Understanding the people in your world.
I’ll post one Sign each day for the next 12 days – follow me for your’s and learn more about the people around you.
Are you a Taurean? Do you know a Taurean?
This is for you…
April 21 – May 21.
Taurus is an EARTH sign.
The Taurus Catchphrase is “I own”.
Taurean people are realists, their feet are firmly planted on the ground. They’re stalwart, dependable but also inflexible and unbending. Private people, they don’t wear their heart on their sleeve and they don’t blow hot and cold; when they love you, they mean it. They’re extremely loyal and steadfast emotionally. They don’t get close to many people though and if they’re hurt or let down, it can take them a long time to forgive and forget. Taurean people have strong family ties, they love their home and home comforts, they value and look after their possessions. They crave stability in their life; financial and emotional security are important to them. They’re also quite conservative, cautious and they like to plan ahead, know where they’re going and have life under control; they can become very set in their ways.
Taurus challenges: stubbornness, procrastination and resistance to change.
WINNING POINTS: a deep practicality, clear priorities and endurance.
Wishing you joy,