In the next 7 days:
The planet Mercury moving into Taurus and joining Venus, the Sun, Jupiter and the planet Uranus will add a new weight to this hugely accented Zodiac Sign. It will be all systems go in this area of your life in the coming weeks!
The Sun conjunct the planet Uranus in Taurus denotes something unexpected may take you by surprise and test your ability to go with the flow.
ARIES. This powerful Taurus emphasis accents the financial zone for you: you’ll pour a lot of thought and energy in the coming weeks, into earning extra money, checking out your best financial deals, pushing forward with a big financial project, organising a new financial arrangement, you may also splurge on expensive purchases and plans. An unexpected cost or spontaneous purchase in the week ahead could shake up the budget.
TAURUS. Look at this powerful accent on your Zodiac Sign: it will be up to you to take the reins with an important matter or task in the coming weeks, also the buck will stop with you with a big undertaking; there’ll be new personal or professional possibilities to explore as well, travel plans to arrange or a change of scene, a financial score may be in the pipeline as well. An unusual incident, development or opportunity in the week ahead may take you surprise; get set to think on your feet!
GEMINI. This strong Taurus energy here in the coming weeks will bring action with a matter you’ve been working on for a long time and also new possibilities to consider, you’ll push on with a long-term goal or a big slow-moving issue, a blast from the past will rekindle relations that go way back, and a domestic or family project will require ‘next level’ engagement. An overdue conversation in the week ahead may be challenging but it will bring a realisation.
CANCER. Here is this build up in Taurus: you’ll plan a holiday in the coming weeks, pour energy into fun things you want to do, enjoy social get-togethers and cultivate new friendships, you’ll also savour special moments with dear friends and loved ones; there’ll be unique opportunities to foster valuable personal and professional connections as well. A wish could come true and a romance or friendship could blossom. A spontaneous purchase in the week ahead, fun outing or activity could put a dent in the savings.
LEO. With this super strong Taurus accent here, in your career or direction zone, new possibilities could open up on the job or personally in the coming weeks, you’ll embrace an ambitious, unusual undertaking, there’ll be challenging issues and conditions that require resourceful handling, maybe a complicated system or protocol to work through, but this is your time to break exciting new ground. A sudden unexpected turn of events in the week ahead may test your adaptability but it will be your chance to clarify a changing situation or relationship.
VIRGO. Look at this powerful Taurus accent here: it will be full steam ahead in the coming weeks with travel plans or big plans with a distant loved one, you’ll foster relations with a distant relative, friend or associate, and there’ll be legal matters, a contract or important documents that require careful consideration; a new social situation will be a learning experience. The chance to resolve a misunderstanding in the week ahead will require a thoughtful initiative.
LIBRA. This powerful Taurus emphasis indicates important financial business to attend to in the coming weeks: a big financial undertaking, purchase or outlay you are emotionally invested in could power ahead, there’ll be informative discussions, negotiations, new prospects to explore and a contract or complex financial paperwork, tax, insurance or super matters to work through; research and staying open to new ideas and ways of doing things will serve you. Emotionally, questioning something or someone you’d like to understand better will bring new inspiration in the week ahead.
SCORPIO. This powerful Taurus accent falls in your relationship zone: in the coming weeks, bold and big plans with your partner or a family member will break new ground – there’ll be challenging aspects to these, to handle thoughtfully; reflecting on your relationships will bring valuable insights and realisations, and you’ll put a lot of effort into helping or supporting loved ones, over and above the line of duty. Expect the unexpected in the week ahead though – sudden, unusual requests or situations may ask a lot of you.
SAGITTARIUS. This powerful Taurus energy will flow through work and health endeavours in the coming weeks: a new job, an unusual opportunity on the job, working with new colleagues or clients, and learning from knowledgeable associations will have you firing on all cylinders; you’ll also give of your best with a challenging physical endeavour, or a demanding health, diet or fitness pursuit and it will be a learning experience all the way. An unusual task or situation on the job in the week ahead, or sudden change of plans, will test your ingenuity and show another aspect of your abilities.
CAPRICORN. Here is the powerful Taurus accent: in the coming weeks, a new love in your life will be emotionally absorbing, exciting plans with a loved one will forge ahead, you’ll also go the extra mile to help and support a loved one or to share a meaningful experience; a creative or passionate interest will gather momentum and stimulating discussions with people whose talents you admire will be most enlightening. An unusual or unexpected cost in the week ahead could disrupt the budget.
AQUARIUS. This strong Taurus accent here indicates you’ll pour energy into a big domestic project in the coming weeks, make changes to your home, adjust to changing conditions on the home and family front or an unusual home or family situation, you may even spend time at a home away from home; you’ll also be emotionally and practically engaged in family affairs and issues, and special family plans that are a lot of work. A family member or unusual development on the home scene could take you by surprise in the week ahead; there’ll be times when you can only play things by ear.
PISCES. With this Strong Taurus accent here in the coming weeks, a short trip, going further afield, or exploring beautiful or unusual places will bring fascinating encounters and discoveries; a project that’s an exhilarating learn-as-you-go experience will bring enlightening discussions with knowledgeable people that inspire you. There may be some surprise news next week, or a new idea or option will offer tempting unexpected possibilities with your plans or an unusual endeavour.