In the next 7 days, the New Moon in Scorpio with Mercury, Mars and the Sun is the big news! You can see the energy build up in this Zodiac Sign! This will bring something new – an ambitious project, a new relationship, an exciting opportunity or a new chapter with an ambitious endeavour, relationship or situation.
Scorpio is intense, passionate, focused and determined – these qualities will set the tone!
Mercury the planet of communication will bring a meaningful exchange.
When the Moon joins Venus in Capricorn, it will bring a loving highlight.
ARIES. Complex financial matters, extra expenses, expensive plans, a bold financial venture and complicated financial paperwork may be a stress; keep your cool, work through it all diligently and you’ll come through on top! A searching exchange with another will raise complex personal or emotional issues; listen with your heart, read between the lines and you’ll understand the different layers. The chance to cultivate a relationship you’d like to nurture will be a joy.
TAURUS. A family event, big commitment with someone dear or supporting a loved one through an important time or situation will call for a special effort, over and above the line of duty; tensions or differences with others could suddenly emerge though, so go peacefully to ease difficult situations or conversations. A growing connection in a long-distance relationship will add to your happiness.
GEMINI. A job offer or challenging task that showcases your abilities will be a chance to make your mark; building a rapport with a challenging colleague will take thoughtful communication. A health, diet or fitness pursuit or tough physical task will ask a lot of you; helpful information or advice will teach you something important. Splurging on a special occasion or gift for another will come from the heart.
CANCER. Exciting plans with loved ones, a fun get-together or outing and go-ahead conditions with a pursuit that you love or a creative project will be laced with special personal goals you want to achieve! A ‘deep and meaningful’ exchange with someone dear may touch a nerve; be prepared, there’ll be very different points of view to balance. A kind or thoughtful gesture from another will reach out to you.
LEO. A domestic or family undertaking will be a monumental task; sorting out a few hassles or tensions with family members as you go will be an exercise in patience. Visiting family members or them visiting you will launch meaningful but sometimes challenging discussions and big plans! A labour of love to help someone dear will make a caring statement of support. PR on the job will foster a growing connection.
VIRGO. A bold ground-breaking project will be a learning experience; ambitious goals, knowledgeable associates and stressful conditions that stretch your resources paint the picture! You could build a relationship with a mentor figure. Going further afield will push the pace. A conversation that challenges your communication and people skills will test your emotional control. Fun times with a loved one or Singles a fun flirtation will leave a happy afterglow.
LIBRA. It will be full steam ahead with grand financial plans and large purchases; do your research and you’ll score the best deals. A financial conversation will point the way with a complex matter or expensive undertaking. A family get-together and special visitors will be joyful highlights, something beautiful for your home will give you a lift too.
SCORPIO. Look at the build up in your Zodiac Sign! This is a super powerful time for you! The reins of an important personal or professional project will be in your hands and big decisions will rest with you. You’ll be under the pump but primed for action! A discussion you’re determined to have will be enlightening. A caring overture from another will shift your relationship onto new ground.
SAGITTARIUS. This New Moon will bring progress with unfinished business and big plans for the future; you’ll take on a huge amount and tackle contentious or frustrating issues with gusto! A problem will need a fresh approach but previous experience will guide you. A conversation that revisits the past will be a chance to set the record straight A meaningful overture or gift from another will touch your heart, a beautiful new possession will be a joy.
CAPRICORN. You’ll pour energy into doing something fun or special that you really want to do, you’ll also need to plan the cost carefully. Like-minded associates will be encouraging; the groundwork for new friendships will be laid. A providential exchange will help you with a big decision. A meaningful meeting will resonate with you emotionally and encourage a new romance or important connection.
AQUARIUS. Embracing an ambitious project or exciting opportunity will mean biting off a lot to chew, coping with challenging pressures, showing initiative, resourcefulness and learning as you go. A timely discussion will help you understand what’s required of you. A poignant exchange or reminiscing will reconnect you emotionally with someone you’re missing.
PISCES. Travel plans, a new interest or an exciting challenge that expands your personal or professional horizons will fire your enthusiasm and determination. A long-distance relationship will turn a new corner. A legal or financial discussion will answer important questions. A warm exchange with a friend will remind you of all that you share.