Hair Cutting dates for Autumn.
If you want beautiful, healthy hair – cut your hair by the Moon cycles!
Once a month, trim your hair on a fertile Moon date, then watch it grow and strengthen.
If you haven’t heard of this and you’d like to test the Moon cycles (or you have an android phone) here are some fertile dates in Autumn:
March: 1, 5, 6, 27, 28
April: 1, 2, 24, 25, 28, 29
May: 25, 26, 27
(My Hair App (the link is on the top right side of this Facebook Page), which gives you all the best dates for a whole year plus the ‘barren’ Moon dates to wax or shave and retard unwanted hair growth, is for an Iphone.)
Wishing you joy and strong, beautiful, healthy hair,