In the next 7 days:
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra will accentuate Moon energy and bring an emotional issue to a head or exciting plans to fruition.
The planet Mars moving into Pisces, joins Saturn, Venus and Neptune – this will be a longer lasting Zodiac accent, Mars will transit Pisces until May! We’ll pour determined energy into an ambitious undertaking or goal, or a big task or responsibility that is shaping our lives.
Also, just to let you know, next week I will post your Easter holiday forecast on Thursday.
ARIES. The partial Lunar Eclipse falls here in your relationship zone: a family occasion or get-together will be an opportunity to shift relations with a relative onto a new footing; emotions may run high though, step lightly or a nagging difference could suddenly erupt. The planet Mars joining all this Pisces here indicates that a domestic project or family commitment will be a lot of work in the coming weeks, you’ll also tackle a drawn-out task or some unfinished business and work hard towards a future goal that really matters to you.
TAURUS. With the partial Lunar Eclipse falling here, you’ll have to go the extra mile to keep a promise, fulfill a commitment you’ve made or deal with a challenging task or issue; there’ll be satisfaction in your achievement but pace yourself carefully, your energies may feel depleted at times. The planet Mars with all this Pisces energy will bring overdue get-togethers with friends in the coming weeks and opportunities to share fun moments or experiences, you may also cultivate new friendships and pour energy and money into fun outings, activities or a holiday.
GEMINI. Here is the partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra: a get-together with a loved one will be a joy but also emotional – there may be a sensitive issue to navigate carefully; you’ll throw yourself into an interest or project you feel passionately about too. The planet Mars and all this Pisces indicates some big tasks ahead of you – embracing a challenging career or personal enterprise in the coming weeks will stretches your resources, building connections with colleagues may be hard work but important, there could also be opportunities to earn extra money.
CANCER. This partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra accents home and family affairs: a family event, commitment or issue will require special effort, alternatively a domestic project or home situation will ask a lot of you; there may be sensitive or emotional matters to deal with as you go. Here is the planet Mars and all the Pisces: in the coming weeks, travel plans, going further afield or exploring different places will widen your horizons, you’ll cultivate a long-distance relationship, you may add to your knowledge and skills with study or experiential learning and/or you may be introduced to a new social world through an interest you have.
LEO. This strong partial Lunar Eclipse energy falling here indicates that a meaningful discussion you are emotionally invested in, will answer some important questions; there’ll be much to take on board! You may also travel extra distances. The planet Mars moving into Pisces and adding to the powerful Pisces energy will bring progress with important financial business in the coming weeks, there may also be a few challenging financial issues to wort out, paperwork to work through, plus large outlays or extra costs to absorb into the budget.
VIRGO. The partial Lunar Eclipse falling here in your financial zone will bring a financial issue to a head; a matter that’s been drifting on will resolve, there’ll be action with big financial plans, there may also be some special purchases or outlays. The planet Mars moving into your relationship zone, joining all this Pisces, will bring increasing tasks and commitments with your partner or family members in the coming weeks, you may also spend more on others; watch the tendency to over-commit yourself though - your energy levels may fluctuate and there’ll be tired patches you need to work through.
LIBRA. The partial Lunar Eclipse falls in your Zodiac Sign: step lightly with emotional issues or situations with others and you’ll lay the groundwork for a new beginning, a family occasion will be a chance to nurture warmer relations with a relative or someone close. With the planet Mars joining all this Pisces, the pace may rev up on the job in the coming weeks with sudden extra tasks and pressures, there could be special duties and extra requests from others too and you’ll put a lot of energy into a physical, health, fitness or diet pursuit.
SCORPIO. Here is the partial Lunar Eclipse: following through with a big commitment or finishing a big task will ask a lot of you, old tensions with another may resurface but handled positively, it’ll be an opportunity to put them behind you; on a health note, take a little extra care to avoid overdoing things. The planet Mars joining all this Pisces will bring extra tasks, activities and commitments with loved ones in the coming weeks, it may also bring exciting plans with loved ones; a personal or creative pursuit that holds exciting potential but is a lot of work will take off!
SAGITTARIUS. With the partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra here, there’ll be a get-together or social occasion that has special significance for you and the opportunity to cultivate a new friendship, a friendship may take a new direction too. The planet Mars joining all this Pisces here will generate plenty of action with domestic and family plans in the coming weeks, you may take on some DIY projects, entertain visitors and throw yourself into special family activities and projects, there may also be a few prickly family issues to defuse.
CAPRICORN. The partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra falling here indicates that it will take a huge push to reach a professional target, fulfill a family commitment or bring domestic plans to fruition. All this Pisces energy may bring short trips in the coming weeks, changes of environment or a task or project that’s a stimulating and challenging learning experience.
AQUARIUS. Here is the partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra: an important meeting, work-wise or personally, will be most informative and it’ll open your eyes to new possibilities, a long-distance exchange will inspire you and travel plans could gather momentum. The planet Mars adding to all this Pisces energy in your financial zone denotes big financial plans in the coming weeks and a lot of financial business to attend to, there may be some big purchases or deals to be done, there may also be the opportunity to boost your earnings.
PISCES. The partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra falling here points to a large outlay, or a string of financial outlays; stretching the dollars for these may be a bit of a stress but they’ll be close to your heart. The planet Mars joining all these planets in your Zodiac Sign will inspire pro-activity in the coming weeks, you’ll forge ahead with bold, exciting new plans, take action with matters or problems you’ve been postponing, you may also embrace a fitness goal or physical task that requires a strenuous effort.