The Morning Show is off air today so for all you lovely people who have been following me so loyally, here’s your forecast for the next 7 days:
The Sun entering Sagittarius, followed by the New Moon with Jupiter in Sagittarius will add fun, expansive dimensions to life. There’ll also be a Mars hot spot.
ARIES. Going further afield will bring fun different encounters and experiences; you’ll discover a world you’re keen to explore. There’ll be a fresh surge of momentum in a long-distance relationship. Complex financial matters will take patient research, there may also a frustrating issue or expense to handle.
TAURUS. A bold financial undertaking will take off, a financial boost will put more money at your disposal and a clear financial overview will help you bring exciting plans to fruition. It will take thoughtful insightful communication to deal with a difficult person or situation and build bridges of understanding.
GEMINI. A family event or sharing a special experience with a loved one will add meaningful new dimensions to your relationship. A special new person may also come into your life. A health or fitness pursuit will call for an increased commitment and there’ll be much to learn from a knowledgeable associate or new practice.
CANCER. An advantageous connection will grow, an exciting opportunity on the job will be a chance to shine and a labour of love for someone dear may go off the scale but it will deepen the bonds between you. An emotional discussion with a younger relative will need gentle handling; thought-provoking insights will explain so much.
LEO. New possibilities with a creative or personal project you feel passionately about will fan your enthusiasm and determination. A flirtation could heat up. A fun pursuit will introduce you to a new social circle. Prickly family vibes will need gentle defusing.
VIRGO. Grand domestic or family plans will gather momentum; home will be a busy and fun place to be! Expensive new household possessions will add to your comfort. Commuting greater distances will push the pace. A timely discussion with a knowledgeable associate will answer a pressing question.
LIBRA. A sentimental journey, exploring a beautiful place or catching up with a distant relative or friend will be a joy. A new personal project will introduce you to an exciting world. A financial discussion will be an opportunity to clarify a complex issue or sort out an awkward expense.
SCORPIO. A financial opportunity to earn more money, save on a good deal or proceed with a new venture will fire your ambitions. Splurging on special new possessions will be a stretch. Investigating new ideas or options will bring valuable information that helps you make a big decision.
SAGITTARIUS. Your horizons will expand as you explore fun places and meet fun new people; Singles, a tantalising attraction could grow. You may also be in the right place, at the right time for a unique opportunity. Rehashing an old argument could stir up emotional issues; think twice, it may be best to leave it in the past.
CAPRICORN. Unexpected possibilities with a long-term financial or domestic endeavour will emerge; do your research to pinpoint your best choices. Pressing unfinished business or a slow-moving matter will need motivated follow through. Advice from a helpful contact will point the way with bold new plans.
AQUARIUS. Fun invitations and encounters will rev up your social life, a growing friendship will be a joy and Singles, sparkles of attraction could launch a new romance. A challenging meeting on the job will be your chance to set the record straight or clarify a changing situation.
PISCES. A new career door could open, or a challenging task or project will raise your professional profile. An informative exchange with a distant relative will answer unspoken questions; you’ll have much to think about. Travel plans will gather exciting momentum.
Wishing you joy,