I have a surprise!
My Beautiful Hair App is now available on Itunes.
It is called Karen Moregold Beautiful Hair App.
I’ve been talking about cutting your hair by the Moon for years, people have been asking me about it for years, but if you haven’t heard me mention it before - it’s all about cutting your hair using nature’s growth cycles.
Every living thing on the planet responds to the energies of the Sun and Moon – and so does our hair!
My interest in this began a long time ago. When my daughter was little, about 7 years old, she had hardly any hair. I wondered about the Moon cycles and how they affected plant growth…so I decided to try them. I trimmed her hair every month and it started to grow prolifically. I did the same with my other daughter and son (guys want their hair to grow too).
They all have beautiful hair.
Over the years, during times of stress and upset, I’ve had hair breakage, sometimes it’s fallen out in handfuls (scary!) but I kept cutting it by the Moon and it would bounce back. I use the Moon cycles all the time – I wouldn’t dream of cutting my hair at any other time.
Of course, I wax or shave on a Barren Moon; it helps to deter hair growth.
If you’d like to know how the App works, click on the Beautiful Hair App video above; if you’d like to purchase the App, click on the Beautiful Hair Icon on the right hand side.
It’s such a simple thing, cutting your hair by the Moon, but it works - and I must admit, I’m so grateful that it does!
Wishing you joy,