Today the planet Venus joins Pluto in Capricorn; on Dec. 17th Mercury will move into Capricorn and on Dec. 22nd, the Sun and also the New Moon will add their energy to this Zodiac sign. This is a powerful build up in one sign of the Zodiac and it will put a dynamic accent on a particular area of life for each of us. (This will start to dissipate early in Jan.)
ARIES. This strong planetary accent highlights your career, direction and personal goals. A new professional door may open in the coming weeks or you’ll embrace an exciting personal project with gusto! It is a time to prove yourself, give of your best and special achievements will reward your efforts.
TAURUS. Your world will grow larger: travel, getting out and about to new places, pursuing a new interest or exploring a new social group will bring a wave of new learning and stimulating different experiences. There’ll be a feast of contact and communication with friends and family from afar too.
GEMINI. There’s a financial accent for you – a financial venture or investment, expensive project, complex financial matters and paperwork, superannuation, insurance or tax will benefit from careful attention to detail. It will be a highly charged time emotionally too, with periods of soul-searching, issues you feel strongly about will arise, or you’ll reflect deeply on a complex emotional situation to figure out the best way forward
CANCER. Relationships are accented: you’ll pour energy into supporting your partner or a family member through an important event or change, you’ll foster new connections, a reunion will be an opportunity for a fresh start with another, and it will be a joy to catch up with relatives from interstate or overseas.
LEO. The work involved with a new job or commitment will grow. You’ll put yourself out to do thoughtful and helpful things for others. Health is accented too – you may address a matter you’ve been postponing, change your diet, exercise or lifestyle practices, or set a health or fitness goal it will take perseverance to achieve.
VIRGO. You’ll be involved with your children or grandchildren; it’ll be a joy and emotional to share special times with them. Fun times with friends and relatives will put big smiles on your face. You’ll enjoy getting back into a favourite interest or activity and the company of people who share your enthusiasm. Singles, romance will bloom; an old flame may even rekindle.
LIBRA. Your home and family life is accented: there’ll be happy mayhem when all the family gets together, visitors will descend upon you, you’ll also enjoy being at a place you think of as a second home and catching up with loved ones you see far too rarely. Awkward domestic situations or prickly issues with family members may try your patience though.There’ll be clashing family, social and personal engagements to juggle as well.
SCORPIO. An exciting project will be a learning experience, or you’ll apply yourself to learn a new skill or gain knowledge about an engrossing new subject. Friends and family will travel to see you, or vice versa. Changes of scene or exploring new places will be fun and uplifting. A challenging conversation you’ve had before could surface again; keep your cool, it will be an opportunity to move past an old or nagging difference.
SAGITTARIUS. The accent is on money and new possessions: special purchases and gifts will be valuable new possessions. A new financial venture will gather momentum; alternatively, an expensive undertaking will need to be assessed carefully or it could gallop away from you.You’ll give generously, make grand financial gestures and life will give back to you with a windfall or lucky break.
CAPRICORN. You will be the agent for change in your life and you’ll drive an exciting new personal project forward. Your birthday time can bring an upward swing in your affairs and with so much in Capricorn in the weeks ahead, you are on the verge of a whole new chapter. A relationship may have some ups and downs; step lightly to ease these through.
AQUARIUS. Introspective times, thinking about the past and needing a little solitude or personal space will bring flashes of insight and revelations in the weeks ahead.The batteries may need a recharge too. Special family commitments, reunions, analysing where you stand with someone and emotional re-evaluations are part of the picture as well.
PISCES. In the next few weeks, a wish will come true – you’ll go somewhere, do something or see someone that’s a joy for the heart. There’ll be special times with family and friends, you’ll meet charming new people and make new friends and contacts. There’ll be providential encounters too, and people in passing will do thoughtful and helpful things.
I hope this sheds light on what this Capricorn emphasis means for you.
Wishing you joy,