In the next 7 days, there’ll be a lot of Moon action!
The Moon joining Pluto in Aquarius will be the first time for a hugely long time, because Pluto hasn’t been in Aquarius for a hugely long time! This could bring intriguing and eye-opening information or advice.
When the Moon adds to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, it will set a reflective tone; intuitive insights will follow.
The stand out feature, when the Moon transits Aries, will be a Hybrid Solar Eclipse – in some places it will be seen as a Total Solar Eclipse, in other places it will be seen as an Annular Solar Eclipse; this eclipse will fall in the last degree of Aries. As we head towards this eclipse, which is next Thursday, there’ll be a gathering of energies for a change we need to make, action we need to take or plans we’re trying to get off the ground.
ARIES. Contact with an old friend will bring a burst of interesting news. Thinking about the past will bring home a subtle realisation. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls in your Zodiac Sign – you’ll gather your energies for a special personal adventure or undertaking, that’s exciting but also a big push! As Jupiter is also in your Zodiac Sign, a lucky break could turn a problem around or bring a stroke of good fortune.
TAURUS. Taking a big step towards a long-term goal will require motivated follow through, it’ll also be a valuable learn-as-you-go process! A helpful exchange with a friend or contact will answer questions that’ve been on your mind. Here’s the Hybrid Solar Eclipse – you’ll pour energy into keeping promises, managing growing family commitments and tackling a big domestic undertaking with gusto!
GEMINI. An enlightening exchange with a helpful colleague will offer a lot of new ideas – you’ll see new possibilities or new solutions to problems. Tasks or responsibilities that are hard work will test your staying power but your personal and emotional commitment will give you the upper hand. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls here - fun plans with a friend or relative, a fun new interest or exciting plans for a holiday will grow to ambitious levels and it will be full steam ahead!
CANCER. Helpful financial advice or a fortuitous financial development will guide you with a complex matter or decision. A thoughtful exchange with a distant relative or friend, or regarding long-distance arrangements, will lead your thinking along new lines. Here is the Hybrid Solar Eclipse: you’ll marshal your resources for a major career, personal or financial endeavour; it’ll require clear, bold steps to move forward with confidence!
LEO. An enlightening exchange with someone close will bring revelations; you’ll understand them or your relationship much better. Reflecting upon spiritual or emotional issues will bring thought-provoking insights. There may be a special personal outlay or cost. With the Hybrid Solar Eclipse here, you’ll make a special effort to explore new places around you, new possibilities that will expand your horizons or to connect with a new social group; travel plans could grow too.
VIRGO. A challenging task will be a ‘hands on’ learning experience, there may be an unusual work opportunity to explore too. It will take a special effort with a changing relationship to tune into this person; you’ll need to step lightly with sensitive issues. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse accents the financial zone for you: a big financial undertaking could gather momentum, you’ll take a big financial step or you’ll take action with a complex financial matter to sort it out.
LIBRA. A fun encounter or outing will show you other sides to someone dear and their life; this will guide future commitments. A task or commitment you have an emotional investment in will require thoughtful and practical efforts; you’ll see and understand more as you go. This Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls in your relationship zone - a special family event, big project with a loved one or a relationship will ask a lot of you; you’ll go the extra mile and do your best.
SCORPIO. A domestic or family undertaking will teach you as you go but you may need to change a few of your ideas. A sentimental get-together will turn back time and give new insights into situations of the past. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls here: a new job, a major new project on the job or a changing job situation will offer exciting new possibilities that call for astute adjustments on your part and a bigger input; there’ll be so much you can make of this but it will require a super effort!
SAGITTARIUS. A personal exchange, a long time coming, will give a new view of a situation or problem you’re keen to handle positively. A domestic project will require thoughtful perseverance; you’ll need to ponder a family situation deeply though to come to terms with its different layers. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse falls here: you’ll pour energy into grand personal plans, special plans with a loved one or a pursuit or creative endeavour that’s becoming a passion!
CAPRICORN. Financial discussions will be enlightening; you’ll see possibilities you haven’t considered. A sentimental exchange with a relative too far away will leave a nostalgic afterglow. Here’s the Hybrid Solar Eclipse: it will take clear vision and careful planning to steer exciting domestic or family plans forward. A special purchase for your home will be a joy.
AQUARIUS. An important meeting will set the course for an evolving relationship and special plans you’re working on together. Putting money into something you’ve wanted to do or buy for a long time will be meaningful for you. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse will energise an exciting personal project; it’s time to put your best foot forward! A fun new place will become a favourite.
PISCES. New information with a lingering problem or matter that’s been on your mind will offer uplifting new food for thought. An emotional encounter or exchange with another will leave you with much to think about; quiet reflections will give new understandings. The Hybrid Solar Eclipse accents your financial affairs: you’ll gather your financial resources for a big purchase or expensive financial plans; there may be a financial boost or offer as well.