This is the zodiac picture for the next 7 days:
The Moon will start off here, with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, which may bring sensitive issues to the fore but also inspiration and unusual opportunities.
When the Moon comes to the full in Taurus, there’ll be a Total Lunar Eclipse; this falls with the planet Uranus, which indicates a surprise turn of events and a few disruptions to our plans.
The Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio with Venus, will bring news, information and momentum with an undertaking or situation you’re emotionally invested in.
ARIES. Subtle signals will come through an exchange or encounter and point the way with a situation or relationship that you’re vacillating about. The Lunar Eclipse linking with the planet Uranus indicates a major turning-point with a financial undertaking or a big purchase. Helpful financial advice or information will guide you through a complex financial issue and help you make an important decision.
TAURUS. A kindness to another will come from your heart; you’ll reach out or do something thoughtful to help and support this person. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus in Taurus could bring a surprise turn of events with a family occasion, a family member may surprise you or there may be an unusual personal change, opportunity and a few challenges. You may be keen to reset a relationship too, by building bridges or coming to terms with a situation or difference.
GEMINI. Subtle tips and support will help you achieve a personal goal that is very meaningful for you. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus will shed light on an old problem; startling insights or advice could lead to a whole new understanding and approach. You may explore a new angle with a health, diet or fitness endeavour too. It will take strong follow through to bring a bit task or project on the job to a successful conclusion, a PR exercise will test your people skills as well.
CANCER. A fun outing that has a special emotional significance for you or going to a special place will leave a thoughtful afterglow. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus could bring a surprise encounter, unusual get-together or experience; there’ll be aspects to this that you can only play by ear. A friendship or new connection may take an unexpected turn too. You may stretch the budget to enjoy a fun occasion in style. Useful tips with an ambitious creative or personal endeavour will help you break important new ground.
LEO. There’ll be emotional considerations with a financial decision - you’ll be trying to make someone happy or you’ll spend on something special for your home and family that’s meaningful. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus here points to an unusual turn of events in your career – a sudden change or pressure on the job will ask a lot of you and relations with a colleague may shift onto a different footing. You’ll pour a lot of love into a family undertaking, catching up with a relative you can’t wait to see or beautifying your home.
VIRGO. A sharing exchange with a loved one will bring touching confidences; it will be an opportunity to show understanding and build the connection between you. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus could bring changes with travel plans or plans with a distant relative or colleague.; attention to details with a contract or legal document may bring a few surprises too. An exciting personal project you have a grand vision for, will gather momentum.
LIBRA. An unusual task or situation on the job will be an opportunity to show creativity or insight, a labour of love to help another will make a caring supportive statement and new ideas and guidance with a health pursuit will inspire you. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus indicates an important financial issue or plan will come to a crossroads; there’ll be unexpected discoveries, costs or options but also clarity – you’ll know where you stand! An emotional issue with another will also come to a head; this will be your opportunity to clear the air. A gift or purchase will have special sentimental value.
SCORPIO. A generous gesture from someone who cares will lift your spirits. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus in your relationship zone indicates surprise developments with someone close or a family occasion, there may also be an unusual family situation and you’ll need to keep your cool to defuse sudden issues with another. Ambitious new personal or professional plans will fire your enthusiasm; you’ll throw yourself into them with gusto!
SAGITTARIUS. A family get-together a long time coming or special visitors will be a joy; it’ll also be an opportunity to nurture these relationships in important new ways. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus here indicates an unexpected turn of events on the job; prepare for an unusual request or changing job conditions that call for you to think on your feet; also a matter that’s been up in the air should be settled. A complex family, domestic or personal undertaking will be a demanding work in progress; you’ll be on a mission to see it through.
CAPRICORN. A heart-to-heart with someone dear will need a gentle understanding touch but there’ll be warmth and joy in the extra emotional closeness. The Lunar Eclipse with Uranus could bring a surprise encounter, social invitation or a sudden change of plans with a special get-together; you’ll need to think on your feet! You may want to take a fun outing or activity to the next level, to explore all it is ; you’ll be keen to cultivate fun or helpful new contacts as well.
AQUARIUS. A financial idea or opportunity will fire your imagination; you’ll have the chance to boost your earnings, buy something special or pursue or negotiate a good deal. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus falls here in your 4th house – there could be a change of plans with a family member, or a family or domestic project could twist and turn. Ambitious intentions with a personal or career undertaking will inspire new goals; you’ll be aiming high and going for it!
PISCES. Exploring a new interest or exciting new plans will take you down a new path; your confidence may be a little shaky initially but it will build as you get further into it. The Lunar Eclipse with the planet Uranus indicates timely news or information will show you the best way forward with an unusual undertaking or changing relationship; an unusual commitment could take you further afield. Travel plans or special plans with a distant loved one will grow.