There are very mixed aspects during the next 7 days.
Mercury turning Direct will aid communication and move plans, negotiations and meetings forward.
Saturn turning Retrograde will mean revisiting an unresolved issue, coming to terms with something we’ve been putting off or having to tackle a slow-moving task with patience and perseverance.
Again, the Moon is moving out here in this hemisphere of the chart; this will bring a special highlight, achievement or pleasing result.
ARIES. Mercury turning Direct in your 2nd house points to strong progress with a financial matter, plan or project you’re keen to drive forward – you may secure a deal you’ve been negotiating, a special purchase, a raise, bonus or progress with an exciting venture. Achieving a special desire, something you’ve wanted for a long time, will be a ‘two, steps forward, one step back’ process; you’ll need to keep on, keeping on to get there. A meaningful exchange with someone dear will be a joy for the heart. A resourceful approach to a problem or challenging task will show you at your best.
TAURUS. Mercury turning Direct in your Zodiac Sign means your input will be the deciding factor with expensive new plans – you’ll be ready to bite the bullet, make decisions and get them happening. An ambitious personal or professional task will be a learn-as-you-go experience; each step of the way will teach you something important. Something to celebrate or a joyful get-together will be an emotional treat.
GEMINI. Mercury turning Direct for you means a plan or arrangement that’s been on the drawing board for a long time will finally move forward; you’ll still have to choose your words carefully and take the long view but there will be action! There may be a legal matter, contract or financial documents to work through; you’ll need to review some of the paperwork and pay close attention to details. There may be extra costs with travel arrangements or plans with a distant relative too. Fun visitors or a family gathering will leave you smiling.
CANCER. Mercury turning Direct here for you indicates a productive exchange with a friend or someone you go back with a long way will regenerate plans you’ve often talked about. Also, a thoughtful exchange will be a chance to improve communication with a friend or associate with whom you’ve felt out of step. A slow moving or complicated financial issue will weigh on your mind; you’ll need to see different points of view to negotiate your way through this. A spontaneous outlay on something fun will add to your happiness. Tidying a financial loose end will be a relief.
LEO. Mercury turning Direct for you promises an important discussion that will advance exciting career or personal plans; be careful of biting off too much to chew. A complex relationship issue will be hard work; this won’t resolve overnight, it will take time to work through it positively. A fun outing or purchase may cost a pretty penny, a meaningful encounter or interlude will set up the next stage of a relationship.
VIRGO. Mercury turning Direct here will help discussions with a legal matter or important document to clear up details and move forward. A long-distance exchange will launch exciting ideas and plans; alternatively, exciting travel plans will take shape. A drawn out work or personal commitment will require fresh effort; a clear overview will keep this in perspective. A health goal will require a renewed effort too. A surprise turn of events will answer an important question.
LIBRA. Mercury turning Direct will spark financial discussions that bring information, advice and fruitful results; these will help you make big decisions with confidence. Redefining a commitment to a loved one will be important but avoid promising more than you can handle. An uplifting encounter will leave you with new ideas and possibilities to consider. The chance to clear up a misunderstanding with another will mean the world to you.
SCORPIO. Mercury turning Direct is in your relationship zone – sorting out a financial arrangement with someone close will clarify who pays for what, how much money is involved or how you’ll manage it between you. A family issue or duty will need strong follow through, also it will be time to tackle a domestic task or problem you’ve been putting off. A fun different social encounter will be the chance to foster an interesting new relationship.
SAGITTARIUS. With Mercury turning Direct in your 6th house, a work meeting will be an opportunity to build positive relations with colleagues and clarify how best to approach a challenging task. Health, diet or fitness discussions will bring helpful information and advice. A lesson that’s been hard to learn will finally hit home. An unusual social experience will be eye-opening.
CAPRICORN. Mercury turning Direct falls here in your 5th house – sharing discussions will propel special plans with a loved one along; fun, memorable experiences lay ahead. A creative project will surge ahead; an inspiring idea or exchange will fire your enthusiasm. There’ll be a financial issue or undertaking it takes patience and perseverance to sort out, but you’ll need to get onto it! A break from routine or a change of scene will be a refreshing highlight. A special achievement will be a personal triumph.
AQUARIUS. Mercury turning Direct accents your 4th house – making fun plans for the future with a family member will be exciting, planning and costing a domestic project will also be fruitful. A personal commitment or responsibility may weigh a little heavily but keeping your promise or seeing it through will be important to you. An unusual experience, outing or purchase may be expensive but it will be meaningful.
PISCES. With Mercury turning Direct here in your 3rd house – plans for a short trip or with a distant relative will gather momentum, a timely discussion will guide you with a bold and challenging personal project. An old problem will need fresh attention; it will be an exercise in staying power. A heart-to-heart with someone you care about will spark reflective moods; you’ll feel closer to this person than you have for some time.