A thoughtful, relationship-focused Libra Moon will set the tone for Christmas this year – in special individual ways, we’ll make meaningful efforts to nourish relationships with those close to us.
The New Moon in Capricorn will lead us into New Year: we’ll be focused on our personal or professional ambitions for 2025, and planning how to go about doing and achieving them.
A subtly strong Pisces accent early in 2025 could bring new insights or realisations with sensitive or complex issues we’ve been dealing with for some time.
Finally, my heartfelt thanks to you all, for sharing this year with me. I wish you joy, peace and all life’s blessings for Christmas, the New Year and 2025!
Now to your holiday forecast:
ARIES. Thoughtful actions, to help with extra chores and requests this Christmas and be supportive of loved ones, will speak louder than words, a growing connection with a family member will be a joy too. With the New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year, you’ll focus on specific professional and personal goals for 2025 and how to achieve them; these will raise your professional profile or set you on track for a special personal triumph! A reunion or reflecting on the past may touch emotional chords and turn back time early in 2025; you will also clarify your priorities and vision for the future.
TAURUS. You too will go the extra mile, to do extra for loved ones this Christmas and to work around a few changes of plans; your actions will speak caring volumes! The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year could fire your determination to bring exciting travel plans or plans with a distant friend, relative or colleague to fruition. As you head into 2025, a get-together or outing a long time coming will be emotional; you’ll resolve to see more of this person or do this more often in the future.
GEMINI. A special get-together or celebration this Christmas will be emotionally meaningful; you’ll pour thoughtful efforts into cultivating relations with and between others, you may even establish a more harmonious accord with another. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year accents financial matters for you: a financial project, arrangement, investment or expensive plans will require careful research and organisation to set them up for success. Early in 2025, reflecting deeply on your direction in life, things you want to do, goals you want to achieve and something you want to consolidate or complete will bring home to you all that is involved and help you prepare.
CANCER. Happy family times, thoughtful engagement with family members and a lot happening on the home front including favourite visitors and enjoyable home-making activities will light up your Christmas. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year falls in your relationship zone: ambitious plans with your partner or a family member will need careful organisation – you’ll have to pull together to bring them to fruition. Early in 2025, a heart-to-heart with a distant relative or friend could spark reflective, nostalgic moods; plans a long time in the making could take shape too.
LEO. Words you’ve longed to hear from another will be music to your ears this Christmas, there’ll also be special opportunities to say things you really want to say; the way will open the way to build and improve communication with others. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year accents work and health matters for you – goals on both fronts will require careful planning and follow through. Early in 2025, carefully defining your priorities how you’ll manage long-term financial commitments or a slowly evolving financial enterprise will help you make advantageous decisions and manage them well.
VIRGO. You’ll spend spontaneously this Christmas, on last-minute gifts, generous gestures and special outings, activities, get-togethers and impromptu purchases; you’ll do some good deals, find some bargains, but money will come and go fast. Generous gestures from others will also make caring statements. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year will spark ambitious personal plans for 2025; careful attention to details will help them gather momentum and unfold smoothly. Reflecting on your relationships or one relationship in particular as you head into 2025 will bring valuable insights and a new understanding with a situation that has been on your mind for some time; it will guide you with a changing relationship too.
LIBRA. A meaningful situation or experience this Christmas, sharing special moments with those dear to you and a delightful surprise will leave a tender, joyful, emotional afterglow. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year could launch exciting family or domestic plans you can’t wait to get on with in 2025. Early in the new year, big commitments with loved ones will ask a lot of you but you’ll come from the heart and give of your best.
SCORPIO. You’ll put a lot of effort, behind the scenes, into setting up Christmas so that all flows smoothly, also a get-together too long coming or with someone you’ve been missing will be highlight. With the New Moon in Capricorn leading into the New Year, exciting personal projects will fire your ambition; it’ll take good organisation and strong practical follow through to bring them to fruition. Early in 2025, catching up and sharing happy times with someone you go back with a long way will be a nostalgia fest, keeping a promise to loved ones will be a joy given and received.
SAGITTARIUS. Opportune encounters, fun social engagements and a growing friendship will be joys of Christmas this year. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year accents a financial zone for you: you’ll focus on a big purchase or expensive undertaking that you need to plan carefully, and a financial goal you’re keen to achieve. Early in 2025, special family commitments, domestic tasks and a slow-moving domestic project you’re emotionally invested in, will ask a lot of you.
CAPRICORN. You’ll take on a lot this Christmas and be a capable, organising force to get things happening; you’ll also be on a mission to cultivate relations with others or one relationship in particular and will put in a super effort. The New Moon in your Zodiac Sign, leading into New Year, signals the start of an upward swing in your life; you’ll launch special personal plans you’re keen to get up and running! Going to a place that holds a lot of memories or reconnecting with a relative or friend from afar will be an emotional highlight early in 2025.
AQUARIUS. Expansive communication with loved ones and friends this Christmas will be a joy; exploring all kinds of topics and issues will be stimulating and informative. With the New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year, a property or domestic project you’ve been working on for some time, or a goal you’ve been working towards for some time, will be very much on your mind; clear plans for the future will take shape! A purchase or gift early in 2025 will have special personal significance, also progress with some drawn-out financial business will give you a lift.
PISCES. You’ll spend generously this Christmas, contributing to festive plans and making others happy, you may also be on the receiving end of some generous actions from others. The New Moon in Capricorn leading into New Year may bring desires that have been percolating at the back of your mind, to the fore; your thoughts will crystalise into practical plans to achieve them. Early in 2025, a wish will come true: there’ll be a special personal opportunity or a personal turning-point – you’ll do something or go somewhere you’ve been wanting for a while.