In the next 7 days…
The New Moon with the Sun and Mercury in Aries will be an energising force emotionally and physically; it will also bring dynamic conversations that help you get your plans off the ground, see new possibilities and tackle problems positively and confidently.
Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius could bring a stumbling block or tough challenge that needs innovative resourceful ideas and staying power.
The Moon aligning with Uranus in Taurus will bring an unusual turn of events.
ARIES. This positive, passionate Aries accent will galvanise you into action – you’ll be highly motivated and you’ll pursue your ambitions and tackle tasks with energy and determination; also stimulating informative exchanges with others will spark new plans and ideas for the future! A difficult associate may need a different approach but thoughtful efforts could build helpful bridges. There’ll be an unusual expense or financial deal to evaluate.
TAURUS. All this Aries energy falls in your 12th house - a conversation a long time coming will open the way to clear up some unfinished business, it will also answer questions that help you to plan and move towards a longer-term goal. There’ll be a challenging task or situation on the job, where you don’t know whether to take the initiative and drive change or not; seeing the big picture will guide you. An unusual turn of events will hold an interesting surprise.
GEMINI. The New Moon, Sun and Mercury in Aries fall here in your 11th house - a friend or associate will have some helpful information or advice that points the way with special personal plans on the drawing board. There’ll be a legal issue or complex financial paperwork to work through; dotting every ‘I’ will avoid oversights and complications. A revelation or discovery will change your thinking and approach to a lingering upset or issue of the past.
CANCER. The strong Aries accent falls in your 10th house – motivating talks with a knowledgeable associate will inspire you with a bold personal or professional project; you’ll take the reins and go for it! There’ll be a stressful or drawn out financial issue to work through and sort out, be prepared for extra expenses too. An unusual encounter will be eye-opening.
LEO. All this Aries energy accents your 9th house - an exhilarating exchange will energise plans for a getaway or fun plans with a distant relative or friend. You may feel hamstrung with a difficult situation or commitment with someone close or dealing with a difficult relationship may be trying; patience and staying power will lead you through. An unusual undertaking on the job will be an opportunity to shine or explore a new path!
VIRGO. The Aries Sun, New Moon and Mercury fall here in your 8th house – a financial meeting or discussion will shape your plans with an ambitious undertaking; it will alert you to what you need to know about, steer big decisions and help you get them up and running. A health issue may need more attention or an ambitious goal with a physical or fitness pursuit may be a tough challenge. A startling piece of information could be the missing piece of a puzzle.
LIBRA. The strong Aries accent falls here in your 7th house – a conversation with someone close, that’s been brewing for a while, will be an opportunity to clear the air and clarify where you both stand on an important issue or bold new enterprise. Erratic or slow progress with something you dearly want to do or a pursuit that you love may test your patience; it will be ‘two steps forward, one step back’! An unusual financial option or development will offer unexpected possibilities with a complex matter or expense.
SCORPIO. The Aries Sun, New Moon and Mercury accent your 6th house, which should generate some exciting action on the job – a positive discussion with a colleague will motivate and guide you, new ideas and possibilities will unfold and an ambitious project will surge ahead. A challenging domestic task, family commitment or situation will be hard work; there’ll be tensions to defuse too. A surprise from a relative will call for a change of plans.
SAGITTARIUS. The Sun, Mercury and New Moon in Aries fall here in your 5th house – discussions with someone whose talents you admire will inspire you, exciting new ideas will fire your ambitions with an interest or creative project you feel passionately about and fun plans with your children or other loved ones will grow, as their input encourages you to expand your involvement. Don’t let a mental stumbling block stop you from taking on board something it’s time to learn. An unusual task or request will require resourceful handling.
CAPRICORN. The New Moon with Mercury and the Sun in Aries highlight your 4th house – an enlightening family discussion will shape your plans for a special family event or new domestic project and you’ll pour energy into bringing them to fruition. A challenging financial issue will require research combined with the ability to think outside the square. An unusual encounter or invitation will offer intriguing social possibilities.
AQUARIUS. The strong Aries accent falls here in your 3rd house – a new project will grow; a productive meeting will spark ambitious goals that take it to bold new levels! Coming to terms with something you need to do or stop doing may be challenging but it will be the way forward in a frustrating situation. On the home-front, you’ll need to go with the flow and take an unusual situation or incident in your stride.
PISCES. The Aries New Moon, Sun and Mercury fall here in your 2nd house – a timely financial conversation will guide and inspire you with an important financial mater, you’ll also be excited about a special purchase or financial undertaking you’re planning. An old upset or frustration could resurface – take a deep breath, it’s time to take a different approach or let it go! An unusual conversation will leave a reflective afterglow.