There’s Water, Water everywhere - the Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Scorpio plus the Moon will join Neptune in Pisces later today and for the weekend; issues of the heart will come to the fore and your intuition will guide you at important moments.
Next week, there’ll be an encouraging burst of action with matters you’re driving forward.
Also, a startling turn of events, information or a realisation will guide you with an important endeavour or situation.
ARIES. An unspoken or unresolved emotional or family issue will be on your mind and the tip of your tongue; choosing when and how to raise it will take thoughtful consideration. Tackling unfinished business will be a relief. Next week, you’ll forge ahead with a special purchases or meaningful, one-off financial outlay. An unexpected financial or personal development will reveal something that’s been percolating for a while.
TAURUS. Rearranging your schedule to consider or fit in with someone else plus other kind deeds that come from the heart will bring their own rewards and joy. An interesting encounter or exchange will give subtle insights into a situation or someone you’re keen to understand. Next week, you’ll push on with a bigger longer term goal and support someone with a major change or commitment but keep your cool with a wearing difference or frustration and you’ll learn something that’s most important.
GEMINI. There’ll be a chance to achieve something special this weekend – a goal that represents a breakthrough for you! There’ll also be a complex task or situation where you’ll need to listen to your intuition. Next week, you’ll cultivate a helpful contact and a valuable discovery will answer a nagging question. Take a little extra care health-wise.
CANCER. Inspiring information or ideas will send your imagination soaring with an exciting personal or creative endeavour. Exploring fun unusual places will uplift the spirit and bring intriguing encounters. Next week, a friendship may turn a new corner, a special get-together will be eye-opening and a surprise invitation will open a new door in a relationship.
LEO. Do your research but also heed your gut instinct with an exciting financial undertaking or purchase, both will guide you well. Next week, getting out and about will bring fun interesting encounters and experiences. You’ll need to rise to the occasion for a sudden unusual career pressure and a special family or domestic project; this will be a defining moment.
VIRGO. A heart-to-heart with another will be an opportunity to shift your relationship onto a new footing. Next week, progress with an ambitious personal or professional project will be exhilarating. Interesting discoveries with travel plans or when exploring new places will influence future plans. Surprise news could reshape a long-distance relationship.
LIBRA. You’ll give of your best with a work or personal task you are emotionally committed to; subtle insights as you go will help you fine-tune your efforts. Next week, you’ll spend extra to help or please someone dear. A surprise turn of events financially will be eye-opening. A ‘deep and meaningful’ discussion with another will leave you with much to think about.
SCORPIO. A thoughtful overture from someone who cares will be a sweet joy; Singles, a secret admirer could declare this romantic interest. A fun invitation or get-together will also have sweet personal significance. Next week, a challenging task on the job will shine a light on your abilities. A family occasion could suddenly bring touchy issues to the fore; it will be an opportunity to heal a lingering upset or tensions.
SAGITTARIUS. A family get-together too long coming will be imbued with special meaning for you and it’ll leave a reflective afterglow. Next week, a reunion will be an opportunity to rekindle a connection that’s faded. An unusual request or sudden change on the job will put you under the pump. A health pursuit will be a learning experience.
CAPRICORN. Catching up with someone dear will be a special joy for the heart. A tender exchange with another will add extra layers of meaning to your relationship. Next week, you’ll welcome a favourite visitor and there’ll be pleasing progress with domestic plans. A fun encounter or outing may be a turning-point in a relationship – it’ll bring revelations and a new level of understanding.
AQUARIUS. A gift or new possession will mean something special to you. Your intuition will guide you with a complex financial or business decision. Next week, it will be full steam ahead with a bold personal or work endeavour. On the home front, dealing with an unusual situation or sudden change of plans will teach you something important.
PISCES. There’ll be an unusual personal opportunity, to go somewhere, see someone or do something that has special personal meaning for you. there’ll be a turning-point in an important personal situation too. Next week, a fortuitous financial or business development will help you get ahead. A conversation or discovery that answers a burning question will let you know where you stand.