, exciting plans with a distant loved one, or travel plans with a loved one will gather exciting momentum; a long-distance relationship could turn a new corner too. Take care to clarify what’s involved with a special promise, commitment to another or a job opportunity, to keep it manageable.
CAPRICORN. A short trip or reconnecting with a friend or relative too far away will be meaningful for you this weekend. This Leo emphasis indicates that financial issues will be on your mind in the coming weeks, you’ll buy something you love, a fun celebration may be expensive and a generous gesture will come from the heart. A fun interest or creative endeavour may prove more expensive than you thought; it will be worth your while to pin down the details.
AQUARIUS. A financial task or issue will be on your mind this weekend; tackling it will ease niggling tensions; there may be extra or spontaneous outlays too. With this strong Leo accent in the coming weeks – giving of your best to make someone happy or trying to figure them out will come from the heart; thoughtful gestures will make a loving difference. A domestic or family undertaking will grow; keep your eye on the bottom line, it will be easy to lose sight of the cost.
PISCES. A sudden request from someone dear this weekend or keeping a promise to a loved one will require a big effort. This strong Leo accent in the coming weeks means you’ll show love through loving actions on many fronts, you’ll also pour a lot of love into your work to achieve a special goal. An expensive personal project will inspire you; take care to cost it accurately, to help you make good decisions.