Look how tightly the planets are packed together in this small wedge of the sky!
After the Moon aligns with Pluto this weekend, everything will be in this small section; this signifies, intensity, a concentrated focus in how we approach issues on our mind but it can also mean ‘blind spots’.
The growing Aries accent will motivate us to take the initiative with bold new plans and any situation we’re keen to tackle.
The Moon aligning with Venus, Mars and Saturn in Aquarius should be a beautiful sight in the early morning sky; it will bring a reconnection with the past or a long-awaited development.
The Moon joins Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces, which will fan a heartfelt hope or dream!
ARIES. With a growing emphasis on your Zodiac Sign, you will be keen to take the reins on so many fronts; stay flexible though you can’t force issues but you can initiate negotiations and action. The strong Aquarius cluster will bring a special outing or get-together too long coming. An exciting new option or prospects will add a new dimension to your vision for the future.
TAURUS. The Aries accent falls here in your 12th house – it will be time for fresh action and strong follow through with a slow-moving commitment or unresolved issue of the past, you may also need to clarify your plans with a long-term goal so you know where you’re going. With all this here in your 10th house, a work, family or personal relationship will take a super effort; there’ll be PR challenges on the job too. A lucky break with a problem or providential encounter will give you a lift.
GEMINI. Mercury joining the Sun in Aries, here in your 11th house, means you’ll throw yourself into some fun outings and get-togethers in the coming weeks, and cultivate new friends and contacts. With his 9th house Aquarius emphasis, you’ll go somewhere you’ve long wanted to go or reconnect with a distant relative, friend or colleague you’ve wanted to catch up for ages. A new career or personal venture will have offer exciting possibilities; the world is your oyster!
CANCER. Mercury and the Sun in Aries fall here in your 10th house – you’ll forge a new path personally or professionally with a bold undertaking; a clearer sense of direction will emerge! With all these planets in Aquarius in your 8th house, there’ll be lots of financial business to attend to, matters you’ve been postponing for far too long. A short trip or reconnecting with a friend or relative from afar will be exciting.
LEO. The growing Aries emphasis falls in your 9th house – you’ll be keen to get exciting travel plans or special plans with a distant loved one up and running! You may also throw yourself into learning about a new subject or interest. The strong Aquarius accent in your 7th house denotes special commitments and reunions with loved ones, which may spark deep reflective periods. A fortuitous financial development will be uplifting.
VIRGO. The Aries accent is here in your 8th house and the pressure will be on to tackle some pressing financial business; there’ll also be tax, super, insurance, a contract or a new venture that requires energy and determination! All this Aquarius in your 6th house denotes labours of love for those you care about – you’ll keep special promises made some time ago and show how much you care. Exciting plans for the future with someone close will offer special new experiences to share.
LIBRA. The growing Aries accent falls in your 7th house – you’ll take the initiative to build a relationship, resolve an issue with someone close or get a shared project off the ground. Catching up with someone you’ve been missing will take a lot of effort but the emotional rewards will be sweet; Singles, you could reconnect with an old flame. Tempting options on the job will hold exciting promise professionally or financially. Embracing a health pursuit and taking it to the next level will be inspiring.
SCORPIO. The growing Aries accent falls in your 6th house – an ambitious idea or task on the job will be an opportunity to show more of what you can do and you’ll embrace the challenge enthusiastically! A family gathering will turn back time or a family commitment will reunite different branches of the family; beautifying your home will be a joy. Fun plans with someone dear may cost a pretty penny but they’ll be a chance to nurture your relationship.
SAGITTARIUS. This Aries accent in your 5th house will fire your enthusiasm for fun plans with loved ones, special social opportunities will also open up; there are happy times ahead! Going back to a place you love or have a sentimental attachment to will spark a feast of reminiscing; reconnecting with someone dear you see far too rarely will be a joy. Something new for your home will add to your comfort; this may be a step towards a bigger vision.
CAPRICORN. The growing accent in Aries highlights your 4th house – lots happening on the home front will please, engage and stress you; you’ll give of your best to bring a bold domestic or family undertaking to fruition and tackle family issues you want to address. The Moon joining Mars, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius here in your 2nd house could bring a gift or special purchase you’ve wanted for some time. Good news will open the way for a secret hope or desire to manifest.
AQUARIUS. The Aries accent here in your 3rd house indicates that a new personal or professional project will gather exciting momentum and you’ll throw yourself into it with gusto! The Moon joining Venus, Mars and Saturn in your Zodiac Sign denotes a fun but meaningful get-together; this may be someone you’ve wanted to meet for a long time, or someone you’d like to get to know. A good deal or financial offer will open the way to do or buy something you’re really happy about!
PISCES. The Sun and Mercury in Aries accents your 2nd house – you’ll pour energy into sorting out important financial matters, exploring a new financial possibility, earning extra money or juggling your finances for special outlays and expenses. The strong Aquarius emphasis in your 12th house will bring an emotional reunion that reminds you of how much you’ve missed this person. The Moon joining Jupiter and Neptune in your Zodiac Sign will bring a situation that’s full of promise – a wish of the heart could come true!