A warm hello.
In the next 7 days, first there’ll be a focus on the financial and practical considerations of your plans and problems; it will be helpful to think outside the square.
Then the Full Moon in Pisces will bring a situation that tests and develops your intuition or gut instinct.
ARIES. Bringing fun plans to fruition or doing something you’ve wanted to do for ages may involve a few practical compromises and extra expenses but it’ll be a joy and in an unusual way, a learning experience! The Full Moon will bring an old issue or problem to the fore; you’ll need to see it from a new perspective, to find a better way to deal with it. A thought-provoking insight or revelation will answer a question that’s been on your mind.
TAURUS. It will be full steam ahead with an ambitious career or creative endeavour; there’ll be much to learn as you go, it may also cost a pretty penny! A fun invitation or connection with another will be meaningful for you; it will foster a new romance or friendship. Good news or something to celebrate will add a special sparkle to your days.
GEMINI. Big plans with a distant relative or friend will take a new turn; there’ll be new contingencies to take into account. Getting out and about or exploring a fun different place will bring interesting discoveries. A special dream or goal you really believe in will require a concerted effort but you’ll need to sift through intuitively, confusing advice from a colleague and a complex job or personal issue, to make important decisions.
CANCER. You’ll need to see the big picture whilst taking care of details with complex financial issues and plans; a challenging juggle! An informative exchange with a knowledgeable person will guide you with an evolving new project, a discovery will point the way with a subject that fascinates you and there’ll be a success that has special personal meaning.
LEO. Special plans with someone dear will need tweaking – dotting every ‘ I’ and costing them carefully will ensure you’re on the same page! A one-off expense will come from the heart. There’ll be a complex situation to address with another too; balancing your differences will bring light and understanding.
VIRGO. A challenging task or situation on the job will be an opportunity to impress. A family occasion will require insightful efforts - to lead a changing situation or challenging relationship in a new direction and to build bridges in family relations.
LIBRA. A long-awaited meeting or reunion will require a thoughtful approach. The cost of something you really want to do may be uncertain; you’ll need to do your research. There’ll be a job situation where you need to feel your way. Health-wise, a calm inner centre will give you greater energy resources.
SCORPIO. Domestic or family plans will preoccupy you; you’ll need to calculate the costs and address complex factors thoroughly. With an unusual family issue or situation, there’ll be very different points of view to reconcile. A special occasion or get-together will have subtle emotional layers; tuning in will give you valuable insights.
SAGITTARIUS. Putting a bold career or personal plan into action will take initiative and practical follow through with a mass of details; there’ll also be unusual options to explore. A family occasion or duty will bring subtle issues to the surface; step lightly, you may be treading on eggshells.
CAPRICORN. A financial opportunity or undertaking will be exciting but it will have challenging aspects; it will be helpful to clarify your priorities. With something you’re keen to buy and unfinished financial business, taking time to investigate all your options will serve you. A timely and meaningful conversation will answer many questions.
AQUARIUS. Property business or a domestic project will require clear objectives and careful organisation; there’ll be drawn out factors to work through. A vision for the future will be built on something you’ve wanted for a long time; thinking outside the square will help you achieve it. With an expensive purchase or important financial decision, you’ll need to trust your gut instinct to guide you.
PISCES. Sorting out an unresolved financial matter will take patience. New ideas with a family or domestic undertaking will take it in a new direction. The Full Moon with Neptune in your Zodiac Sign will bring a sensitive emotional or family issue to a head; handled positively, this could bring a turning point.