Which is the best/ worst Zodiac Sign?
I have been asked this many times.
Sometimes, when there’s someone who’s hurt us, we’ve clashed with or didn’t like we take a dislike to a Zodiac Sign and anyone born under that Sign.
When this happens, we are confusing the best/worst Sign of the Zodiac with the best/ worst qualities of each Sign.
Every Sign has its best and worst sides and all points in between.
The best of every Sign is wonderful; the worst of every Sign can be challenging.
I believe that when we live with awareness, we strive to be our best selves, we work to overcome those parts of our nature that cause us problems or hold us back, and we look for the best in others whist accepting who they are and that they’re on their own soul’s journey.
Astrology’s role is ‘a tool for understanding’ - our self and others.
The twelve Zodiac Signs are a valuable, helpful starting point for understanding.
Wishing you joy,