Each time the Moon transits Gemini, until the end of March 2023, it will conjunct the planet Mars. This weekend, it will do just this and bring a fresh surge of action in an area of your life that’s already busy, even full on!
With all this Libra - a discussion that calls for you to clarify your intentions or issues with another will also test your listening abilities.
The Moon forms different aspects moving through these Zodiac Signs - watch out for stumbling blocks; there may be situations that need thoughtful give-and-take.
ARIES. The Moon conjuncts Mars again falls here in your 3rd house: travelling extra distances or exploring new places will take plenty of effort but it will bring fun adventures, encounters and discoveries. A sharing exchange or confidence from someone dear will explain something you haven’t understood; it will add a new awareness to your relationship. There’ll be a situation to play by ear on the home front; it may require an awkward change of plans.
TAURUS. The Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini falls here in your 2nd house: there’ll be action financially – large or spontaneous outlays and progress with a financial matter you’re keen to resolve. Enlightening discussions on the job will guide you with an exciting but challenging endeavour; a knowledgeable colleague will offer helpful advice. You may also gain interesting information or direction with a health, diet or fitness goal. A hassle or frustrating issue will try your patience; keeping our cool will help it to pass quickly.
GEMINI. With the Moon conjunct Mars in your Zodiac Sign again, it’s time for more proactive efforts – you’ll have to be the one, to drive progress with a matter or undertaking that’s important to you! Stimulating, informative discussions with someone whose talents or experience you admire will offer new ideas and tips with a project or interest that’s close to your heart. A joyful occasion or fun plans will cost a pretty penny; watch the tendency to overspend.
CANCER. The Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini again falls here: there may be a slow-moving, challenging issue you need to tackle patiently and purposefully - this may be a health, diet or fitness matter, a domestic or family task, or a goal you’re working towards. Open family discussions will help you plan a family or domestic project; the input of different family members will give you much food for thought. A surprise turn of events may touch emotional chords but it will hold an unexpected opportunity.
LEO. With the Moon conjunct Mars here, you’ll thoroughly enjoy a fun outing, occasion or special get-together that’s also emotionally meaningful; you’ll learn more about a new friend or associate too and even build a new friendship. Discussing an exciting new project and gathering information will help you refine your plans and move things along. There may be a conversation you’ve been avoiding as well; handling this thoughtfully will take a weight off your mind.
VIRGO. The Moon conjunct Mars here again indicates more big tasks ahead: you’ll need to push the pace, to get through a big job, keep a promise and work through a myriad of extra chores along the way. An expansive financial discussion will explore new options with expensive plans, negotiate a good deal or set up a new financial arrangement. A spontaneous outlay or purchase will come from the heart but take care you don’t leave yourself short.
LIBRA. The Moon conjunct Mars here will energise travel plans or special plans with a distant loved one; it will be full steam ahead! Exciting discussions will open the way to put forth your ideas and intentions with a new project on the drawing board; clear objectives but it will be the key to getting it off the ground. A PR challenge on the job will test your communication skills.
SCORPIO. The Moon conjunct Mars here this weekend will bring a crescendo of financial business – you’ll take an important financial step, but also there’ll be bills or expenses you need to get on top of. With a major goal you’re working towards, a well organised time-line will keep you on track and send a clear message to others who need to be in the know. An old misunderstanding with another could resurface; step lightly to defuse this.
SAGITTARIUS. The Moon conjunct Mars here this weekend will bring a special family get-together or commitment; you’ll pour energy into building relations with relatives, or people they care about, and easing a few tensions as you go. Invigorating discussions with a friend or helpful contact will offer all kinds of new ideas and possibilities with fun plans on the drawing board. A thoughtless comment or criticism from another may touch a nerve; avoid reacting and the moment will pass.
CAPRICORN. With the Moon conjunct Mars here, a physical task or health, diet of fitness endeavour will require a fresh surge of effort; a pressing task on the job or at home could require a huge effort too. An advantageous exchange with a colleague will help you organise an ambitious career or personal project. An inconvenient request or extra chores for someone close may ask a lot of you. Financially, there could be an influx of funds but also extra expenses.
AQUARIUS. The Moon conjunct Mars falls here – you’ll throw yourself into labours of love this weekend, to support a loved one or pursue an interest you love. A timely conversation with a distant loved one will explain their situation more fully and help you arrange special plans you’re organising. A sudden change of plans will test your flexibility; it’ll be advantageous to just go with the flow.
PISCES The Moon conjunct Mars here in the 4th house this weekend will bring a surge of action with a domestic or family project and special purchases for your home, visitors could beat a path to your door as well. An important financial discussion will explain a complex financial matter or clarify the cost of big plans. A generous gift or gesture will come from your heart; you may not want to compromise but it could stress the b