This will be a passionate weekend! You’ll work on relationships of importance to you and engage in issues or endeavours you feel strongly about. Passion can be blinding though – avoid over-reacting to others and trying to force issues. Next week, distracting or diverse conditions could fragment your efforts.
ARIES. An emotional outlay will come from the heart – you’ll splurge on something meaningful or to support someone dear! Emotional issues or tensions could erupt though; you’ll need to re-evaluate a relationship or how you want to deal with a complex emotional situation. Next week, distractions on the job could interrupt the flow and take you off on tangents.
TAURUS. You’ll pour emotional energy into sharing something special with a loved one, supporting a loved one and showing how much you care; through this, you’ll understand their world better and your caring actions will speak louder than words. Conversely, a clash or upset with someone dear could stir you up; step lightly to put it behind you. Next week, keep tabs on financial outlays; unexpected expenses could take funds out fast!
GEMINI. You’ll work hard at something you love; it’ll be a true labour of love, and your passion will inspire creative ideas and enthusiasm that bring exceptional results! Someone may ask too much of you though or not be very appreciative of your efforts – don’t let their attitude get under your skin. Next week, a string of chores for your partner or a relative may keep you running all over the place.
CANCER. A romance or friendship will grow to a new level but there’ll be subtle emotional issues or differences to reconcile along the way Watch a tendency to become a little too intense! Next week, there’ll be sudden extra tasks and awkward little hassles to deal with.
LEO. A special family or domestic purchase will be a joy. A sensitive family situation will test your people skills but you’ll be in a position to make a big difference. Next week, there’ll be awkward aspects to a fun but meaningful occasion to sort out and extra costs to absorb.
VIRGO. An insightful exchange with a loved one will be an opportunity to build understanding, it will also leave you with much to think about. Conversely, a personality clash or emotional differences with a relative too far away will need soothing. Next week, diverse family and domestic duties or unexpected happenings on the home front will keep you running from pillar to post.
LIBRA. A gift or new possession will have tender significance. Meaningful or sentimental outlays will put pressure on the budget though; it will be hard to be objective with these! Next week, challenging conversations will call for you to see very different points of view; accepting some differences will be the only way to move forward.
SCORPIO. A special meeting or long-awaited exchange will be highly charged emotionally; it’ll offer new potential in this relationship. A situation where you’re at odds with those around you will need calm defusing. Next week, you could splash money around here, there and everywhere!
SAGITTARIUS. A reunion will bring a wave of nostalgia; alternatively, connecting with someone you’re missing will touch tender chords. An old hurt or disappointment from the past could resurface; handled positively, it will be a chance to heal. Next week, a surprise turn of events may throw you into a spin.
CAPRICORN. Embracing a creative or fun interest that’s become a passion will be a joy every step of the way. A developing friendship or work association will be a ‘two steps forward, one step back’ process. Next week, there’ll be an opportune moment to clear up a misunderstanding and stay focused when you’re tackling unfinished business, it will be easy to get side-tracked.
AQUARIUS. You’ll pour energy into a project that’s a mission of the heart and there’ll be much to learn as you go. Relations with a relative or colleague may be touchy; there’ll be situations where it’s better to listen than speak. Next week, extra spending will take money out in all directions and too many fingers in too many pies will scatter your resources.
PISCES. Reconnecting with a distant loved one will be a joy but old tensions or awkward issues could arise too; keep your cool to dissolve these. Next week, inconvenient chores and requests could ask a lot of you; work to your priorities, which may mean saying ‘no’ sometimes or letting some things go.