There are some interesting planetary shifts in the next 7 days:
Jupiter will move back into Pisces until just before Christmas; it will be worth your while to revisit ‘Big Planets, Big News’ on my YouTube channel to remind you of all this has to offer you.
Mercury will join Venus and the Sun in Scorpio, which will accentuate a growing focus – a personal interest, goal, new plans or a relationship.
The planet Mars Stationary/ turning retrograde makes Mars a feature – this will bring full-on action and a turning-point with a matter or undertaking that’s already demanding.
The Moon will move on to align with both Pluto and Saturn, which will bring old or unfinished business to the fore; it will be time for a fresh initiative.
ARIES. The Sun, Venus, Mercury emphasis falls here: expensive plans, a complex financial enterprise and generous gestures may all have extra elements to consider; it’ll take patient attention to details to work through these. Going further afield or bringing plans with a relative too far away to fruition will take a super effort; something it’s important to learn or master will require a special effort too. A meeting too long coming will break new ground; you’ll have to think carefully about your approach.
TAURUS. Here are the Sun, Mercury and Venus – they are transiting your relationship zone: you’ll give more and more of yourself to your mate, a relative, family issues, conversations and commitments; you’ll think about them constantly, to work out how best to support them or handle issues between you. The pressure will be on, to sort out unfinished financial business or there may be an expense you’ve been preparing for. Keeping a promise or taking the reins of a project or situation that’s been stuck may ask more of you than you thought.
GEMINI. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio accent your 6th house, this will shine a light on work or health matters – a new opportunity on the job will open the way to show what you can do, climb the ladder of success and cultivate an important professional connection; a health, diet or fitness pursuit will grow. The planet Mars in your Zodiac Sign could bring a situation where you need to stand up for yourself or you’ll need to initiate action with a matter or plans you’re keen to address. In a situation where your hands have been tied, you’ll need to try a bold new approach.
CANCER. With the Sun, Venus and Mercury here, you’ll pour energy into a reunion, long awaited get-together or special plans with a loved one that have been a long time unfolding; there’ll be more and more details to sort out. There’ll be more to some domestic tasks, repairs or family duties than expected, a health pursuit may require extra effort too. With a financial matter, arrangement or large outlay that’s been on your mind, it will be time for some proactive organisation.
LEO. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio here indicate that family involvement will grow; there may be a special occasion, event or project with an important emotional focus. Alternatively, a domestic undertaking will grow as it surges ahead! A fun outing, activity or get-together may take more energy and planning than you thought but you’ll throw yourself into it! A commitment with someone close that you take seriously but is also wearing or challenging in some way will require a fresh burst of effort.
VIRGO. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio here indicate there’ll be a new dimension to an exciting project that’s gathering momentum; this will be a learn-as-you-go experience but a mentor or knowledgeable associate will have some valuable input. Hefty financial pressures or an expensive undertaking will stretch your resources; keep a clear overview to keep it under control and on track. With a big task or a health goal that you’ve been wrestling with, it will take resourceful, experimental efforts to break through!
LIBRA. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio fall here in your 2nd house, the money zone: a financial offer, new client or venture could bring in extra money but there may be special outlays, especially on beautiful or sentimental things, gifts for loved ones and a special celebration. Legal business or a contract could forge ahead; travel plans will gather exciting momentum. A get-together a long time coming will be an opportunity to lay an old upset to rest.
SCORPIO. With the Sun, Venus and Mercury in your Zodiac Sign, this is your time – YOU will shine in a new way, career and personal opportunities will drop in your lap and a growing relationship will become more meaningful. There may be a financial boost, a surge of action with important financial business but also extra expenses; a contract or complex financial paperwork will need patient attention to details. A domestic or family project may have stalled; it will be time for fresh energy and enthusiasm.
SAGITTARIUS. Mercury, the Sun and Venus in Scorpio here in your 12th house, denotes reflective periods – you’ll reconsider or replan a long-term goal and a family or domestic project, you’ll think a lot about the past, a reunion will need thoughtful input as well. Big plans with someone dear will take a special effort, a relationship may try your patience. An overdue conversation will be your chance to address a lingering upset or frustration with another and reset your relationship.
CAPRICORN. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio here should bring good news, fun plans with friends, a helpful new association will grow, a new friendship will unfold and the way will open to do something or go somewhere you really want. Work pressures could rev up though, a labour of love for a family member or your mate will ask a lot of you and a health pursuit or physical task will put you through your paces. A financial commitment may be restrictive but pushing on will move you closer to your goal.
AQUARIUS. Mercury joining the Sun and Venus in Scorpio here could bring a career opportunity – the chance to show more of what you can do, earn extra or be part of an ambitious project. You’ll also throw yourself into special plans with a loved one and enjoy a fun outing or get-together. A surprise turn of events will bring the opportunity to resolve some unfinished business.
PISCES. Mercury joining the Sun and Venus in Scorpio here will be expansive – a new interest or new information and options with an unfolding project, exploring a new social scene and meeting interesting people will broaden your horizons; travel plans could also grow or broader communication could expand a long-distance relationship. A surge of family involvement or a surge of action with a domestic undertaking will make home a busy place to be. The chance to address an old problem or a niggling misunderstanding with another will be welcome but you’ll have to lead the way.