There are individual ‘catch phrases’ that reflect an integral aspect of each Zodiac Sign. Here they are:
ARIES – I AM. Aries believe in themselves and their abilities, and it is is backed up with a strong personal drive and energy to make life happen; sometimes they can be over-confident and self-centred.
TAURUS – I OWN. Taureans value their possessions, are very protective of what is theirs’ and have a deep need for security and to put down roots; sometimes they can be possessive.
GEMINI – I THINK. Geminis are curious, alert, quick and clever; they need mental stimulation and variety or they become restless and bored.
CANCER – I FEEL. Highly sensitive and emotional, Cancerians listen to their feelings; sometimes they can be changeable and over-reactive.
LEO – I WILL. Leo determination is courageous, purposeful, unstoppable, they live life on their way; they don’t always take advice or direction well.
VIRGO – I ANALYSE. Logical, critical, sensible, Virgos analyse problems relationships and choices in life at length; sometimes they can over-analyse, nitpick and need to see the big picture.
LIBRA – I BALANCE. Fair-minded and good communicators, Librans strive to see other people’s points of view, work towards balance and harmony in relationship be negotiating differences and strive for inner harmony i.e. emotional balance; keeping a balance in their lives can be a challenge, they have a tendency to overdo things.
SCORPIO – I DESIRE. When Scorpios want something, they have great resolve and endurance; sometimes they can want something so much they become intense, fixated and get ‘blind spots’.
SAGITTARIUS – I FORESEE. Sagittarians have vision, they’re future-orientated, optimistic and keen for the next challenge or opportunity; further pastures often look greener.
CAPRICORN – I USE. Highly practical people, Capricorns make the most of a situation, opportunity and all their resources to get ahead or achieve what they want; sometimes their heads rule their hearts.
AQUARIUS – I KNOW. Open-minded and enquiring, Aquarians are on an eternal quest to learn and grow; they have strong opinions and insist on making their own decisions in life.
PISCES – I BELIEVE. Faith and intuition play big roles in the Pisces outlook; sometimes they are dreamers or unrealistic.
I hope these small but pertinent pieces of the astrological puzzle add to your understanding of the Zodiac Signs.
Wishing you joy, Karen.