Shifting and changing Moon patterns in the next 7 days could play with our emotions – we’ll be up, down and all over the place! The message here is to rise above fluctuating moods by keeping beautifully clear intentions and a view of the big picture.
ARIES. Sudden family requests will keep you running all over the place and a family situation will need tactful handling. Investigating the cost of a domestic project or purchase will help you make a good decision. Exploring a fun different place or an unusual experience will open your eyes to new possibilities.
TAURUS. Keep your cool with an awkward task or situation; resourcefulness will pay rewarding dividends. A confidence from someone close will answer an important question but a situation where you’re caught in the middle will test your mediating skills. Good news or a good deal will improve your financial situation.
GEMINI. A special moment or development in a relationship that’s a milestone will be something to celebrate. You’ll splurge on something fun and allocate funds for an important one-off expense. An opportunity on the job will entail thoughtful PR. In a sensitive or emotional situation with another, your response will set the course.
CANCER. Impromptu happenings will add an unexpected and fun zest to your home-life. A caring gesture from another will mean the world to you and you’ll feel loved. An unusual task or situation on the job will be a chance to make a favourable impression.
LEO. It will be up to you to address an unspoken issue with another and clear the air. A long-awaited get-together will spark sentimental and nostalgic moods and some wishful thinking, also in a subtle way you’ll need to bridge the past and the present. A call, invitation or encounter you’ve been hoping for will give your heart a lift.
VIRGO. Emotional spending could lead to spontaneous purchases and outlays. Catching up with someone you’re eager to connect with will be a sweet joy but it may hold subtle communication challenges. A relative or friend will beat a path to your door or there’ll be fun sharing times with the family; happiness and home will entwine!
LIBRA. Expect the unexpected – sudden issues to deal with, unexpected opportunities and unusual experiences. There’ll be a financial boost and helpful gift or purchase. Timely advice or information will guide you with an ambitious undertaking.
SCORPIO. It will take a thoughtful effort to clear up a misunderstanding when the moment appears; choose your words carefully. A charming encounter or new social scene will hold fun promise. A financial discovery or business opportunity will offer exciting possibilities.
SAGITTARIUS. A social first may be subtly taxing; you’ll need to feel your way gently, to find your feet. Singles a flash of attraction could spark your interest. A sudden extra expense will stretch the budget. Financial news you’ve been waiting for will guide you with an important undertaking or issue.
CAPRICORN. Extra requests from someone close may not be convenient but you’ll do your best to show your support. You’ll also go out of your way to be kind and helpful to others despite at times feeling out of step with some people around you. Dealing with a changing or difficult relationship will test your people skills.
AQUARIUS. A sudden change of plans will test your flexibility; go with the flow and you’ll make the most of unexpected opportunities that unfold. A personal achievement will do you proud. A fun different outing or encounter could lead to a new friendship, romance or providential new connection.
PISCES. Don’t let thoughtless remarks from others get under your skin; giving them the benefit of the doubt will help you move on. There’ll be something good financially, like a good deal or lucky break but also be prepared for unexpected expenses. An encounter or exchange that’s special to you will give you an emotional lift. A romantic turn of events will encourage a new attraction.