In the next 7 days:
The Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio will intensify Scorpio energy again! There’ll be further action in the area of your life Scorpio is accenting – you could take a big step!
When the Moon moves through Aquarius, it makes a T-Square with Scorpio and Taurus – this indicates there may be a challenging task or situation to handle.
This lovely Water Sign trine between Scorpio and Pisces will be accented by the Moon when it adds to the Pisces energy; this could bring a special personal experience or advantageous development.
When the Sun moves into Sagittarius, it joins the planet Mercury; big ideas, plans and goals will unfold in the coming weeks.
ARIES. There’ll be major action with a financial venture, expensive plans or an important financial issue you’re keen to address. A social encounter or occasion will test your people skills. Financial or family news you’ve been waiting on will take a weight off your mind. Here is the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius energy: in the coming weeks, holiday or travel plans will inspire you, there’ll be big plans to reconnect with distant relatives, friends and colleagues, you’ll also go further afield, explore interesting places and embrace new activities and experiences.
TAURUS. A big commitment with someone close will ask a lot of you but it’ll make an important statement of support. A sudden inconvenient request may put you on the spot though; it’ll be awkward to squeeze this into your schedule. A long awaited catch up with a friend or a friendly exchange with an associate will leave you feeling good. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius accents financial issues for you – there’ll be a financial boost in the coming weeks, a large purchase and expensive plans; sorting out a contract or a super, tax or insurance matter will show you new possibilities.
GEMINI. A strenuous task or physical activity will stretch your resources to the max; alternatively, an exciting opportunity on the job will call for the best you have to give. Unusual conditions, getting out and about to different places and sudden changes of plans will test your flexibility. A personal achievement will do you proud and set a new benchmark. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius will bring an ambitious, exciting project with your mate or a family member in the coming weeks and an important family event that requires emotional and practical support.
CANCER. You’ll throw yourself with gusto, into a favourite activity, fun plans with a loved one or a creative or personal endeavour you have a vested interest in; you may even reach several important milestones! An extra expense or frustrating financial issue could be a little inconvenient. An outing or social occasion that has special significance for you will be uplifting. The Sun and Mercury here in Sagittarius will bring opportunities on the job in the coming weeks, to show more of what you can do and raise your professional profile; it may also bring pleasing progress and results with a health pursuit.
LEO. A domestic or family undertaking will be hard work but it will be full steam ahead. A sudden clash of ideas or ways with someone close will need tactful defusing. A special purchase for your home will be a joy. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius here denotes fun plans aplenty in the coming weeks - you’ll pursue a personal interest or hobby with fresh enthusiasm, social encounters will open the way to foster fun new connections and connections with people who share a common interest, there’ll also be special memorable times with loved ones.
VIRGO. An ambitious personal project, that’s been a long time in the planning and setting up stages, will surge forward with a wave of fresh momentum. An awkward problem will test your ingenuity. A meaningful exchange with someone dear will be insightful; you’ll finally understand something that’s come between you and it’ll help you to fix it. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius here indicates that grand ideas with a family or domestic enterprise will inspire you in the weeks to come; a bold vision will take exciting shape!
LIBRA. There’ll be some big purchases, special outlays but also the opportunity to earn more in the days ahead – you’ll take some big financial steps. Fitting into a new social scene or building a rapport with someone you don’t have an innate accord with, will have its challenges. With a labour of love or situation where you can help, you will come from the heart and it will be a joy. The Sun joins Mercury in Sagittarius here: an exciting personal undertaking will take off in the coming weeks, you’ll connect with knowledgeable people who inspire you, you may also travel further afield.
SCORPIO. You’ll be on a mission in the days ahead to push forward with an exciting, ambitious personal or professional undertaking. Unexpected happenings on the home front will keep you on your toes. A caring gesture from another will reach out to you; emotionally, it will mean the world to you. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius here could spark big ideas financially in the coming weeks; you’ll explore new financial and investment prospects, throw yourself into earning more and splurge on special purchases and generous gestures.
SAGITTARIUS. A surge of effort with a demanding drawn-out undertaking could bring a breakthrough. A difficult conversation will test your communication skills. A family get-together that’s overdue will be sentimental and meaningful for you. The Sun joining Mercury in your Zodiac Sign will refresh your energy and enthusiasm – exciting new ideas and plans will take shape and new personal and professional opportunities will emerge in the coming weeks – there’ll be temping, fun and exhilarating new dimensions to life!
CAPRICORN. Fun activities and get-togethers will set a brisk social pace in the days ahead; there’ll be opportunities to cultivate new friends and contacts. A spontaneous purchase or unexpected outlay could stretch the budget. Catching up with someone you can’t wait to see will be a joy, it’ll also offer the chance to resolve an issue between you. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius here indicates you’ll be working towards a grand longer-term goal in the coming weeks – there’ll be a lot of loose ends and unfinished business to sort out too; each step forward will be a stepping stone to the next achievement.
AQUARIUS. A personal or professional task will be exacting but there’ll be a big goal at stake and you’ll be able to make your mark! An unexpected turn of events will call for you to think on your feet. You’ll treasure a new practical or sentimental possession. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius here could bring a feast of fun stimulating encounters and exchanges in the coming weeks; they’ll be informative, opportune and will cultivate a variety of new contacts.
PISCES. You could make a big decision regarding travel plans or special plans with a distant friend; alternatively, you’ll broaden your horizons by exploring new places or a new social group - there’ll be much to learn and enjoy along the way. It will take thoughtful words and timing to clear up a misunderstanding with another. A special outing or social introduction will leave a happy afterglow. The Sun joining Mercury in Sagittarius could offer expansive new possibilities on the career front in the coming weeks; inspiring discussions with colleagues will spark exciting ideas.