In the next 7 days Mercury, the planet of communication, forms some testing aspects – we’ll need to pay thoughtful attention, especially with important or challenging conversations, to express ourselves clearly and avoid misunderstandings.
Also, the planets Mercury and Venus will move into the Water Sign of Cancer, signifying a growing emotional focus on this area of our lives in the coming weeks.
ARIES. A conversation that could easily go round in circles will need a well-considered approach; it will be important to clarify clouded issues or intentions. News from afar will answer a pressing question or consolidate plans that are unfolding. With the planets Mercury and Venus here - emotionally, you’ll engage more in family business, family relationships and projects in the coming weeks and share some special moments and times.
TAURUS. You’ll need to pin down uncertain costs or confusing details when discussing an important purchase, expensive plans or financial arrangements, so you know where you stand. Good news or positive action with a work or health matter will give you a lift. This Mercury/Venus accent indicates that going to a place that is emotionally meaningful or reconnecting with someone dear you see too rarely will be a joy of the coming weeks.
GEMINI. You’ll need to feel your way with a conversation, it’s important to raise but you’re hesitant to initiate or not sure how to handle; it will test your people skills. A fun get-together or outing will be a happy or sentimental highlight. Here are the planets Mercury and Venus: gaining special and meaningful possessions in the coming weeks or spending on activities or plans you have an emotional investment in, will be exhilarating!
CANCER. A conversation, to clear up a lingering misunderstanding with another, will need a gentle approach but also clear purpose – to avoid further misunderstandings. A get-together too long coming will be a walk down memory lane. With the planets Mercury and Venus moving into your Zodiac Sign, meaningful encounters and experiences in the coming weeks will leave a happy afterglow, you may also cultivate an important new relationship; Singles this could be a new romance!
LEO. Relations with a friend, associate or someone you’d like to know better may be a little changeable but the way will open for an informative exchange; listening carefully will answer some niggling questions. Something to celebrate will be an emotional highpoint. The planets Mercury and Venus transiting here will bring reunions and situations that turn back time in the coming weeks; these will spark emotional reflections, insights and new understandings.
VIRGO. It will take a positive initiative to pin down the direction of a big but changing project, or an important relationship that’s changing; heed the signals, to engage your intuition and lead you through. A gift or financial gain will put a smile on your face. With this Mercury/Venus energy - you’ll plan fun things you want to do and share with those you love in the coming weeks, you’ll foster some interesting new contacts and savour special outings, occasions and experiences; a meaningful meeting will stand out.
LIBRA. A legal issue, contract or important paperwork will require diligent discussion; taking time to work through it thoroughly will be advantageous. The answer to a question or problem will suddenly appear, out of the blue! With Mercury and Venus transiting here, inspiring new ideas and goals, personally or in your career, will draw you in emotionally in the coming weeks; you’ll be on a mission to pursue them!
SCORPIO. Dot every ‘I’ with an important financial discussion, so you’re not left with unanswered questions or confusing possibilities. Conversely, a surge of progress with an important financial matter or undertaking will be uplifting. A social encounter or occasion may be an emotional highlight. This Mercury/Venus accent points to travel or getaway plans in the coming weeks, also new plans and sharing exchanges with a distant friend or relative will add a new dimension to your relationship.
SAGITTARIUS. Understanding someone close, where they’re coming from and the differences between you, will require patient communication - this relationship is a work in progress. A frustrating person or situation may get under your skin though; keep your cool, to defuse prickly vibes quickly. This Mercury/Venus accent could spark a surge of action with financial plans and matters in the coming weeks - you could take some important financial steps and emotionally, you’ll be invested in these.
CAPRICORN. A colleague may not be easy to understand, their ideas or ways may be very different from yours; clarifying arrangements between you, along with some thoughtful give-and-take, will help things flow smoothly. A personal goal will be achieved; this could be a milestone! With the planets Mercury and Venus moving into your relationship zone, in the coming weeks you’ll put a lot of effort into being supportive and dealing with growing commitments with loved ones; there may be a few touchy issues or sensitive situations to handle as well.
AQUARIUS. A challenging discussion with a loved one, or something you feel passionately about, will need a particularly thoughtful approach, to achieve the breakthrough in understanding you’re seeking. A social encounter will be an opportunity to cultivate a friendship or interesting new connection. With the planets Mercury and Venus here – you’ll pour love and inspiration into a work or creative project in the coming weeks, you’ll also pursue a health, diet or fitness goal with gusto and go the extra mile!
PISCES. Sorting out a family commitment or domestic project will require patient follow through; avoid vague arrangements or they could become muddled. You’ll get out and about or go further afield and enjoy the change of scene. With the planets Mercury and Venus moving into Cancer – special plans with your children, grandchildren or other loved ones in the coming weeks will take energetic, loving efforts but they’ll bring a feast of happy times; Singles, a new romance could gather momentum.