Look at this strong Aquarius accent! The planet Venus moving into Aquarius this weekend, joining Pluto, Mars, Mercury and for a short time, the Sun, will bring insights, revelations plus new developments in our relationships; these themes will pervade the next few weeks.
The Sun then joins Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and a Pisces emphasis will grow in the next few weeks; this could bring growing responsibilities, a slow-moving task or unfinished business to deal with, and a reconnection with the past.
ARIES. Here is the planet Venus and strong Aquarius accent: insights into a friendship will add deeper layers to your relationship, a new friendship or helpful connection could grow, advice or kind gestures from friends and contacts will be invaluable, fun friendly encounters will leave you smiling and Singles, a flirty sparkle could add a light-hearted zest to a new association. This growing Pisces accent points to big domestic tasks or repairs in the coming weeks, hefty family commitments, plus it will be time to address issues or jobs you’ve been postponing.
TAURUS. The planet Venus and all this Aquarius energy here will accent relationships on the job: you’ll work with interesting, charming and knowledgeable associates on a big or changing project, but adjusting to the different ideas and ways of some will test your flexibility, working more closely with a colleague will develop this association along new lines and PR efforts will be essential but fruitful; Singles, an attraction or friendship could develop in the workplace. This growing Pisces accent in the coming weeks indicates reunions or get-togethers too long coming will be walks down memory lane.
GEMINI. With the planet Venus and all this Aquarius energy here – a long distance relationship could revitalise, going further afield to beautiful places or places you have an emotional attachment to will be uplifting, travel plans will unfold with the help of an experienced contact and a new social circle will offer interesting possibilities; Singles, a long-distance romance could gather momentum. This growing Pisces emphasis indicates an ambitious work or personal project will be hard work in the coming weeks; it will demand long hours and staying power but your sights will be set on your goal and perseverance is the key.
CANCER. The planet Venus plus all this Aquarius energy here indicates there’ll be important financial business or expensive plans with a loved one, alternatively you’ll spend freely on a special gift or occasion to show your love and make them happy; there may also be large personal outlays that are special and meaningful for you. Emotionally, you’ll review and analyse relationships, past and present, and it will bring thought-provoking insights. This increasing Pisces emphasis in the coming weeks indicates you’ll pour energy into catching up with, or keeping a promise to a distant friend or relative, you may also go somewhere that turns back time.
LEO. This strong Aquarius accent with the planet Venus, the planet of relationships, falls in ‘your’ relationship zone: you’ll pour a lot of energy into your relationships, seeking to understand and support those close to you, to help someone close with an important change or development in their life, to deal with issues, differences or challenges between you and people close to you and to adjust to a changing situation or new chapter with someone close. In the coming weeks, this increasing Pisces accent indicates financial pressures and commitments may tie you down – you’ll need a very practical, well-considered budget; there may also be an unresolved or slow-moving financial matter to work through.
VIRGO. With all this Aquarius, including the planet Venus here – you could spread your wings on the job, work with interesting new clients or colleagues, plus new job conditions and opportunities that showcase your versatility will be stimulating and challenging; this is a time for PR, networking and focusing on developing positive work relations and expanding your work connections. In the coming weeks, this growing Pisces accent indicates a drawn-out family duty, wearing situation with someone close, or a big project you’re working on with your mate or a family member may be hard-going, but pulling together will strengthen the bonds between you.
LIBRA. Here is the planet Venus plus all this Aquarius energy: you’ll put a lot of love and energy into special plans with your children or other loved ones, sharing meaningful times together will add new layers to your relationships and you’ll understand and feel closer to each other; a social encounter or providential exchange will be uplifting and informative, meeting a talented or knowledgeable person will inspiring, and it will be good to speak the same language with people who share a common interest. This strong Pisces accent in the coming weeks indicates a domestic or property undertaking will be a lot of work, a big task on the job or a labour of love to help another will ask a lot of you, a health goal or dealing with a health matter will require a focused effort too.
SCORPIO. The planet Venus joining this powerful Aquarius accent indicates exciting action on the home and family front: you’ll pour energy into family plans and supporting family members, revitalising a family relationship, there may also be exciting opportunities and developments for some family members; domestic improvements and tasks will also push the pace, beautiful domestic acquisitions and special family get-togethers will be highlights. In the coming weeks, this growing Pisces energy indicates a personal, creative or professional endeavour that’s become a passion may take ‘two steps forward, one step back’ but there will be progress; a special reunion will take careful organisation.
SAGITTARIUS. With the planet Venus and all this Aquarius energy here, you’ll pour a lot of love and energy into an unusual but exciting personal or work project, a short tip or change of scene may be uplifting, you’ll discover a beautiful place, reconnect with a relative or friend too far away to see often and an expansive discussion with a knowledgeable associate will spark new ideas and plans; a learning experience will add to your knowledge and skills. In the coming weeks, with this growing Pisces emphasis, a domestic undertaking, family duty or responsibility may be a lot of work but it’ll be important to you to see it through.
CAPRICORN. Here’s the planet Venus and strong Aquarius accent: exciting plans with someone dear may be expensive but they’ll add new dimensions to your relationship, something special you want to do or buy may also be expensive and generous gifts or gestures to loved ones will could shoot holes in the savings; conversely, opportunities to earn extra will boost your financial resources and progress with a financial venture or important matter will be exhilarating. In the coming weeks, with this increasing Pisces accent, a short trip or personal project will take you to a place you have a past connection with, or have long wanted to visit.
AQUARIUS. The planet Venus moving into your Zodiac Sign and joining all this action in Aquarius could bring a major development or new chapter in a complex or changing relationship, an exciting new step in a relationship you’re keen to foster, plus there’ll be more love or romance in your life; you’ll beautify your environment too, buy lovely new personal items and enjoy some social treats. In the coming weeks, with this increasing Pisces energy, you could spend on property repairs or improvements, put in time to clear up some unfinished financial business and splurge on some practical purchases.
PISCES. The planet Venus joining all this Aquarius energy here will bring a long overdue get-together, a drawn out or unspoken issue with another will surface offering you the chance to address it and reset this relationship, you’ll also reflect deeply on your relationships and it will bring flashes of insight that help you come to terms with them or find the best way forward. In the coming weeks, with this increasing emphasis on your Zodiac Sign, you’ll take the reins and move forward determinedly with a major property, career or personal endeavour.