In the next few days, three planets and the Moon, all in Taurus, will bring a reminder of the reality or priorities of a situation or undertaking; as the planet Uranus is in the mix, there’ll also be something changing and different to take into account.
Next week, the Moon will conjunct the Sun in Gemini; this new Moon energy will spark new ideas and plans, and plenty of enthusiasm.
ARIES. This Taurus emphasis for you will focus on financial matters – a financial undertaking, large purchase or unusual outlay; you may need to redo the budget, look at different options or rethink your approach to go forward. Alternatively, a changing financial arrangement or being in a new financial situation will reshape your priorities. The New Moon in Gemini will launch exciting personal plans; there’ll be new ideas and all kinds of possibilities to check out. You may also plan a short trip.
TAURUS. This strong accent on your Zodiac Sign will bring something you’ve been hoping or waiting for – this may be a special meeting, opportunity or development; your ideas may have been changing though and it will be time to reassess where you are now and what you now want. The New Moon will bring a surge of financial activity – special outlays and plans to cost carefully and budget for.
GEMINI. All this Taurus for you will bring an emotional re-evaluation; analysing a drawn out situation or issue in your life will bring home to you what matters most; simultaneously, new revelations will generate a subtle pressure to do things differently – balancing these two will be the way forward. The New Moon in your Zodiac Sign promises a fresh start, an upward swing in your affairs and exciting personal plans and goals!
CANCER. The Taurus emphasis for you points to changing personal desires with something you thought you wanted; different priorities will now come to the fore. A changing friendship will encourage you to reconsider your meeting points; fun invitations and new friendships will appeal to you. You’ll make progress with a slow-moving project and important new inroads with a family commitment or endeavour.
LEO. With this strong Taurus accent, the pressure will be on with a big task or ambitious career undertaking; being clear about your plans, objectives and intentions will prevent you from going off at tangents. Changes on the job will require adjustments; new and unexpected things will be asked of you, new possibilities will also offer exciting opportunities. A fun get-together too long coming will be a joy, fun outings and activities will be like a breath of fresh air.
VIRGO. All this Taurus for you highlights travel plans, long distance relationships, new learning experiences and legal business – on all these fronts, a crescendo of activity and involvement will bring important developments and discoveries. The New Moon for you means it will be full steam ahead with new personal and career ambitions; this is your time for progress, to make your mark and show what you can do!
LIBRA. This Taurus emphasis will direct your focus to a complex financial venture or matter – see the big picture to be clear on what you’re aiming for, also do your sums carefully, to know your limits and how best to set this up; this may be new territory for you, so you’ll need to feel your way carefully. Thought-provoking discussions and reflective periods, will shed light on a complex personal issue, this could bring an emotional shift. Fun plans for a getaway or to catch up with a distant friend or relative will take shape; it will be your enthusiasm that brings these to fruition.
SCORPIO. The Taurus accent falls here in your relationship zone – you may be rethinking a relationship and how best to communicate or proceed with this person; there’ll be adjustments to be made in this changing relationship but essentially it will be how much you value this person that points the way. There may also be a very different kind of relationship that’s a learn-as-you-go experience. Big financial plans will be exciting; new ideas and possibilities will inspire you!
SAGITTARIUS. The Taurus energy for you accents work and health – on the job, changing conditions and associates will require you to change your approach and redefine your commitment; helpful information or advice with a health pursuit will offer new options - keeping your eye on your goal will help you make your best choices. A family event or occasion will require a special effort; you’ll throw yourself into it enthusiastically and support your mate or a relative, both practically and emotionally.
CAPRICORN. This Taurus accent for you promises fun times ahead – social outings and get-togethers, and fun things you want to do; there’ll be much to learn with a special personal project and timely tips from people whose skills you admire may change your approach. A new commitment with your mate or a family member will ask a lot of you, a new task on the job will test your resourcefulness and new ideas with a health, diet or fitness pursuit will fan your enthusiasm.
AQUARIUS. The Taurus emphasis here for you denotes a reality check with a domestic or family undertaking; a discovery or realisation may reshape your ideas and approach. A fun visitor will have some interesting news. Also, fun plans with a loved one, pursuing a favourite interest or developing a talent you’re keen to foster will be a lot of work but a joy; you’ll be ready to throw yourself into it.
PISCES. This Taurus accent for you will bring warm loving contact with someone you see too rarely; also, an important meeting will answer big questions and introduce a new reality. Going further afield to a favourite or beautiful place will bring interesting discoveries. Special plans for your home or with the family will twist and turn; simply go with the flow and you’ll enjoy the whole experience so much more.