In the next 7 days, there’ll be increasing Fire and Water energy - actions will be driven by strong emotions.
ARIES. You’re a person of action and this will be a fast-paced time. You’ll be on the move, pushing yourself to travel greater distances, explore new places, meet new people and take the initiative with a challenging task or pursuit. A providential new association will grow. A flash of insight will open the way to resolve a misunderstanding.
TAURUS. Action with an unresolved financial issue or unfolding financial plan will point the way with a big decision. An old frustration or difference with another will resurface; keep your cool, this is an opportunity to ease tensions. Extra family chores will push the pace. A special social occasion will set the scene to make a good impression with someone important to you.
GEMINI. You’ll pour energy into fun plans with friends or loved ones, nurturing a new friendship and doing kind, supportive things for others. Interruptions on the job will stretch your staying power. A task or situation you can only play by ear will be an exercise in resourcefulness.
CANCER. You’ll go all out to achieve a meaningful personal or professional goal; coming from the heart will give your efforts an extra boost! How you handle touchy issues with another will determine where your relationship goes from here. An unusual encounter or exchange will be inspiring.
LEO. A special outing or experience shared with someone dear will be a meaningful highlight. An unusual personal or creative project will gather momentum. Travel plans or exciting plans with a distant relative will turn a new corner. Inconvenient family requests will put you on the spot.
VIRGO. You’ll need to dot every ‘I’ when you cost a bold family or domestic project or you could underestimate what’s involved. A pressing financial issue will also require a concerted effort. Helping a relative or doing your best to make a loved one happy may require a personal sacrifice.
LIBRA. There’ll be an important commitment with someone close but also prickly issues to work through. It will take inspiration and determination to bring an ambitious personal project to fruition. Something to celebrate will be a joyful highlight. Listen to your intuition to guide you through an unusual situation or problem.
SCORPIO. The pressure will be on to sort out a complex financial issue or special expense and an urgent task or ambitious undertaking will stretch your resources. Fun visitors will beat a path to your door. A meaningful occasion will make sentimental memories.
SAGITTARIUS. You’ll pour energy into a fun pursuit or sport that’s become a passion, a romantic turn of events will lift your heart to happy heights and there’ll be fun invitations and encounters. A conversation you’ve been avoiding will be an opportunity to set the record straight.
CAPRICORN. Home will be hectic with special visitors, a family or domestic project that asks a lot of you; there may be little spats to defuse too. A fun outing and spontaneous spending may be expensive, a get-together too long coming will be a treat. Something you haven’t understood will finally become clear.
AQUARIUS. You’ll travel extra distances for special catch-ups, a surprise incident will shape a changing relationship and financially, keep sight of the bottom line with impulsive outlays so you don’t bite off too much to chew.
PISCES. There’ll be the chance to earn extra money, forge ahead with a financial plan or make an exciting purchase. A defining moment or discussion will clarify where you stand in an uncertain situation or changing relationship. A career opportunity will fire your ambition.