Wishing you a happy Easter!
During these strange, unprecedented, worrisome times, here’s some bright news. Next week, resourcefulness, patience and commitment will be a winning formula with anything we tackle.
ARIES. Good news, timely information or helpful advice will guide you with an unusual plan or decision this Easter. A long-distance exchange will lift your spirits too. Next week, you’ll tackle ambitious projects with gusto and a fun pursuit will generate some friendly competition.
TAURUS. A financial question that’s been up in the air will be answered in the days ahead, you could also splurge to give Easter joy to others. Next week, attention to details with legal or financial paperwork will serve you and a challenging task will call for resourcefulness and staying power.
GEMINI. A kindness or thoughtful gesture from another will be meaningful this Easter, a new friendship may grow or an old friendship revive. Next week, there’ll be a sensitive or frustrating matter to work through with someone closes, an inconvenient expense and you’ll make exciting plans with a distant friend or relative to look forward to in the future.
CANCER. A sparkling exchange, fun flirtation or growing friendship will add a zing to your Easter weekend. Next week, extra chores for loved ones will keep you running from pillar to post. It will take drive and determination to sort out a complex financial matter, arrangement or expense.
LEO. Sentimental interludes, laughter and a meaningful development in a relationship will put you on a happy high this Easter. Next week, you’ll pour energy into a health, diet or fitness activity, an unusual task will call for enterprising ideas laced with practicality, you’ll also need to keep your cool with someone close who may be ‘rubbing you up the wrong way’.
VIRGO. Thinking ahead and planning for the future may preoccupy you this Easter; you’ll re-evaluate your priorities, goals and feel good with the course or action you envisage. Next week, a creative or personal interest will be hard work, a physical task or health goal will also ask a lot of you.
LIBRA. A gift from another will speak sentimental volumes this Easter and a heart-to-heart with someone dear will sort out a misunderstanding. Next week, a domestic or family undertaking will require a concerted effort. A passionate energy will rev up your love-life.
SCORPIO. An unusual activity or turn of events will be fun and a learning experience this Easter; a surprise gift will also put a big smile on your face. Next week, a problem will test your ingenuity, there’ll be family differences to defuse and family or domestic chores will push up the pressure gauge.
SAGITTARIUS. Reminiscing will put you in a thoughtful mood this Easter, you’ll also throw yourself into a meaningful personal pursuit. Next week, fun plans may be expensive, going a little further afield or engaging more with a distant colleague or relative will take a special effort and an unusual place or experience will be eye-opening.
CAPRICORN. Overdue contact with another over Easter will remind you just how special this person is in your life. A realisation will bring home an important message. Next week, it will be time to take the reins with a challenging, changing or important issue, there’ll also be an unusual development to play by ear.
AQUARIUS. Catching up with someone you can’t wait to see or talk with will be an emotional treat this Easter. Next week, see the big picture with a nagging problem, it will help you deal with it effectively. Standing up for something you believe in will be important to you; handling this positively will build bridges of understanding with others who feel differently.
PISCES. A problem resolving will take a weight off your mind this Easter. A new career or financial undertaking will gather momentum. Next week, a testing family or domestic situation will tax your patience. Fun or spontaneous outlays could shoot holes in the budget.
Stay safe and well,