This is the Zodiac picture for the next 7 days:
The Sun moving into Scorpio will start to disperse the tight concentration of energies in Libra, bringing a new focus of attention or area of interest in your life in the coming weeks.
The Moon moving from Taurus where it is now, through Gemini to Cancer will bring an interlude, news or development that’s positive, fun or uplifting.
The planetary link between Mercury and Uranus will bring something it’s important to learn.
ARIES. The Sun moving into Scorpio accents your 8th house. Important financial business will require diligent attention to details; there’ll be paperwork to sort out, loose ends to tidy, extra outlays and a complex issue or arrangement with another to work through. An overture from another will reach out to you and touch your heart. Something to learn about someone close will help you understand them better.
TAURUS. The Sun moving into Scorpio will bring an intense focus on relationships – a relationship you want to nurture, a difficult relationship that keeps challenging you and a close relationship that’s changing; there’ll be times when you’ll need to feel your way! A financial gain or good deal will give you a happy lift. On the job or health-wise, an informative discussion will be an opportunity to learn from a knowledgeable associate.
GEMINI. A new job or a new task or role on the job will shine a light on your abilities, there’ll also be the chance to build relations with a senior colleague or important new connection. You’ll pour extra energy into a health pursuit too. A surprise encounter or offer will be a joyful highlight. Something to learn from a child or younger person will leave a reflective afterglow.
CANCER. Pouring energy and money into special times with your children or a loved one, fun outings or get-together or a project that challenges your talents in an exciting way will be a joy. You’ll find the answer to a question that goes way back. A family discussion that turns back time will bring a realisation or valuable insights.
LEO. The Sun is your astrological ruler, as it moves into Scorpio and your 4th house, there’ll be a crescendo of action on the home front – working bees, a domestic project that’s a big task plus family events and matters that involved you. A helpful or happy encounter will leave you smiling. An enlightening exchange will spark revelations.
VIRGO. Plans that have been on the drawing board for some time will start to take off! You could plan a short trip or have more to do with distant relatives. A providential exchange will point the way with a career or personal opportunity. A financial situation or experience will hold an important lesson.
LIBRA. The Sun moving into your 2nd house will bring money matters to the fore - in the weeks to come you’ll splurge on special things you want to do or buy. Timely information will guide you with a grand new project or big decision. A learning experience will put a different complexion on a subject or issue laced with old expectations.
SCORPIO. You’ll shine in the weeks ahead! Your talents, ideas, determination and drive will bring the focus of attention to you! This is also a time to forge new pathways! Good fortune financially will put more money into your pocket. A lesson that’s been hard to learn will finally make sense.
SAGITTARIUS. You’ll reconnect with the past – catch up with people you haven’t seen for a long time, reminisce about experiences that still linger in your mind, you could also tackle drawn out business with fresh gusto and plan for the future will fresh intensity. A kindness from another will speak caring volumes. Advice from a friend or colleague will help you understand a situation or undertaking better.
CAPRICORN. The Sun moving into your 11th house will bring fun times aplenty and opportunities to get-together with friends and to cultivate new contacts and new friendships. Good news on the job will please you. A big task or challenge will be a learning experience.
AQUARIUS. You’ll pour energy into a bold new ambition on the job or personally; special achievements will do you proud. You’ll also go out of your way to help a loved one achieve their goals. A fun invitation will delight you. A discovery will open your eyes.
PISCES. Exploring new places and/or exciting possibilities with your work or personal plans will add fresh dimensions to your life. A long-distance relationship could revive. A family occasion will be a joyful highlight. Financial advice will answer an important question.