Pluto will transit Aquarius from March 23rd 2023 until March 2043 (although it slips back in Capricorn between June 2023 and Jan. 2024). In March 2043, it slips into Pisces for a few months, then back into Aquarius in Sept. 2043; it will finally leave Aquarius in Jan. 2044!
This will generate an undertone or theme in our lives that keeps drawing us in. At some point, during this long transit, because Pluto represents transformation, there could be a major change in this area of life that brings new conditions, opportunities and challenges; or there may be many changes over time, that transform this area of your life. Inner transformation is indicated too – your attitude and approach to this area of life could change dramatically.
ARIES. Pluto’s long-term transit of Aquarius for you indicates a growing push to do special things you now want to do with your life; new desires and aspirations will continue to emerge, some of them grand and expensive, there’ll be places you want to go as well and some big wishes will come true! You’ll also want time for fun personal interests and activities; you’ll throw yourself into these, meet like-minded people and even discover a new social group. You’ll cultivate interesting and helpful new contacts during this transit, some friendships may change or fade and new friendships will grow.
TAURUS. Pluto’s transit of Aquarius here for you indicates ambitious career or personal goals will drive you during this long cycle – you’ll take on more and more, your ambitions will grow, there’ll be opportunities to prove yourself and lead the way with your ideas and initiatives, and you’ll build your reputation. There may be some major twists and turns with your career or personal direction, some big changes or adjustments that bring new opportunities and possibilities. You’ll make a relationship a priority too, which will influence many of your decisions and plans.
GEMINI. Pluto transiting Aquarius here for you indicates an increasing desire for freedom, to spread your wings; during this long transit, you could move, travel, get out and about to very different places, tackle unusual opportunities or changes on the job and embrace new interests that add fresh dimensions to your world – and you’ll engage emotionally with these, which will make you a powerhouse of enthusiasm and drive! Long-distance relationships will grow, whether these be personal or professional connections. There’ll also be an experiential learning curve, as you strive to adjust to new situations, people and environments in your life.
CANCER. Pluto transiting Aquarius accents your 8th house; during this long Pluto cycle, there’ll be big financial, emotional and spiritual shifts - your financial and personal priorities will change, you’ll reassess how you view life and your life’s purpose, also there’ll be very meaningful personal experiences. It will be a time of important spiritual and personal growth. Financially, you’ll re-organise your affairs – you’ll offload some commitments, take on new ones and take some very big steps; to make advantageous decisions though, you’ll need to keep sight of the big picture.
LEO. Pluto transiting Aquarius accents your relationship zone: over time, there may be big some changes for people close to you, big changes in some relationships, and important new people will come into your life; what you want for the future may be different from the past, there may also be challenging relationship issues occasionally that call for insight and understanding. Singles, a strong involvement will grow with someone you want to share your future.
VIRGO. Pluto transiting Aquarius here, accenting work and health, will bring these areas of life to the fore at different times during this long transit. On the job, a changing clientele, new possibilities, new policies or systems to learn or a changing role will reshape your work environment; alternatively, a new job will take you down a new professional path. There’ll be some big projects and some big achievements that open new doors! Health-wise, new learning will reshape your diet, fitness or health regimen; alternatively, you could go to great lengths to support others with their diet, fitness or health endeavours.
LIBRA. Pluto’s long transit of Aquarius accents your 5th house and this denotes an increasingly passionate engagement in something you love, you’ll share special experiences with those you love, it may also bring someone new to love! More and more, you will live life from the heart! Personal projects that call for creative ideas and a lot of love will develop your talents and become a mission, a baby or new grandchild will be a sweet joy, you’ll support your children and other loved ones to the next level, as they pursue their hopes and goals, and there should be special opportunities and achievements to celebrate!
SCORPIO. Pluto transiting Aquarius accents your home and family zone, it will also encourage you to set yourself up for the future: during this long cycle, you could move, make changes to your home or there may be changes to your home situation – family members or housemates could come and go, there may be a new family member or new family situation, plus there could be important changes or opportunities for family members. There’ll be special and big family events. To set yourself up for the future, so you’re free to do what you want, or to live where and how you want, you’ll research, prepare and develop long-term plans; your ideas may change over this long period of time but this ultimate objective will be a subtle driving force and a guiding light.
SAGITTARIUS. With Pluto transiting Aquarius here for you, you’ll throw yourself into some exciting and ambitious projects during this long cycle, including projects you’ve wanted to do for a long time, you’ll take short trips and holidays and there’ll be a valuable learning curve – you’ll gain new knowledge and skills, or you’ll wing it and learn as you go with these exciting career, business or personal endeavours. At times, you’ll think a lot about the past but your outlook, thinking and feelings will change, as you work through old or nagging personal issues. You could also move during this time, or explore some very different types of places and environments.
CAPRICORN. Pluto’s long-term transit of Aquarius here for you denotes a new course financially – you could do a major financial restructuring over this time; strong financial goals will underpin most of your personal and career decisions, there’ll be new earning or investment possibilities that get better and better and gradually you’ll go up the scale! Splurging on things you really want to do like travel, holidays, special personal interests and endeavours, plus some expensive purchases and generous gestures, could throw the budget into disarray from time to time. Overall, you’ll get ahead but you’ll need to keep your eye on your spending.
AQUARIUS. During Pluto’s long transit of your Zodiac Sign, there will be some big changes in your personal circumstances, your priorities, goals, your practices and habits – you’ll come to a major crossroads at some point and life will change, bringing opportunities to explore new pathways and some new challenges. You’ll feel strongly about being true to you and finding or maintaining your independence, also deep inner shifts will gradually draw new personal beliefs, values and desires to the fore.
PISCES. Pluto transiting Aquarius here for you indicates that a long-term goal will become an over-riding theme; you’ll make big decisions, changes and plans with this in mind. Changing your approach to some old problems will be liberating; conversely, re-engaging with the past in some way, with situations, reunions and events that echo and turn back time, will give new insights and understandings. Property business also features; a move, big repairs or improvements to your home will be laced with opportunities and challenges. Important family duties, or holding the hands of loved ones through important events or they make some big changes, will be meaningful emotionally for you all.