In the next 7 days, it’s all about Moon energy - the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, then conjunct Mars in Cancer, then coming to a Full Moon in Leo!
The Moon/Jupiter energy denotes a tendency to spend spontaneously and generously, this may also bring good news, timely advice or the joy of achieving something important or special to you.
The Moon/Mars energy, with Mars also accented by other planets from different angles, denotes busy even hectic times but high productivity; calm and patience will be helpful, to ease any irritations or frustrations along the way.
The Full Moon in Leo next week, linking with the planet Uranus, may bring unusual or unexpected developments, conditions and challenges.
ARIES. You’ll enjoy an interesting place or catching up with a relative or friend from afar, there may be some good news, and you’ll make a special effort with a loved one to share thoughtful communication and special moments. Visitors, family commitments or a domestic working bee will keep you more than busy. Here is the Full Moon in Leo – an unusual outing or get-together next week will bring some fun surprises and discoveries; you could also splurge on a celebration or something that takes your fancy.
TAURUS. A financial boost, good deal or pleasing new possession will put a smile on your face. Travelling extra distances or challenging travel conditions will take extra patience, but you’ll get a lot done. Here is the Full Moon in Leo – it will take an extra push, to bring a special family or domestic project to fruition, there may also be situations you can only play by ear; a big task on the job or unusual situation will ask a lot of you too.
GEMINI. A delightful invitation, encounter or get-together could open a new social door; listening and learning will bring you up to speed quickly. A generous gesture, spontaneous purchase or extra outlays could put dents in the savings, but go ahead financial conditions with an important or new undertaking will be most encouraging. With the Full Moon in Leo here, a change of scene could bring fun different experiences, you’ll enjoy the company of people who wouldn’t normally cross your path, and surprise news or developments will guide you with a big decision.
CANCER. News you’re been waiting on will cheer you and ease a matter that’s been on your mind. You’ll take the initiative with a task or project you’re keen to advance; your drive and energy will be the motivating force. The Full Moon in Leo accents a financial zone for you: you may be preoccupied with a special purchase, taking a big financial step or a financial negotiation - and it’ll reach a turning-point next week; many questions will be answered, as you work through it.
LEO. A social occasion or fun get-together will be an opportunity to connect with someone you’re keen to see; you’ll also go out of your way to help another or make them happy. An old problem may require renewed effort; tackling a task you’ve been avoiding will take discipline but it will serve you. The Full Moon falls in your Zodiac Sign: an emotional issue or challenging situation with someone close will need thoughtful handling; some relationships may seem demanding at the moment and need extra work!
VIRGO. An achievement that’s especially sweet will light up the days ahead; progress with a financial undertaking or a financial boost will add to your happiness too. A special effort to connect with or help a friend or colleague will be rewarding all round. The Full Moon in Leo falls here: a challenging task or work situation will be an exercise in patience and perseverance, a simmering matter will need positive attention, also pace yourself carefully next week – you could feel a bit stressed or ‘under the weather’.
LIBRA. An interesting different place, company or experiences will add a fresh dimension to the days ahead; a long-distance exchange will be uplifting. You’ll ‘pull out all stops’ and push through with a challenging task or undertaking; it will show you at your best! Here is the Full Moon in Leo: a get-together you have an emotional investment in or fun plans with a loved one may be more expensive than you thought but you’ll give freely and joyfully from the heart.
SCORPIO. A good deal may still be costly but you’ll be thrilled with what your money buys; there may also be some good news financially or advances with a new financial project or important financial matter. Going further afield or travelling extra kilometres will push the pace but you’ll have a particular purpose in mind and achieve it. The Full Moon in Leo may push up the pressure gauge: it will take energetic follow through to achieve an ambitious work or personal goal, and take changing arrangements in your stride as you go.
SAGITTARIUS. A confidence from another will be helpful and insightful, an overture from another will give your heart a lift as well. It will take a concentrated effort to sort out a financial arrangement, pressing financial issue and deal with sudden extra expenses but fruitful results will be rewarding. The Full Moon in Leo falls here: travel plans or plans with a distant relative or friend will come to fruition but there’ll be a few unexpected factors to take into account. Timely information will suddenly answer an important question or inspire new ideas.
CAPRICORN. A pleasing discussion or development on the job will be encouraging and positive; it will point the way with a matter or task that’s been on your mind. You’ll tackle special commitments with your mate or a family member, and a few extra outlays on loved ones, with gusto! The Full Moon in Leo falls in a financial zone: there’ll be a big decision, a special large outlay to budget for, and a financial undertaking or arrangement to organise – also be prepared for unexpected costs and factors along the way.
AQUARIUS. A fun outing or activity may be on the expensive side but you’ll be disinclined to count the cost. A big task, an exciting project that’s a lot of work or a physical challenge will really stretch your resources but success will be exhilarating! The Full Moon in Leo falls in your relationship zone: a special occasion or get-together may not go quite as planned but it will be meaningful for you and an opportunity to reset a relationship.
PISCES. You could spend generously on your family in the days ahead, domestic improvements and special domestic items and feel pleased with your results. A long-awaited get-together and extra commitments with your children or other loved ones will require energetic bursts of effort. The Full Moon in Leo next week falls here – a challenging matter on the job, sudden change of plans or a unusual development will keep you on your toes; extra attention to your health or a health goal, or supporting someone close with a health pursuit, will ask more of you as well.