There’s so much to tell you about the next 7 days! What I’m covering here, is just the tip of the iceberg...
Jupiter aligning with Pluto signifies a financial preoccupation and major financial developments.
Mars turning direct denotes pushiness, determination and driving action, also clashes.
The New Moon in Scorpio promises a new beginning that you feel passionately about.
The Moon joining the planetary cluster in Capricorn denotes yet another reality check.
ARIES. A grand financial goal or big financial plans and issues will require initiative, enterprise and get-up-and-go. You’ll take the reins with a personal matter or endeavour you’re keen to get off the ground but you may need to approach a tough task, responsibility or situation that’s been wearing you down, from a positive new angle.
TAURUS. There’ll be a string of issues with important legal or financial business to work through; attention to details will serve you. A slow-moving personal problem will turn around, a family event or new commitment with someone close will require a special contribution and you’ll work on a long-distance relationship to build bridges of understanding.
GEMINI. There’ll be complex paperwork with costly plans or a financial issue to wade through, a changing friendship will take a step in an interesting direction, a health pursuit will require a bigger commitment, a work opportunity or new clients will expand your professional prospects and quiet reflections spiritually or emotionally will bring meaningful insights.
CANCER. You’ll pour energy into clarifying a financial arrangement with another, you’ll forge ahead with an ambitious personal or creative project, fun plans with a loved one will be an opportunity to nurture your relationship, a commitment or situation with someone close that requires consistency will test your staying power.
LEO. A change on the job or overtime will set up a new financial or work arrangement, you’ll travel extra distances or pour energy into exciting plans with a distant relative or colleague, a special family or domestic project will grow to a new level and a health programme could ask more of you.
VIRGO. You’ll pour energy and money into fun plans with a loved one, there’ll finally be action with a frustrating financial issue but be prepared for a few more hassles as you go, an exciting personal project will take off and in a close relationship that’s hard work, you’ll need to go the extra mile.
LIBRA. A domestic project may a lot of work and expensive, it will take understanding and thoughtful communication to work through a simmering difference with your partner or a relative, you’ll be thrilled with a special purchase and a matter you’re concerned about will require vision and very clear priorities.
SCORPIO. Looking at a financial plan or paperwork closely will bring timely discoveries, you’ll break through a barrier with a physical task or sport, forging your own path with an exciting personal endeavour will ignite an inner flame and reconnecting with a relative of friend from afar or travelling further afield will remind you of something it’s important to remember.
SAGITTARIUS. Exciting purchases will call for you to review the budget but keeping on top of a demanding financial commitment will take discipline. A fun pursuit will rev up, complex family matters and unresolved issues will require new decisions.
CAPRICORN. A big financial decision will rest with you, a family or domestic undertaking will draw you in further, new friendships and positive new connections will grow, fun outings or places will leave you smiling and a personal challenge may be difficult but this is the time to take command.
AQUARIUS. Dotting every ‘I’ with a long-term plan or unfinished financial business will ease the way forward, a fiery exchange will raise issues with another it’s time to address, an ambitious personal or career undertaking will stretch your talents and a situation where your hands are tied will be an exercise in patience.
PISCES. A lucky break financially will be a relief but you’ll need to pick and choose your way through a rush of outlays. Travel plans will fire your imagination, a new interest will be a learn-as-you-go experience, relations with a relative you don’t see often will grow and clarifying what you want at this point in your life will require some soul-searching.