The next 7 days will be a rewarding productive time with a defining decision that sets your course and practical achievements; there may also be emotional patches when others seem difficult to understand.
The Sun conjunct Pluto here in Capricorn points to achievements
This Venus/Uranus square points to a few tensions in relationships.
Mars stationary will rev up yet another surge of energy and action in a familiar area of our lives.
ARIES. The Sun conjunct Pluto here will inspire an ambitious target with a career or personal undertaking and you’ll go all out to achieve it! Sudden requests and extra chores to help out others may be disruptive; you may need to rearrange some of your plans at short notice. Going further afield plus a new lease of life with a special personal endeavour will call for an energetic effort.
TAURUS. Here’s the Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: travel plans will come together or you’ll catch up with a distant relative or friend; there’ll be a lot of effort and organisation involved but it will all be worthwhile! You may argue a matter of principle or belief with another but there may be differences you just need to accept. You’ll throw yourself into finishing off some lingering financial business or forging ahead with a financial enterprise, a surge of expenses though could rev up a few financial pressures.
GEMINI. The Sun conjunct Pluto here should bring a positive turn of events financially – the chance to earn extra or to sort out a complex financial issue, also special outlays will achieve important results. Making plans with a distant relative may require a few thoughtful but awkward compromises. A physical task or fun energetic activity will push you to the max.
CANCER. The Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn here indicates special plans with someone dear will gather exciting momentum and/or a meaningful turn of events will shape a changing relationship. Getting to know the friends and associates of your partner of a family member will take a thoughtful effort but it will help you to understand their world. A domestic repair will get a move along; you’ll need to take the reins to keep it on track.
LEO. Here’s the Sun conjunct Pluto – greater authority on the job or a big task that showcases your abilities will be your chance to shine! Old tensions on the family front or with your partner could stir up again – learning from previous experience will help you to defuse these. Going the extra mile for a special outing or to catch up with friends and family will be fun but may stretch your resources.
VIRGO. The Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn here denotes a special opportunity or achievement for a loved one, there may also be a breakthrough with a personal pursuit or creative project that’s close to your heart. Discussions with a colleague or relative will accent your very different ideas with a problem or task; listening carefully will help you find a way to blend them. A surge of awkward extra tasks will quicken the tempo; watch a tendency to take on too much.
LIBRA. With the Sun conjunct Pluto in your home zone, a domestic or family project will power ahead. A surprise turn of events with a relative or in a family situation will put you on the spot – you’ll have to think on your feet. Travel plans or exciting plans with a distant relative or associate will fire your enthusiasm.
SCORPIO. The Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn falling here indicates an ambitious personal or professional undertaking will take off – a productive meeting will be the turning-point! Clearing up a misunderstanding with another will require a thoughtful words and timing. Working through a frustrating financial issue and unexpected expenses will take patience.
SAGITTARIUS. The Sun conjunct Pluto accent here indicates a special purchase, outlay or financial negotiation will achieve an important goal; this may be cause for celebration! It will take an insightful approach to deal positively with uneasy undercurrents in a relationship or to raise a matter it’s time to address. Expanding commitments with your partner or family members will be labours of love.
CAPRICORN. The Sun conjunct Pluto is in your Zodiac Sign – you may take an important personal stand, or make a far-reaching decision that launches exciting personal plans; it’s onward and upward Capricorns! Sorting out a financial issue with another or expensive plans will hold an important message; there may also be something to learn. A challenging health or fitness pursuit will ask a lot of you.
AQUARIUS. Here’s the Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – a new vision or perspective[KM1] with a long-term undertaking, old problem or slow-moving situation will be a turning-point; it will take strong further follow through though to get there! You’ll need to tune into the signals with a relationship that’s entering a new phase, to adjust and find your feet. Fun plans with a loved one will surge ahead.
PISCES. The Sun conjunct Pluto is here – you’ll go somewhere, meet with someone or do something that you’ve been planning and working towards for some time. An insight into a nagging issue in a relationship will reveal how best to handle it. A surge of activity on the home front – sudden family commitments, family issues and domestic endeavours will take your involvement to the next level.