2021! What lies in store for you?
Karen Moregold |
A warm hello.
2021! What lies in store for you? https://www.youtube.com/user/karenmoregold
A warm hello.
Wow, what a year this has been! I’m so glad it’s Christmas and I must admit I’m really looking forward to 2021. So, from my heart and family, to you and yours’, I wish you a happy, loving Christmas and wonderful New Year! Karen A warm hello. Jupiter moves into Aquarius today! The two biggest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will both be in early Aquarius. This will bring a dramatic shift of energy, a whole new focus in your life and a new chapter somewhere in your life. This is especially significant because Jupiter and Saturn, which conjunct about every 20 years, will form such a close alignment this time, it could look like one big bright star. If you’d like to see this beautiful sight, on Monday look to the western sky after sunset, it should be visible for an hour or so. So what will Jupiter joining forces with Saturn in Aquarius bring for you? A warm hello Today your holiday forecast... Tomorrow, your special Jupiter in Aquarius forecast and the mighty Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Wishing you joy, Karen A warm hello.
Mighty Saturn heads back into Aquarius on Thursday. Saturn in Aquarius signifies a new reality. New personal priorities will unfold and there’ll be a solid prevailing new theme in your life! It’s time to recheck your ‘Big Planets, Big News’ Saturn in Aquarius forecast to help you harness this new energy! Wishing you joy, Karen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5nCdunBYD4&t=5s A warm hello.
A solar eclipse will colour your festivities, plans, get-togethers and preparations as you head towards Christmas – a situation or undertaking will end, change or take a whole new direction. The Moon aligning with Venus will bring a beautiful or tender highlight. ARIES. Relations with a distant friend or relative could change, they may have some surprise news, exciting plans could also grow. A getaway or change of scene will be refreshing. Spending on something beautiful or someone you love will be a joy. TAURUS. A financial arrangement will end or change, a financial issue will twist and turn and there’ll be complex financial paperwork to work through to fix a problem or surge ahead with a new undertaking. A warm exchange or tender interlude with someone you love will be an emotional highlight. GEMINI. There’ll be a turning-point in your relationship with someone close; it will shift onto a different footing. A commitment with someone close will ask a lot of you. Step lightly with a challenging issue or difference with another though, or it could suddenly blow up! A task you have an emotional investment in will be a labour of love. CANCER. A challenging task or change on the job will stretch your resources; you’ll need to cope with new conditions, explore new angles or change your ways. You may need to change up your approach to a health pursuit or goal too. A thoughtful gesture from someone who cares will touch your heart. LEO. A fun occasion with loved ones will be an emotional treat but you may need to reconsider a commitment to something or someone dear and set up a new arrangement. Something beautiful for your home or a favourite visitor will also add to your happiness. VIRGO. Plans for the future may take a new direction; changing conditions will set them on a new course. A household situation or routine will also end or change and family issues will need thoughtful handling. A loving message or kind overture from another will reach out to you. A beautiful place will uplift the spirit. LIBRA. News that changes your plans or a discovery that reveals unexpected possibilities will test your flexibility; going further afield or to new and different places will be enlightening and inspiring. Something it’s important to learn will stand by you. A gift or beautiful possession will be a personal treasure. SCORPIO. You’ll need to change tactics with a complex financial issue or venture to get ahead and renegotiate a financial arrangement; applying all that you’ve learned along the way will serve you. An emotional encounter or reunion will leave you with much to think about. SAGITTARIUS. An inner shift or change will show you a different view of life, you may also need to rethink special personal plans or an intended course of action; exploring new options will reveal unconsidered possibilities. Catching up with someone you’ve been missing will be a joy. CAPRICORN. A commitment finishing or changing will alter your involvement and plans. Throwing yourself into a slow-moving matter or task will show you where you need to change your approach and gather a stronger momentum. A friendship or romance will grow. AQUARIUS. Letting go something you thought you wanted for some very different will set you on a new trajectory. Changing your attitude to a friend or colleague will determine the next chapter. A congenial exchange with an associate will be a PR opportunity. A family duty or domestic task may be hard work. PISCES. You’ll tackle a tough task or push hard to make headway with an ambitious undertaking, but you may need to modify your approach as you go. A tender exchange with a distant relative will sweeten your relationship. Contact with an old friend will give you an emotional lift. Karen A warm hello.
Have you tried cutting your hair by the Moon cycles? If you haven’t – now’s the time to test this simple, effective practice! All that’s required is to trim your hair once a month regularly on a fertile Moon; all growing things on our planet respond to the energies of the Sun and Moon and you’ll soon see that your hair does too! Following these dates will give you stronger hair growth and beautiful hair condition. Here are some fertile Moon dates for summer: Dec. 20, 21, 25, 26 Jan. 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27 Feb. 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24 (If you’d like the fertile Moon dates for a whole year as well as the barren Moon dates to wax or shave, there is a link to my Beautiful Hair App on the home page of my website.) Wishing you joy and masses of beautiful hair, Karen A warm hello.
There’ll be a tendency to swing from bursts of enthusiasm to impatience or distraction this week. Progress with your hopes and plans will be ‘two steps forward, one step back’ if you’re not consistent. Focus, follow through and you’ll make it a wonderful productive week! Karen A warm hello. It will be tempting to indulge in fun, romantic or personal fantasies in the days ahead – a little escapism! Conversely, we’ll also be fired up, each in our own way, with a special goal in mind! ARIES. Playful romantic times with your mate will rev up the passion; Singles, a flash of chemistry could ignite a fun romance! Exciting plans will give a long-distance relationship a new lease of life. Distractions on the job could take you off on tangents but keep refocusing on the task at hand and you’ll accomplish wonders! TAURUS. High hopes for someone you love will encourage you to help them in every way that you can. You’ll do your best to stretch the budget for special purchases for your home or a family project. Interruptions with a work, financial or personal undertaking will make it drawn out but perseverance will get you there. GEMINI. A providential encounter or exchange will put a new perspective on a changing relationship or situation with someone close. A health pursuit or bold personal or goal will inspire you to go the extra mile; you’ll find clear focus and solid consistent efforts a winning formula. Diverse domestic and family chores will have you running from all over the place! CANCER. A fun flirtation will hold exciting promise. A commitment that’s a labour of love will show how much you care for someone or something. Little problems with an important task or project may slow you down but your ingenuity and communication skills will shine. LEO. Your vision for a home or a family enterprise will grow; working to a time-line will keep it manageable. A meaningful personal experience will be a breakthrough! Something to celebrate will be a happy highpoint but you’ll need to cap the cost! VIRGO. A thoughtful message from another will reach out to you; it will offer new possibilities in this relationship. A reunion will be a walk down memory lane, it will also be a chance for a fresh start. A surprise turn of events will keep you on your toes. Extra aspects to a domestic or family endeavour will increase your involvement. LIBRA. A beautiful or romantic gift will be a joy, a compliment will also be emotional gold! You’ll want to make the most of a special get-together that you’ve been counting the days to. A conversation a long time coming will bring revelations. SCORPIO. Singles, a fun invitation or occasion will hold tempting romantic promise. A new financial undertaking will power ahead. There’ll be an opportunity to make a special purchase but it may require a budget overhaul. SAGITTARIUS. Secret hopes for a relationship will gather momentum. You’ll be on a mission with an exciting new personal or professional enterprise and it’ll break new ground. Taking charge of a challenging situation or task will test your resourcefulness. CAPRICORN. Singles, a fun new interest could also bring a fun attraction. It will take drive and determination to work through some complicated unfinished business or stay on track with a long-term goal. Important financial news will help you plan ahead. AQUARIUS. Fun plans will grow as they gather momentum; each good idea or discovery will lead to others. An ambitious dream will also unfold; an inspiring contact or associate will fire your imagination. A financial boost and extra expenses will keep money coming and going rapidly. PISCES. New possibilities and meeting-points in a relationship will suddenly emerge. You’ll go all out to achieve a special career or personal success. A deluge of extra requests and duties could overwhelm you though; do first things first to stay on top. A warm hello. I'm doing the proud grandmother thing again. Here's my beautiful granddaugther Brea (she's on the right in the video) singing with Kelly, her friend in America. I think they're both fabulous! Enjoy. Karen |
Celebrity Astrologer Karen Moregold's Astrology Blog reveals what's in the stars for you. You can read Your Forecast for the next 7 days every Friday here on her website, follow her on Facebook or YouTube. Archives
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