Understanding the people in your world.
Here’s the next Zodiac Sign in this series:
SCORPIO…the Sign of secrets; it goes deeper than you think!
Oct. 24 – Nov. 22.
Scorpio is a WATER Sign.
The Scorpio Catchphrase is “I desire”.
Scorpios are strong people, complex and deep, passionate and intense; they keep so much locked inside and often don’t reveal the true force of their emotions or what’s on their mind. They don’t trust easily yet there must be trust, for them to open up and communicate their inner thoughts and feelings freely with you; sometimes though, they just won’t let you too close emotionally. Respect is another vital element for a successful relationship of any kind with them. They’re have great loyalty and courage; in times of crisis, they’ll be a rock of support for you and they’ll want you to be a rock for them, if you’re not it’ll damage your relationship. If they’re hurt, they will retaliate. Scorpios are ambitious, determined and pushy when they really want something or to do something; they won’t give up. They have searching astute investigative minds and can be quite intuitive; then again, inflexibility can cause ‘blind spots’ in their reasoning.
Scorpio challenges: secretiveness, forgiving/forgetting and letting go, a sharp tongue
WINNING POINTS: passion, strength, unwavering focus when they have a clear sense of purpose
Wishing you joy,