Today the Sun enters Libra; it’s the Southern Hemisphere’s spring equinox. This Libra energy builds in the days ahead with the New Moon in this Zodiac Sign, which will bring a new opportunity, and a new situation in our loves where we need to find some balance.
Also in the next 7 days, Mercury conjunct Venus will bring a meaningful personal exchange that improves a relationship.
Mars linking with the big Saturn square Uranus planetary pattern will spark fresh determination and initiative with slow-moving tasks or problems.
ARIES. The Sun and New Moon in Libra falls in your relationship zone; changes for someone close or a special event with your mate or a relative will be an opportunity to rebuild or grow your relationship. A rewarding exchange on the job will enable you to foster relations with a talented or knowledgeable colleague. It may cost more to do something you dearly want; do your homework, so you know where you stand.
TAURUS. The Sun and the New Moon falling here in your 6th house indicates a big task lies ahead or supporting someone close will become a priority, setting a new balance in your affairs. A health pursuit may call for adjustments in your diet or exercise programme. A sharing exchange with a loved one will be a joy; an enjoyable outing or activity will also add more fun to your relationship. An ambitious and challenging undertaking will require fresh determination laced with flexibility.
GEMINI. The Sun and New Moon in Libra will bring fun social plans for you, even a celebration; there’ll be an opportunity to explore a new social scene. A special occasion or shared experience with a child or younger relative will be an emotional highlight and making plans for the future with a family member will open the way to share your thoughts, desires, and provide much to look forward to. Travel plans or legal business will require proactive attention to details.
CANCER. The Sun and New Moon here in your 4th house will drive an exciting family or domestic project forward; balancing the cost with what you want will take some thoughtful juggling. A heart-to-heart with someone dear will answer a question that’s been on your mind. A financial task or issue that’s quite complex will require further investigation; the more information you gather, the easier your decisions will be.
LEO. The Sun and New Moon in Libra will energise a personal project you’re keen to get off the ground; new decisions will finetune your thoughts and plans. A financial discussion will give you confidence with an agreement, purchase, outlay or financial undertaking you have an emotional investment in. Keeping a promise to someone dear may prove quite taxing. A gift or generous gesture from a loved one will make a caring statement.
VIRGO. The Sun and New Moon in Libra here will bring action with an important financial issue, a new financial venture, special purchases that are expensive and expensive plans; this may reset your financial situation and change your balance of priorities. A personal conversation will be an opportunity to reach out to someone you care about and develop or repair your relationship. A duty you care about will be wearing; you’ll need to gather your resources to see it through.
LIBRA. The Sun and New Moon in your Zodiac Sign will trigger an upward swing in your affairs! You’ll embrace a new personal cycle, throw yourself into exciting new ideas and plans, and set new goals. A reflective conversation will turn back time; new insights will help you come to terms with something that happened in the past or a situation that goes back a long way. A labour of love may be taxing but you’ll go the extra mile with love in your heart.
SCORPIO. The Sun and New Moon in Libra in your 12th house will bring fresh momentum with a task or commitment that’s been an endurance test; there’ll still be sacrifices along the way but the end will be in sight. A conversation with a friend that’s been a long time coming will help you relate to each other on meaningful new levels. Spending on household and family items will achieve special goals but they’ll be tough on the budget.
SAGITTARIUS. The Sun and New Moon here could launch fun plans and activities that set a new life/work balance. A new friendship or helpful connection could grow. Positive discussions with a colleague will be a PR opportunity to promote co-operation and build the rapport between you. A new idea or advice, with a project or problem that’s been testing your ingenuity, will point the way.
CAPRICORN. The Sun and New Moon here could bring new career prospects and give exciting possibilities with a bold personal endeavour; take care you don’t take on too much. Discussions with a distant loved one will spark fun plans and a new understanding that enriches your connection. It will take strong follow through to make progress with a financial issue or expensive that you’ve been working on for some time; perseverance is the key.
AQUARIUS. The Sun and New Moon here for you will be uplifting and expansive – a new idea, discovery or new pursuit will offer new possibilities to explore and new freedoms; in some way though, you’ll need to balance the old and the new. A ‘deep and meaningful’ discussion with someone dear may stir up sensitive issues but it will bring insights that guide your relationship. With a situation or challenge where you’ve felt stuck, it will be time to take a fresh initiative; it may be hard work but it will be liberating.
PISCES. The Sun and New Moon here indicates a financial opportunity or development that resets your financial situation; there may be a pleasing financial boost too. A thoughtful practical exchange with someone close will define what they need or want from you, with special plans that you’re making together; you’ll be glad of the clarity. It will take fresh energy and resourcefulness with a drawn out domestic project or repair to keep it moving forward.