Recently, people have been asking me about a 13th Zodiac Sign.
Just to explain:
In western astrology, the Zodiac Signs are equal divisions of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (the ecliptic) i.e. they are based on the Earth’s position in relation to the Sun - not the constellations of stars that are way out in space.
The Earth’s elliptical orbit around the Sun is a constant 360 degrees and each Zodiac Sign is 30 degrees. There can’t be an extra one squeezed in anywhere.
During the Age of Aries, from 2,000 BC to the start of the common era (1 AD), the Zodiac Signs and the Constellations with the same names were in alignment. Hence, there’s been conflicting thoughts on whether the Constellations inspired the names of the Zodiac Signs or vice versa.
Personally, I believe the Zodiac Signs were named first and the constellations were based on these interpretations because:
- It takes great imagination to see the Zodiac symbols in the clusters of stars – they could be anything!
- The constellations are not relevant to life on Earth whereas the Earth’s position in relation to the Sun is crucial for life on Earth to flourish.
I hope this clears up the confusion about the 13th Zodiac Sign.
Wishing you joy,