In the next 7 days:
The New Moon in Pisces, with all these Pisces planets, heralds a significant new beginning!
The planet Venus moving into Pisces will bring a shift in a relationship.
Mercury, the planet of communication moving into Aries will bring an opportunity or pressure for an important discussion.
ARIES. The New Moon in Pisces for you will bring the opportunity to heal and move past an old or drawn out upset with another, but there’ll be issues you need to handle gently to reset the relationship. A reunion will turn back time; there’ll be much to share and learn about each other, to bring this relationship up to date. You may have to pre-empt discussions, to clarify special plans on the job or with a personal endeavour; you’ll be the motivating force!
TAURUS. Here is the New Moon in Pisces – a surge of energy to do or achieve something you’ve been planning for some time will lead to joyful accomplishments; you’ll be on your way to making a dream, a reality. A get-together with a friend you’ve had a long history with, could set up the next chapter in your relationship. The pressure will be on for an overdue discussion with another but it will require a thoughtful approach; it will be time to clear up some unspoken issues.
GEMINI. With the New Moon in Pisces in your career and direction zone, you’ll throw yourself into an ambitious professional or personal endeavour and work hard to achieve your goals; surging responsibilities and demanding conditions will put you through your paces! A work association may enter a new phase, you’ll also work hard to cultivate clients or build connections on the job. An informative discussion with a friend or knowledgeable contact will help you with your plans and decisions.
CANCER. This New Moon in Pisces will put a focus on travel plans or plans with a distant friend or relative – they’ll gather strong momentum. It may also be full steam ahead with a legal matter, or a new course or interest you are studying. A long-distance relationship could turn a new corner; it will be meaningful and emotional to reconnect with someone dear too far away or returning from afar. A meeting or eschange with a colleague, that you’ve been preparing for, for a while, will be your chance to ask or answer important questions, outline important plans and arrangements on the job and develop this association.
LEO. Here is the New Moon in Pisces – a big financial undertaking, complex financial matter such as tax, super or insurance, or dealing with a big financial commitment will be hard work but you’ll take important steps forward! There may be a turning-point in a relationship – you’ll need to adjust to a changing situation between you. An enlightening discussion will offer new ideas and options with your plans, also a long-distance discussion may set fun plans in motion.
VIRGO. With the New Moon in Pisces here, a big or new commitment with a loved one, or a change or new situation for a loved one, will require a lot of practical and emotional support. A challenging issue with someone close will require thoughtful handling; objectivity will help you see the big picture and handle it well. A financial discussion will give you new ideas, valuable information or guidance with an important financial matter.
LIBRA. The New Moon in Pisces here may bring a work opportunity or new task on the job and growing responsibilities; alternatively, a health pursuit or physical task will require a bigger commitment. You’ll also pour energy into helping others; your actions will speak louder than words and may take some relationships in a new direction. A timely conversation with your mate or a relative will be an opportunity to clarify your ideas, wishes and goals with plans and issues that are meaningful to both of you.
SCORPIO. The New Moon and strong Pisces energy here indicates growing commitments with loved ones; they’ll be true labours of love. Sharing more with someone dear will add new layers and deeper understanding to your relationship. A social occasion will be an opportunity to cultivate a connection you’ve been keen to foster for a while. A work discussion will shift a professional relationship onto a friendlier footing or open the way to renegotiate an arrangement.
SAGITTARIUS. The New Moon and all this Pisces energy here indicates a grand domestic undertaking will surge ahead or big plans and commitments with family members will draw you in. Your relationship with a relative could grow, as you work on it, try harder and do more for them. Communication with one of your children or a younger person in your life will be more open and productive; it will feel good to bridge the generation gap, share more and understand each other better.
CAPRICORN. The New Moon and this strong Pisces accent indicates that a grand project on the drawing board, travel plans or an educational pursuit will require research, organisation and may prove to be a bigger undertaking than expected. Going further afield to connect with someone dear, or a get-together with someone dear you see too rarely may trigger nostalgic moods; it may also bring emotional insights. An informative exchange with a family member will bring some interesting news and help you with growing domestic or family plans.
AQUARIUS. The New Moon and all this Pisces energy in the financial zone will bring progress with an important financial matter or expensive undertaking; it may bring a financial opportunity and large purchase as well. Giving and receiving: a thoughtful gesture or gift for another and also from another will give a fresh momentum to this relationship. As you discuss and sort the details or a fun project with another, some very helpful information will surface.
PISCES. The New Moon, with this powerful accent on your Zodiac Sign, could launch a new personal cycle: you could start a new personal or health practice, change your thinking or approach to an issue or problem you’ve been wrestling with, and take action with a big task or long-term goal and start to build the foundations. An encounter you have an emotional investment in will leave a sentimental afterglow. A financial discussion will clarify an arrangement with another that’s been up in the air, or the cost of a special purchase or endeavour.