There’s a lot happening in the Zodiac in the days ahead:
The Sun and Mercury conjunct in Sagittarius will bring helpful, opportune information or advice.
The planet Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius denotes emotional intensity – a situation/ issue with another could draw you in.
With Neptune turning Direct in Pisces, sensitive or reflective periods will point the way with a confusing matter, something you’ve been vacillating about.
Mars turning Retrograde in Leo will bring another wave of action with matters that require strong follow through.
ARIES. Going further afield or to a place that seems like a different world will bring informative encounters and unusual experiences. A friendship may deepen, as you share your thoughts and feelings more freely. Neptune turning Direct in Pisces indicates a situation that turns back time will bring insights and new understandings. Fun activities and commitments with loved ones will push the pace, a sport or special personal interest may be hectic, and socially you’ll be in demand.
TAURUS. Timely information or a helpful piece of advice will guide you with a financial decision or undertaking that’s been on your mind. Working closely with a colleague or client on the job, or dealing with a challenging situation may test your PR skills. Neptune turning Direct in Pisces indicates a get-together with an old friend, or a get-together you’ve been hoping and waiting for; you’ll be emotionally engaged with this! A domestic task or project that’s a work in progress will require a fresh burst of effort.
GEMINI. An exchange of information and advice with someone close will benefit both sides; it’ll feel good to help them plus you’ll value the advice of someone who cares. A long-distance relationship may intensify or rekindle, with shared issues or plans that draw you in emotionally. With Neptune turning Direct in Pisces, quietly contemplating your direction, a situation on the job, big task or new possibilities will bring uplifting, even exciting and inspired ideas. An ambitious personal project will need strong, purposeful follow through to bring it to fruition.
CANCER. An opportune exchange with a colleague will help you achieve a work goal, also helpful advice from a knowledge associate will guide you with a health pursuit. You’ll need to see the big picture, to make your best decision with a complex financial matter or situation. With Neptune turning Direct in Pisces, reconnecting with a distant relative or friend, or visiting a place that holds special memories, will spark reflective moods. The planet Mars turns retrograde in Leo, your financial zone – you may have to deal with an expense you’ve deferring, or a financial endeavour that’s been slow-moving may have a new lease of life.
LEO. A providential exchange or encounter will be a joy, it may also prove most enlightening. An emotional issue with someone close will need thoughtful handling – it will important to step lightly. With Neptune turning Direct in Pisces, reflecting at length on your finances, your hopes and plans or a financial commitment will help you clarify your priorities and see the best way forward. The planet Mars retrograde in your Zodiac Sign will rev up your enthusiasm again for an adventure or bold plan; it may reignite your efforts with a physical task, challenge or fitness goal too.
VIRGO. A family discussion will be enlightening; it will be good to hear where different family members are at and to gain their input with a domestic endeavour or family issue; a relative may have some thought-provoking advice too. A work association will be a PR challenge but you’ll be keen to develop this connection. Neptune turning Direct accents your relationship zone: you may feel like you’re stepping on eggshells with your mate or a family member, as you work your way gently through a touchy issue. Readdressing an old problem will take a focused effort but the chance to turn it around will be too good to miss.
LIBRA. A knowledgeable colleague or mentor will guide you with a subject you’re keen to learn more about, or advise you with an exciting personal project. A special occasion or celebration with a loved one will be emotional and meaningful for you. Neptune turning Direct accents your work and health zone: intuitive flashes with a challenging task or work situation will point the way; health-wise, emotions will have a bearing on your energy levels – a calm inner centre will serve you. Fun plans with friends and nurturing a contact you’d like to develop will be joys of the days ahead.
SCORPIO. An enlightening financial discussion will guide you with expensive plans, a new financial enterprise, setting up a new arrangement or a large purchase. A family issue or situation will be emotionally engaging; it may stir memories or feelings that go way back. Neptune turning Direct in Pisces indicates a get-together that been a long time coming will be nostalgic and a joy, a creative endeavour could inspire you as well. With a challenging task or situation on the job, that you’ve been deferring or avoiding tackling, the pressure will be on, to get on with it!
SAGITTARIUS. The Sun conjuncts Mercury in your Zodiac Sign: you’ll receive some valuable information, news or advice that helps you make important decisions with your personal and professional plans. A caring exchange with a relative or friend you don’t see often, or going to a place you have an emotional attachment to, may leave a sentimental afterglow. With Neptune turning Direct here, reflecting at length on a family or domestic situation will bring valuable flashes of insight. Fun holiday or getaway plans, special outings and rekindling a long-distance relationship will add happy dimensions to your world.
CAPRICORN. News or information you’ve been waiting for will shed light on an issue or undertaking that’s been stuck; it will be full steam ahead! A gift or caring gesture from another will reach out to you; you may tend to spend spontaneously and emotionally too. With Neptune turning Direct here, considering how best to approach a challenging conversation with another will help you set it up for success. Financially, there’ll be some pressing tasks: you’ll need to cost an expensive endeavour and work through an awkward or inconvenient financial matter patiently.
AQUARIUS. A friend or helpful associate will have some interesting information or advice that influences plans you have on the drawing board. The planet Venus conjunct Pluto in your Zodiac Sign may bring a meeting, get-together or exchange that has a special significance for you emotionally. Neptune turning Direct falls here: the generosity or kindness of another will touch your heart. Commitments with your partner or a family member will ask a lot of you.
PISCES. Inspiring information or advice with a bold career or personal project will fire your enthusiasm and light the path ahead. You’ll be emotionally invested in a domestic or family project, and will go the extra mile to see it through. Neptune turning Direct in your Zodiac Sign may bring a subtle personal turning-point; you will turn a corner with a problem or issue you’ve been wrestling with or going around in circles, and see a positive way forward. Finally, gather your energies and resources - a big task will need a fresh surge of determination to see it through.