The Moon aligning with Mercury in Leo this weekend signifies a meaningful conversation; it will bring advice, direction or helpful information.
The New Moon in Virgo next week will bring a new situation or possibilities in our life that require careful evaluation.
Venus moving into Libra will bring a fresh loving focus; Venus will transit Libra until Sept. 23rd.
With the giant planet Uranus, stationary turning direct, it will be time for a new strategy with a change you’re endeavouring to adjust to or make.
ARIES. A timely discussion with one of your children or a younger relative will put you on the same page with a fun plan, outing or commitment with them. New Moon energy will bring a surge of options with a work project, or a big task that’s a lot to handle; assessing clearly all that’s involved will help you decide on your best course of action. Giving freely to help a family member in the coming weeks will have emotional rewards; you’ll be keen to do all that you can. Reviewing a financial issue or expensive plan will reveal details that are important to consider.
TAURUS. A productive family discussion will help you deal with a family issue, or help you make decisions with a family or domestic undertaking. The New Moon for you indicates a special personal project will take off; you’ll be rushing to dot every ‘I’ and cross every ‘T’. Labours of love, to help out others in the coming weeks, will make practical yet caring statements of support. You may need to rethink your role or approach with a situation that’s been changing; it’s time to do things differently.
GEMINI. A meaningful conversation, with someone you like to talk with, will bring valuable information, advice, or spark expansive new ideas. Here’s the New Moon in Virgo: a fresh energy in family relations, family plans or with a domestic project you’re keen to drive forward, will call for well-thought-out practical follow through. Caring efforts in the coming weeks, to nurture your children and to reconnect with someone you cared about in the past, may have some bittersweet moments. There may be something to let go emotionally, before you can move forward with an old problem.
CANCER. A financial discussion will answer a nagging question. The New Moon energy will energise you to turn an exciting idea or plan into reality; paying close attention to the details may be tiresome but it will ease the way forward. Beautifying your home in the coming weeks and welcoming friends or relatives will be a sweet joy. A changing circle of associates will introduce you to people who may not have crossed your path before; there’ll be opportunities to develop unusual new connections.
LEO. There’ll be an uplifting exchange with a knowledgeable associate; important questions will be answered. The New Moon in Virgo falls in your financial zone: a financial endeavour, expensive purchase or plans will move forward; careful research and calculations will steer you through important decisions. Messages from others in the coming weeks will show caring intentions or speak loving volumes. In your career, or a situation where you’re at the helm, you may explore a new direction.
VIRGO. A conversation, where you sometimes need to bite your tongue and listen carefully, will bring thought-provoking insights. The New Moon in your Zodiac Sign denotes a fresh start and a reset of your plans and goals – this is your time to take action, break new ground and move forward with your aspirations. Spending generously on a loved one, plans with loved ones, beautiful or sentimental purchases will be joys of the coming weeks. A learning situation or experience will bring a valuable discovery or realisation, new ideas may reshape travel plans or plans with a distant relative or associate; alternatively, there may be fresh progress with a legal matter that has stalled.
LIBRA. A conversation with a friend will offer new ideas, it may also develop your relationship. Here is the New Moon in Virgo: you’ll analyse and push towards a long-term goal with diligent practical efforts and staying power; you’ll tackle some nagging unfinished business too. With Venus the planet of love moving into your Zodiac Sign for the next few weeks, you’ll give and receive a lot of love, someone new to love may also come into your life. Picking up the threads of a financial plan or undertaking and trying a new angle could bring a breakthrough.
SCORPIO. A meeting with a colleague will be enlightening; you’ll understand a plan or project you’re both involved with, much more clearly. With the New Moon in Virgo here, you’ll organise fun activities or something you really want to do – there’ll be more fun and joy in your life, you may cultivate a valuable associate or new friend as well. Reunions in the coming weeks will be opportunities to rebuild relationships of the past. A relationship changing course or a loved one making an important change will call for a few adjustments on your part.
SAGITTARIUS. Discussions with a distant colleague, friend or relative will draw you more into each other’s lives The New Moon in Virgo here points to an ambitious personal or professional project; analysing it from different angles will help you see its full potential and how best to tackle any challenges ahead. A friendship you value or would like to foster will grow in the coming weeks. With a health pursuit or unusual task, you’ll change some of your ways or explore new ideas.
CAPRICORN. A financial discussion will explain a matter or options you’re keen to understand. Here is the New Moon in Virgo: travel plans or plans with a distant relative will gather momentum; attention to details will avoid hassles further down the track. Liaising with talented or charming personal or professional contacts in the coming weeks will be a joy; Singles, romantic vibes could blossom in the workplace. Exploring different aspects of an interest you feel passionately about will bring a feast of new experiences.
AQUARIUS. Sharing exchanges with a loved one will help you to understand where they’re coming from, you may also be able to help or guide them. The New Moon in Virgo indicates a financial undertaking or matter will need thorough research; there’ll be documents or important paperwork to work through thoroughly. A warmer connection with a distant relative in the coming weeks will make you feel closer emotionally. A domestic or family project may change course, or there’ll be an unusual domestic situation to play by ear.
PISCES. A work discussion will encourage a positive exchange of helpful information and advice. The New Moon in Virgo may launch a new chapter in a relationship – big plans with a loved one, or shared plans with your partner or a relative, will surge ahead; establishing clear roles, tasks or boundaries will help you pull together and achieve your goals. Splurging on gifts for loved ones or special occasions in the coming weeks will come from the heart. A personal plan, that’s been on the drawing board for a while, will need a bold new approach to get it up and running.