In the next 7 days, the Moon aligns with all these planets!
Starting with Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn, this will bring conversations you’re keen to have.
The stand out feature is the New Moon in early Aquarius – this year, the New Moon joins the Sun, Venus and Saturn in this Zodiac Sign, which is significant; in some way, you’ll set up a new situation, undertaking or chapter that you’ve been planning for some time. The New Moon in Aquarius signifies the Chinese New Year.
The Moon conjunct Jupiter will bring a stroke of good fortune.
ARIES Practical discussions with a colleague will help you define the parameters of a big task or project and what is expected of you, it will also be an opportunity to clear up hazy details. The New Moon in Aquarius with the Sun, Venus and Saturn points to a special reunion, it may also launch fun personal or holiday plans, or plans to do something or go somewhere you’ve wanted for a long time. Being in the right place, at the right time will bring a special personal opportunity or encounter.
TAURUS. An open discussion with knowledgeable people will bring a feast of information you can put to good use; a long-distance exchange will be enlightening too. The New Moon in Aquarius with the Sun, Venus and Saturn accents the career or direction zone for you – a task that involves increased responsibilities, authority or autonomy will be a chance to prove yourself; there’ll be opportunities to cultivate important connections too. Something you’ve been hoping for, for a while, will eventuate.
GEMINI. A financial discussion will guide you with a complex matter or paperwork. The New Moon in Aquarius with the Sun, Venus and Saturn will spark special plans with a distant loved one or fun travel plans, a long-distance relationship could turn an important corner and there may be action with a legal matter or contract. A fun encounter will also be fortuitous!
CANCER. A discussion with someone close that you’ve been preparing for will need a delicate touch but it’ll be an opportunity to say something you’re keen to express. The New Moon in Aquarius with the Sun, Venus and Saturn will bring important developments with a financial matter, venture or arrangement; also, the way will open to address and move forward with a sensitive emotional situation. A lucky break with a career or financial project will be exhilarating!
LEO. A health or work discussion will point the way with a pursuit or challenge you need to know more about. The New Moon in Aquarius with the Sun, Venus and Saturn indicates an important event, change or new commitment with someone dear that requires emotional and practical support; this may set up a new chapter between you. A fun outing will be an adventure, you could also receive some good news or much appreciated advice.
VIRGO. A heart-to-heart with a younger relative will help you understand them better, it may also give you practical guidance with plans you’re trying to sort out with them. Here is the New Moon in Aquarius, with the Sun, Venus and Saturn – a health issue or goal will rev up, also a special undertaking or task on the job will be hard work and ask a lot of you; it will be a go ahead time on both fronts. A financial influx will give you a lift.
LIBRA. A discussion about your home will help you make a big decision or a family discussion will clear up a matter that’s been on your mind. The New Moon in Aquarius, with the Sun, Venus and Saturn, falls here – you’ll throw yourself into something you love to do, you’ll organise and prepare special plans with someone you love or there may be a long-awaited get-together or development in a relationship. Something good for your mate with put you both in high spirits!
SCORPIO. A timely discussion will give you information you’ve been looking for or point out something you need to learn; how much you take on board will determine how what you make of it. The New Moon with the Sun, Venus and Saturn here indicates a surge of action with domestic or family endeavours and a special family occasion to prepare for. A lucky break on the job could bring the opportunity to earn extra or to foster a valuable contact.
SAGITTARIUS. You’ll lead the way with a financial discussion or arrangement; addressing ambiguous issues will sort things out faster. The New Moon with the Sun, Venus and Saturn here indicates an exciting personal project, a short trip, or plans to catch up with a distant relative will surge ahead; there may be some unusual new experiences along the way. A special meeting or pleasing invitation will be a joyful highlight.
CAPRICORN. Complex personal plans will require careful organisation; there may be a few questions you need answered, to set them up for success. The New Moon with the Sun, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius will bring a financial emphasis – the opportunity to earn extra, do special deals, make progress with ambitious or expensive plans or clear up a slow-moving issue, you may also gain special new possessions. A domestic acquisition or fun family occasion will add to your happiness.
AQUARIUS. Addressing an unspoken issue with another will need a thoughtful approach but it will be an opportunity to settle a nagging issue. The New Moon with the Sun, Venus and Saturn in your Zodiac Sign will bring action with a matter or undertaking you’ve been worried about, exciting personal plans may gather momentum as well. Good news will give you an emotional lift!
PISCES. Helpful discussion with a friend or associate will guide you with an issue you’ve been wrestling with. The New Moon with the Sun, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius will bring a turning-point with a slow-moving commitment or problem, you’ll feel a fresh determination to achieve a long-term goal, there may also be a surge of domestic repairs and family duties. A gift or generous gesture from another will be meaningful emotionally and a joy.