(Please click on your Zodiac Sign below, for your exciting news for the year ahead.)
For those of you interested in what’s happening in the Zodiac this year – all the major planets will change their sign position!
Starting with the giant, slow-moving, outer planets Neptune and Uranus (these represent new chapters and signify world trends as well as specific trends for us individually):
Neptune will be the first to make its move – it will move into Aries at the end of March; Neptune’s cycle (orbit around the Sun) is approx. 165 years; it hasn’t been in Aries since 1865! Neptune spends approx. 14 years in a Zodiac Sign and will leave Aries in 2039. I will post a special forecast for this long 14 years transit in March.
The planet Uranus will move into Gemini in July 2025; Uranus’s cycle (orbit around the Sun) is approx. 84 years; it hasn’t been in Gemini since 1949. The planet Uranus spends approx. 7 years in a Zodiac Sign, it will leave Gemini in 2033. I will post a special forecast for this 7 years transit in July.
I would like to mention at this point that Pluto, finally leaving Capricorn behind in Nov. 2024 and moving on with its cycle through Aquarius, is also part of this charge of reform and transformation; it will transit Aquarius until 2044. (I have already posted what this means for you individually and universal trends.)
Next come the planets Saturn and Jupiter:
Saturn’s cycle is approx. 29 ½ years; it spends approx. 2 ½ years in each Zodiac Sign. Saturn is currently transiting Pisces, it will move into Aries in May joining Neptune, and slip back into Pisces again later in the year. (I have incorporated both these energies into your 2025 forecast but will post additional information in a special Saturn in Aries forecast in May.)
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and opportunity. Jupiter’s cycle is approx. 12 years; Jupiter spends approx. a year in each Zodiac Sign. Jupiter is currently transiting Gemini and will move into Cancer in June; I have applied both these astrological trends to your forecast this year but will post additional information in a special Jupiter in Cancer forecast in June.
These are all major, different trends – the world is changing and these changing planetary energies reflect this.
2025 ARIES.
Ambitious personal and professional projects will overlap and stretch your resources in 2025; they’ll be exciting and challenging, there’ll be much to learn as you go and you’ll meet interesting, like-minded people through these. New training or helpful learning experiences will add to your knowledge and skills, and inspire new ideas and goals that motivate you to aim higher, stretch further and go for it! Also in 2025, travel, holidays or getaways will bring fun escapes and bursts of happy times.
Property endeavours, repairs or improvements will require a vigilant overview and a lot of work but you’ll be satisfying a growing desire to consolidate and have life under greater control. There may be an old problem, drawn-out matter or task to work through too, and you’ll go the extra mile to do this. A health matter or a diet or fitness programme will take disciplined follow through.
This is a fortuitous year for buying, selling or renovating – a move, new household acquisitions or home situation will add to your happiness and home comforts. It will also be a big year with your family – a special family event, a new member of the family, big family commitments and exciting plans with family members will add new dimensions to family life. There may be good fortune, a special success or a financial gain for a family member as well. You’ll welcome a friend or relative from afar; it will be an opportunity to build or rebuild your relationship. Planning for the future financially will require thoughtful steps; clarifying your priorities will determine your most advantageous course of action!
Mantra: Wonderful possibilities unfold before my eyes; I embrace life and its amazing opportunities whole-heartedly!
2025 TAURUS.
There’ll be a lot happening financially this year: you’ll forge ahead with a big financial undertaking, or plans you’ve been trying to get off the ground, there’ll also be expensive plans to cost and some large purchases or outlays to evaluate; action with a with complex financial issue, tax, super or insurance will move this forward too. Valuable new possessions will be a joy and add extra touches of luxury to your life. A generous gift or offer from another could make a big difference as well.
You’ll work at a favourite interest or activity this year and become even more committed to it, going back to a favourite place will be a joy and keeping a promise or commitment to another will be a big task but it will mean the world to you both. Bringing plans with a distant relative or friend to fruition will take pro-active efforts and patience. Helping or supporting a relative or an old friend will be a task you take seriously. A new or growing responsibility, or a long-term commitment, may be restrictive and tie you down; it will be an exercise in perseverance but there’ll be most rewarding results for your labours.
Short trips or holidays will be fun adventures, or you’ll splurge on getaways or ng further afield for fun get-togethers and occasions. Your relationship with a relative or friend you would like to see more frequently will grow as circumstances, or your efforts to engage, bring happy shared times. You will apply yourself to polish a skill, gain knowledge or extend your abilities; the more you learn, the more motivated you’ll become and the more possibilities you’ll see! A new personal or financial project will fire your imagination; you’ll make some valuable discoveries as you explore this, and they’ll inspire ambitious ideas!
Mantra: I make the most of every day; my life is rich with joy, love and wonderful opportunities!
A new pathway has been unfolding and now it will be full steam ahead – you’ll explore new personal horizons, enjoy greater freedom and do things your way. There may also be a financial score or positive action with a financial issue that’s been ongoing for a while. Travel or holiday plans could blossom, exciting plans with your partner will introduce a new chapter in your relationship, and Singles, a new love will grow!
You’ll push hard at times, to achieve hard won professional, financial and/or property goals: you’ll work hard, juggle funds carefully and keep on, keeping on, and well-earned successes should crown your efforts! You will also make time for fun activities or holidays, special things you have wanted to do or places you’ve wanted to go for a long time; these plans may be on the expensive side, but thoughtful budgeting and organisation will help you bring them to fruition. There may be a changing friendship circle, some connections could fade while others will strengthen, also some friendships will shift onto different footings; you will make a special effort with some friends as well, to adjust to changes in their lives and to catch up with old and dear friends; a strong true friendship will stand out.
You’ll go up in the world this year with new financial prospects emerging – a new job, investment opportunity, new clients or business deals will offer new ways to earn money or to make more money; alternatively, a financial partnership or shared venture with your mate or a family member will hold lucrative potential. A generous gift or loan from another, or helpful new financial arrangement, will make a big difference; you in turn will give generously to those you love - it will be a joy and come from the heart. You’ll also gain some special new possessions and splurge on some fun outings and activities that make beautiful memories!
Mantra: I give of my best and life gives of its best to me – joy, love and success in abundance!
A grand domestic undertaking will move forward in 2025 – there’ll be a myriad bits and pieces to sort out as you go, and sometimes it may not move fast enough for you, but at other times it will surge ahead on a wave of momentum! A big family project or big family commitments will ask a lot of you; be prepared to go the extra mile to support loved ones and to work with a changing domestic or family situation. Completing some unfinished personal or financial business and keeping a promise that goes way back will be big tasks as well.
A contract or legal matter will require patient follow through; dotting every ‘I’ with some complex details will serve you. Good organisation with travel plans or when you’re travelling extra distances will smooth the way; special plans with a distant friend or relative could turn into a big undertaking. A long-distance relationship, or relations with an in-law, will require consistent supportive efforts. You’ll make an increasing effort with a loved one as well, to help them and be there for them, with a tendency to put their needs above your own; Singles, you could work at finding and nurturing a new involvement. A change of job, job conditions or colleagues may lead to increasing responsibilities abut you’ll build your reputation.
A financial score, raise or bonus will bring a significant financial improvement this year and give you more money to play with, while pleasing progress with a financial project or important issue will be uplifting and take a weight off your mind. There’ll be new dimensions to your world – a new interest, activity or undertaking will bring new people into your life and a feast of fun new experiences. There could be lucky breaks as well – special personal opportunities and on the job, you’ll be the right person, in the right place, when an exciting door opens. A health pursuit or matter will turn a positive new corner as well.
Mantra: Blessings flow to me from all directions – my life keeps getting better and better!
2025 LEO
You’ll meet a lot of new people in 2025 and pour energy into cultivating friendships and contacts, especially people who share a common interest. You’ll also do fun things – activities you love and going to special places you love, you’ll make a special new friend and Singles, if you’re looking for love, this could be a lucky year! There’ll be happy times aplenty!
You’ll need to allocate funds carefully this year and budget forward to keep on top of payments and manage your financial commitments; also financially, there’ll be important decisions and complex paperwork or regulations with some big transactions and undertakings, to work through thoroughly. You may end or restructure a financial arrangement or loan too. On a different tack, there’ll be much to organise with a trip or holiday, and a few adjustments as you move into a new work environment and find your way.
Special family plans and commitments will be opportunities to foster relations with those nearest and dearest, in particular with situations or relationships you’re keen to improve. The chance to clear up some unfinished financial business or resolve a drawn-out issue will be welcome; it’ll take time but it will be a relief! Planning long-term financially will be a main focus – investigating different options and financial steps available to you will point the way. Also, putting in a lot of effort behind-the-scenes, to fix problems and build the foundations of a long-term project or goal will help things to unfold smoothly. Domestic tasks and undertakings may be expensive but the results will be a joy.
Mantra: I celebrate the wonder and joy of life and my life; all good things come to me!
2025 VIRGO
You’ll need to pull out all stops, to make the most of a career opening or business growth– this may be a new job where you’re trying to make your mark, a special opportunity on the job, a growing clientele or demanding conditions that test your flexibility, versatility and shine a light on your abilities. There may also be some big tasks ahead with family commitments and domestic undertakings; a clear plan of action will be essential to organise these effectively, they’ll require energetic personal involvement as well.
You’ll prioritise plans and commitments with your partner and family this year, working around their needs, obligations, goals and desires, and putting a lot of effort into helping their plans flow smoothly; there’ll be personal sacrifices and compromises along the way but all in the cause of loving support and giving of your best. Whilst you may be emotionally engaged in their issues and commitments, on very practical everyday levels, you’ll also be doing a lot. Financially, you could take on a new commitment, investment or venture that requires a long view. Singles, a secure and long-lasting romantic involvement could unfold.
The way will open for a special hope or dream to come true this year: you’ll have such a big emotional investment in this, its realisation will be a joy for the heart! Some pressures may ease later in the year, or you’ll make space for more fun, holidays and time for favourite pursuits. A friend or colleague will be a valuable help, support or mentor, an exciting opportunity will come through an influential associate, you could also make some important new friends and contacts.
Mantra: I am grateful for all that’s good in my life and everyday, in every way, more and more good comes to me!
2025 LIBRA
Short trips or commuting extra distances will push the pace this year but you’ll have fun, discover places that you didn’t know about and meet people who wouldn’t normally cross your path. You’ll also make special plans with distant relatives, friends and associates, you don’t see often because they’re too far away; there’ll be fun, informative catch ups when you re-engage in each other’s lives. New learning is featured; experiential learning or study will expand your knowledge, skills and enthusiasm for subjects that interest you. If you have a contract or legal matter you’re dealing with, there should be pleasing positive action.
A change of job, or changes on the job, could bring extra or different duties; alternatively, the opportunity for overtime or a promotion will involve a heavier load. You’ll take on big tasks with your home, projects that are a lot of work, family duties that ask a lot of you and a big undertaking with your partner that calls for a united approach. You’ll work towards a diet, fitness or health goal, or take on extra responsibilities to help someone else with their health issues. An important change or event for your partner may restructure some of your routines and require practical adjustments and support on your part.
As this year unfolds, an exciting opportunity in your career will open the way to advance, achieve or increase your income; alternatively, expanding clientele or sales will boost your business and prove very profitable. A financial undertaking or goal will be an ambitious enterprise, it’ll mean biting off a lot to chew; an ambitious personal endeavour will go ahead in leaps and bounds too!
Mantra: Life is opening up for me; I learn, I grow and I am guided to my highest joy and good!
There’ll be a strong financial accent this year – you’ll earn more or there’ll be a pleasing financial gain, you may proceed with a big financial venture or take some big, bold steps financially; there’ll be tax, super, insurance or complex financial issues and paperwork to sort out and you’ll do some wheeling and dealing with special purchases and outlays. You may even restructure financially, to get ahead.
Commitments with your children or grandchildren will be solid and demanding but it’ll be a joy to see them grow and flourish; commitments with other loved ones will sometimes dominate your schedule too. The work involved with a creative or personal project, or an interest you’ve been engaged with for some time, will escalate; this will be a ‘hands on’ learning experience but you’ll also be guided by the knowledge and experience of people whose talents and achievements you admire. Changes on the job could put extra responsibilities onto your shoulders, or you could take on more with ambitious new commitments that require self-motivated efforts, initiative and enterprise.
You’ll spread your wings this year: financially, you’ll explore new opportunities, or a financial undertaking will bring valuable discoveries as it teaches you about financial practices and opens your eyes to new possibilities. A holiday or short trip will be a fun highlight, a long-distance connection or opportunity will grow. The way will open to learn more about a subject or area of endeavour that really interests you too; special training will polish and extend your skills. There should be favourable developments with a legal matter or contract as well.
Mantra: I choose joy, I choose love, and life’s richest gifts and experiences flow to me!
Special family events, a special project with your partner or a family member, along with ongoing tasks and commitments with loved ones will keep you very busy; you’ll give a lot of time, energy and love to those around you, working hard to help those nearest and dearest and ‘be there’ for them; some relationships will take a lot of effort too. Financially too, you’ll give generously to your loved ones, while pinning down the details of a shared, financial situation or expensive plans with your partner or a family member will prevent problems further down the track. Singles, a new love will light up your life!
Planning for greater security and stability in the future, and certain things you want to do or include in your life, will blend practicalities and dreams; to make your best decisions, you’ll need to do your research, investigate your options, then take the necessary steps to set you on track to your goals. Financially, there may be a large outlay on something you really want to do or buy, but in other ways you could cut back your spending, seek out the best value for your dollars and be keen to build a stronger financial base.
There may be a substantial financial gain this year or rewarding advances with an important financial or business matter. You could take a major step with a new financial enterprise, or reorganising your finances and sorting out a better financial arrangement will improve your financial position. Spiritually and emotionally, reflective, soul-searching periods will bring flashes of insight, revelations and understanding, that answer some profound questions and bring valuable personal growth.
Mantra: A new vision lights my way: I create the life that I love with more and more joy, meaning and abundance.
A growing job will be a chance to prove your talents in new ways - it may push up the stress levels but increase your earnings; alternatively, opportunities to boost your income with overtime or a sideline will be profitable. You’ll also pour energy into health, diet or fitness goals, spend extra money on your health pursuits and go out of your way to help another with their health endeavours.
It will take thoughtful efforts to get to know some associates or casual friends better but will be enlightening and worthwhile - you could share more points in common than you initially thought! Following through with study or an undertaking that’s a challenging learning experience will expand your knowledge, skills and add to your confidence. A big task on the home front will be hard work - whether it’s landscaping, repairs or a building project, you will drive and manage it; this could be a slow work in progress but most rewarding in the long run.
There’ll be special joys in relationships this year: someone you go back with a long way will come back into your life, a new chapter will begin with someone you’ve known a long time; Singles, an old or slow-burning flame could heat up, or the desire to meet someone special could be fulfilled. An important opportunity for a loved one, that opens a new door for them, will be a joy for you too, big plans with your mate or a family member will gather momentum. Gifts to and from loved ones will make caring statements that have a meaningful ripple effect.
Mantra: I treasure life’s jewels of joy and love, and life gifts them to me freely and generously.
There’ll be a lot of love in your life this year – a new baby or grandchild, or more engagement and joy with a child or grandchild, you may welcome someone new into your family, a new pet could add to your happiness and Singles, a new romance could whisk you into a happy whirl. Also, there’ll be special commitments with your children or grandchildren, that are important and meaningful for them and for you, and a special opportunity or triumph for a child. For other Aquarians, a passionate personal interest or creative pursuit will be an absorbing challenge; people who share this common interest will feel like kindred spirits. Holidays, fun outings and experiences, a busier social life and growing social circle will be fun features of 2025 as well.
Property outlays, to finish off a project or complete a vision but also to fix problems and tidy loose ends, will be satisfying; there may be more to them and they may cost more than you initially thought, but each achievement will feel good. There’ll be action with a drawn-out financial matter; it’ll be a relief to get this settled. Returning to a place that you have a past connection to will bring memories to life. Reconnecting with a relative or old friend too far away will be a joy but it’ll take a big effort.
A new job or advantageous developments on the job will open the way to advance, achieve and to earn more, there may also be opportunities to tackle exciting new projects; a colleague may become a good friend too. A fun activity may prove quite a challenge but you’ll throw yourself into it with gusto! With a health, diet or fitness endeavour, there’ll be important steps forward; alternatively, a health problem could improve.
Mantra: I live life with an open heart; I dream big and magic happens!
There’ll be full-on action in the home quarter this year – you could move, renovate or undertake big domestic or landscaping tasks, big commitments with family members will push the pace too; lots happening in the lives of family members will involve you and you’ll spend freely on your home and family. Furthermore, in important personal and financial ways, you’ll be preparing for the future – this could involve setting up a savings or super arrangement, making decisions and plans that set your long-term course, or considering the long view with your career and personal goals.
Shifting personal responsibilities this year may restructure your schedule: a commitment may be finishing or diminishing but there’ll still be plans or goals, things you want to do and achieve, that you’ve been working towards for a while that require focused follow through. Managing the cost of special things that you want to buy or do will require a disciplined, practical handling of your budget; you will need ‘to cut your cloak, to suit your cloth’. Financially, you may feel a little restricted occasionally, but careful research and planning will help you stretch your dollars as far as they can go.
Joy with or for your children this year will light up 2025: if a relationship has been tense or estranged, it could turn a positive new corner, a special achievement for a child or grandchild will be a highlight for you too, there may also be special happy times to share. On the job, an opportunity or situation that shines a light on your abilities will raise your professional profile. Exciting plans and goals with a creative endeavour or an interest you are emotionally engaged in, will be an absorbing challenge and your vision will grow. A more active social life will bring stimulating encounters and occasions that add fun light-hearted interludes to the year ahead.
Mantra: I pour love and joy into all that I do and life gives them back in wonderful ways!